Chapter 8 - Suprise.

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Niall's POV

"Oh babe forget the past get dressed we are going out me you and the boys!" I smiled and kissed her lips her lips were moist from her tears. I then wiped them away and grabbed some things to wear for our night out and left her to get dressed. "Be ready by seven babe!" I shouted to her from the bathroom "Will Be!" She answered back. "Nialler where are you mate?" The boys shouted from the corridor. "Bathroom lads why?" They came rushing in "Niall it 6:35pm we need to be there for 7pm!" Zayn said out of breath. "Well I'm getting ready now so is Mel-Rose. Don't spoil anything for or to her! Clear? And go get ready then NOW!" I said calmly they nodded their heads and ran off again.

Mel-Rose's POV

I got off the bed and changed completely I had a quick 2 minuet shower and then dried and straightened my hair applied a suitable amount of make-up and put on some black panties and a black silky bra. Then I slipped on my dress then my heels I looked amazing. I got one of my new bags put my purse and phone in it because it was only a small/medium clutch bag. It was black and satin. When I was ready it was 6:50pm Niall was standing at our bedroom door whistling at me and I blushed and smiled he smiled back I looked at his braced up adorable smile and went over and kissed him. When we parted Niall grabbed my hand and lead me to a limo. I climbed in and I attempted to sit next to Zayn but Niall beat me to it and pulled me onto his lap. We arrived at a restraunt at 7pm and he  took me off his lap and grabbed my had and we walked out the car hand in hand and went inside and we had our own floor and there was a huge family and friends and famous people party "SUPIRSE!" They all laughed so did I "Thanks guys but what is all this for?"  I Looked at Niall "Its cause you got the job!" I smiled and we kissed. Everyone was cheering and mingling then we all ordered food and ate etc. Then came over Perrie Eleanor and Danielle we all laughed, talked , sang and danced about to the guys new album and other famous peoples albums! I got everyone's number then at about 1:30 am Niall, the boys , Perrie , Eleanor , Danielle and I all went back to the house and we all slept. The plan was the girls were going to stay with us for 2Weeks.Me and Niall had goodnight kisses and I fell asleep to our legs intertwined, his arm around my wait, his other arm stretched onto my pillow and under my head and his head on my upper arm/shoulder.

Thanks For Embarresment  Louis Tomilson.(One direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now