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Stans pov
Dinner was amazing. We had went to this fancy ass restaurant and ordered what we wanted. I ordered Japanese Kobe beef and pink vodka lemonade cocktail. And the blonde one payed for it. Mabye she's not so bad. It was so fun. We got the special treatment and everything.
We ate all our food and we're on our way back to the bus. We got onto the bus and every body is chilling. Wendy is trying to be flirt and get me back. Well not this time. I'm not falling for that trick again.
Kyle and I were talking when the plump girl came to us. "Yo yo yo-" she said before falling down "fuckin cheap ass ladder " and she got up. "The carnival is in town, how about we go over there and have fun" she says.
We all nodded in agreement. Can this day get any better. We arrived at the carnival.
The goth girl tried getting out first but the plump girl yelled "MOVE BITCH" and pushed her out of the way and she went first. "FUCKIN FAT CONFORMIST" the goth girl yelled and ran after her. "Nova" Kyle yelled out at her, and she turned her head to face him, "just make sure you don't kill her" he said and she nods.
Kyle grabbed my hand and I blushed red. "Come on let's go" he said.
Kenny pov
  I look at Kyle and Stan. It's obvious they like each other but are too much of a pussy to tell the other. I nudge cartman "ey I bet 30 bucks there gay for each other" I said. He looked over at them and looked back at me and said "your on Kenny".

Kyle pov
Stan has been acting different. He's been so flustered and looked like he was about to puke Well he did have pink vodka lemonade cocktail that might be the reason.
Stan pov (again)
I've been trying to not puke all over him. I only puke out of nowhere because I like some one and I don't want to disgust Kyle.
Time skip
We've been on almost all the rides now. We skipped the kiddy rides and I was going to ask him if he wanted to go on the tunnel of love, but I didn't want to make it awkward. We are supposed to meet the others in about an hour so we could go on one more ride and play one more game.
We went on the Ferris wheel. Since it was the only ride we haven't been on and it has the shortest waiting time. We got on the ride and it was fine till we got at the tipy top and Kyle made the unfortunate mistake of looking down.
   He looked very scared and hugged me, holding on for dear life as if we were going to fall. I blushed bright red and my heart started pounding.
    I just sat there stiff as a board because I didn't know what to do. And then I felt it come up. I held it in, but this time Kyle noticed it. "Are you about to puke?" He asked.
     "Yeah must of been the corn dogs and the twirling rides" I said hoping he would buy it. He looked down we were more closer to the ground now and saw cartman and heidi. "Hey can you puke on cartman" he said.
    I looked down and saw cartman and heidi, and I tried puking, at first It wasn't coming out, then I thought of Kyle and started puking all over cartman.
    "Ah GROSS" he yelled. Kyle was laughing and I was trying to hold in my puke, his laugh was so cute.
    Soon the ride was over and we started booking it away because cartman was behind us "you assholes I'm gonna kill you" he yelled. "Run, run" Kyle said still laughing. Soon we lost cartman.
     We started to walk now. "Did you see his face" Kyle said laughing "priceless". I was laughing as well. "Ooo" Kyle said and started running towards a game. I followed him and there was a bunch of prizes.
    One of them apparently caught Kyles eye, a giant stuffed dolphin. It was 3 dollars to play. I grabbed the remaining of my money, which was 6 dollars, and gave it to the guy. It was a knock the cans down get a prize kinda game
     First time I lost
     Second time I lost
      Third time I lost
     Fourth time I lost
      Fifth time I lost
   With all my strength I threw the last ball and had knocked it over. The guy looked pissed and gave me the giant stuffed dolphin and which I gave Kyle. "Thanks dude" he said very happy. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time.
     I checked my phone and it was 11:45. Fuck. I wanted to spend time with him alone just for a while longer.
    "Well I guess we gotta go back" I said. "Awww" Kyle said disappointed. We walk back to the bus and almost everyone's there. We're just waiting on two girls. I decided to go on the top bus while Kyle waited outside for the other girls.
Kenny pov
   I saw what happened with Stan and Kyle. The hugs, stand flusters faced, and him getting Kyle the stuffed dolphin.
    Now this gestures might be classified as being good friends, but when you see them threw my eyes you can tell they like each other and want to be something more.
   No one hugs there friend like that, Whenever I saw Stan he was always flustered and looked like he was going to puke.
   Me and butters got back from our spy mission date. And every one else was on the first floor or outside. Me and Stan were on the second floor.
       "So how was your date with Kyle" I asked. He got flustered and said "it-it wasn't a date". "But I bet you wanted it to be" I said he put his head down and then nodded.
    "I dont know what to do" he said "with Wendy I was always straight forward and she knew how I felt, but with Kyle I get so flustered that I just stiff up". "In which part of your body?" I ask.
        "KENNY! This is serious" he said. "Oh come on how could have pass that one up" I said "but in all seriousness, just take a leap of faith". "But what if he starts hating me" he said.
     "Dude Kyle could never hate you, at most he won't talk to ya for about a week" I said. Stan smiled, "thanks Kenny" he said. "No problem dude" I said.

Hey bitches I'm back. So the reason I was gone was because I was working on my other story and then I'm trying to update my comic, and Monday was my bff birthday so I made her a lovely birthday video, I watch around 5 kids so I had to take of them. So yeah pretty busy. But I promise I'll try and update.

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