Heavans little devils 2

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   Stan pov
    I had went back to the party place. It looked different it was all torn up and a small part of it was on fire. I walk around till I finds  my friends. They are all groggy because of there hangovers. I looked at Wendy "hey can we go on a break" I say. "Oh yeah, probably better for us since last night" she said. And I look at Kenny.
   "Dude wear were you" Kenny asked. "Oh I needed to get some air you know we're it didn't smell like cigarettes" i said. "Don't lie i saw what happened"he said. "We're did you sleep?" He asked. "Oh i found Kyle and he let me stay with him at one of his friends house" I said.
"Wait you found Kyle!? We're was he all week?" Kenny asked. "Staying with a friend of his" I say. "Who" he asks. "I dont know" I say "all I know is that there fucking loaded, They live in a mason for Christ's sake". Butters was on the phone and had just ended his call. "I talked to token and he said that the others want to hang out, hey how about we hang out with Kyle" he says " I mean he wouldn't mind?"
    "Um yeah" I say and we all go to my van and we start driving back to South Park.
Time skip
We got the rest of the gang( token, Clyde, Craig, tweek, and Bebe) and it took us longer to get there cause Clyde had to go every 30 minutes. And Kenny sorta forgot the way, but here we are at the mason I was at.
   I go to the door and knocked on it. A dark skin woman I presume in her late 20s early 30s opens the door. "Hello, ñames Ramona, can i help you" she says. I noticed one hand was behind her back. "Oh um is Kyle here?" I ask. Her eyes widened. " Kyle broflivski?" She asks. I nod my head. "Um can I have your name please" she ask. "Oh um Stan marsh" I say.
   "And who are those people" she asks. "Oh Kenny McCormick, Eric cartman, butters Scotch, token black, Clyde Donovan, Bebe Stevens, Craig tucker, tweek tweak, Wendy testaburger, and heidi turner" I say. "OH!" She says and turns her back to yell, "NOT A THREAT GUNS DOWN".
   She giggles "oh I'm sorry we just never seen you around here before" she says "you said you were here for Kyle, right?". I nod and she lets us in and leads us to her living room. "He's not here right now, can I offer you something to drink?" She asks. "Uh water would be fine" I say. We all sat in silence as we waited for her to come back.
   She comes back with a few glasses of water and gives us some water. "So where is Kyle" I ask. "Oh he's out with some of his dumbass friends". Who is his other friends? "Uh question how do you know are name?" Token asks. "Oh Kyle talks about you guys" she says. "What did he say about us" Kenny says, curious, I wanted to know what he said about me. "I'll make it short" she says. Pointed at token "smart, athletic and rich". She then points at Clyde, "cool crybaby taco lover". She points at tweek "parinoid gay who has a coffee addiction". She points at Craig. "Emotionless gay". She points at butters, "sweet and naive". She points at Kenny "man whore but with a heart of gold". She points at me "a sweet idiot jock". We all nod in a agreement.
     Man Kyle can be brutally honest. "Ey what about me" cartman says. "Oh your name is cartman right?" She ask. He nods. "Oh the fatter version of Satan" she says. Cartman got all mad. "I'll kill him" he yells.
  BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! We heard gun shots.
Ramona got up and looks out the window. "The fuck" she says.
   She goes outside and we, the curious fuckers that we are ,followed her. We saw a school bus? Just then the doors open and this plump dark skin girl opens the door and pukes on the ground. She stops puking and yells "FUCKING WORTH IT" and starts puking again.
    A light skin, skinny girl comes out and she looks at the plump girl and says "the fuck! Again?". And goes to help her. Then a girl with short hair came out. She looks at the plump girl and takes out her phone and takes a picture and says "that's disgusting".
   Then we see a girl with her hair half shaved and she has the hour glass figure. She looks at the plump girl. "Oh fuck, what did we tell you, this is what you get for not listening to us and goes to join the girl with short hair.  
    Then I saw the girl that Kyle was talking to, the same light skin blonde. I think her name was melissa come out the bus. (Her outfit ⬇️⬇️⬇️)

     She looks at the plump girl and says "Jesus Christ, I just bought you that dress don't fuck it up already" and goes to help her

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     She looks at the plump girl and says "Jesus Christ, I just bought you that dress don't fuck it up already" and goes to help her.
   Then Ike came out with frikle? I wonder why he was hanging out with Ike ain't he jock. And why was he on Ike's arm.
   And finally Kyle came out, but i didn't realize it at first, (his outfit ⬇️⬇️⬇️)

    And finally Kyle came out, but i didn't realize it at first, (his outfit ⬇️⬇️⬇️)

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   He looked a little femmine. And just looks at them and facepalms, "really Liz?".
     "Hey Kyle" Kenny yells. He turns back and looks at us and says "hey, how'd you..." then he looks at me "never mind". He looks at Romana "hey ramona consigue ese patético idiota al que llamas marido y vamos"he says. "He is not, Puede que sea un hombre arrodillado en público, pero es agresivo en la cama" she says "oh, deberías verlo, sus brazos de serpiente alrededor de tu cuerpo, sus labios en tu cuello y su polla gigante y jugosa".
   "OKAY! That's enough." He says. She laughs and goes into the house. "Hey you guys wanna come with us we're going to dinner, we just needed to pick up Romana and few other people and make a stop" he says. We all nod and get on the double decker bus. The first floor, was a kitchen, living room and has 15 beds.
We go to the top and it's a bar lounge with two strippers poles a bar a tv.
   Oh shit. We were all in amazed. Kenny goes over to the poles and starts pole dancing. Butters start pouring money on him. And Clyde, Craig, token, and tweek have there phones out recording him. "I wanna how you how to do this" I said. "Well you cant be surprised, I mean this is Kenny, what do you expect" I heard a voice behind me it was Kyle.
     "You guys like it" he asks . "Hell yes" we all yell. "Who owns this party bus anyway" token asks. "Oh my friend melissa" he says. 
   Firkle and Ike came up here and It's pretty obvious now that there dating. "awww vous et petit copain de baise regardez mignon ensemble" (awww you and your fuck buddy look so cute together) Kyle says.
   "va te faire foutre kyle, tu es juste jaloux j'ai quelqu'un et toi non" ( Ike says angry. "je ne suis pas jaloux de toi, franchement il vaut mieux être célibataire je veux dire que je peux baiser n'importe quel mec que je veux sans avoir d'autre souci que d'avoir un préservatif ou pas" ( "I'm not jealous of you, frankly it's better to be single I mean I can fuck any guy I want without having any other concern than having a condom or not)
Kyle says. "Your disgusting" he says. Kyle laughs.
    Soon we were off to dinner I sat down with Kyle and I kept joking around with him. I saw his cute smile, and heard his cute laugh. And honestly his outfit was cute. He looked like the cutest thing in the world.
I take a long study at him. His lips so kissable, his small, thin body, his sweet thick ass...
What am I saying, he's my super best friend, even if I might like him that way doesn't mean he likes me that way. Being friends is all I need right now.

Hola! If you don't understand of any of the other languages then please look it up when he's talking to Romana he's speaking Spanish. he's speaking French with Ike.
And if you don't get this chapter.
The plot is he went back to party place went to pick up friends came back had a small introduction to Liz, nova, scarlet and hinita and a bit of fike.

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