Chapter 9 - The Embarressment. Pt1

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Niall's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of scrambled eggs and toast. I got up and threw a pair of sweats on and didn't bother finding a shirt. I walked into the kitchen Harry was cooking what i smelt yup scrambled eggs and toast. I saw the others sat at the huge kitchen table Danielle was next to Liam who was next to Louis who was next to Eleanor who was next to Perrie who was sat next to Zayn and two empty seats then was Mel I sat next to her and kissed her soft lips. "Good morning!" she said in between kisses. I groaned I just wanted to kiss her forever. Harry finished cooking then served it up. I ate mine slowly this morning because I would then have a brilliant time sat next to my fiancé. I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek as she got up and put her dishes in the dishwasher.

Mel's POV

Niall was in a strange mood this morning he was eating rather slow. I was worried I got up and placed my dishes inside the dishwasher as I got up I kissed his warm cheek. I walked out of the room I went and grabbed a body and a hair towel and put them on the stand next to the shower. Then I turned on the shower and let the warm water rush onto my body. Then I decided and washed my hair with my new coconut smelling shampoo and conditioner and washed my body with my also new rose and lavender shower gel and got out after a 10 minuet shower. I got out and wrapped the towels around my body and hair. I brushed my teeth and  took off yesterdays make-up. I walked into our room and found Niall sat on our bed smiling at me with his beautiful brace-up teeth. I walked to my set of drawers and pulled out a bra , panties, a tight black vest top, black over blouse , some dark green skinny jeans and then walked over to my closet and pulled out some black heels but not the one's Liam got me! They were 6inch and black with a little black bow on the front. I pushed Niall into the bathroom to have a shower. "Babe shower NOW!" I said hesitating towards the shower. He nodded and grabbed my waist and pulled me close and he kissed my lips. His tounge was pressed up against my bottom lip so I let it enter my mouth and we were standing there for 5 mins then I pulled away, smiled and pointed towards the shower. I got dressed I thought I looked ugly so I went to the bathroom Niall was still in the shower and he could tell by the way I looked at myself in the mirror that I hated the way I looked so he sang to me 'Bruno Mars - Just the way you are." whilst he was singing I applied some foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow , mascara and a pale pink lip gloss. "when I see your face , there is not a thing that I would change, cos your amazing just the way you are, and when you smile the whole world stops an stares for a while cos girl your amazing just the way you are, yeah - yeah. Her lips her lips I would kiss them all day if she let me. her laugh her laugh she hates but I think its so sexy. She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday. Oh you know you know you know id never ask you to change but if perfects what your looking for then just stay the don't even bother asking if u look okay you'll know I'll say..." He carried on singing and when he had finished and got out of the shower I was our room and was cleaning up. I had put all the rubbish into a bin bag and put our clothes into the wash bin. I took them downstairs whilst Niall got ready. I told him to dress as casual cos this is my casual shopping wear normally. We had to run a few errands today, the girls had work/ university, I had 4 more weeks off and Harry and Louis were watching a new film called 'Flight" I didn't question that. Liam  was going to see his friend Mike who worked in Dublin and So Zayn came with me and Niall. I grabbed my bank cards put them in my purse grabbed my purse, sunnies , Marc Jacobs handbag and phone and put them in my bag I shouted for Zayn and Niall , I grabbed my keys and Niall sat in the front seat and Zayn in the back. We shortly arrived at Tesco's. Zayn texted security and they got us in safe but we had to at least have some pictures with fans. Zayn grabbed the biggest trollie there. We set off with the shopping list I had on my phone (my phone is a white Samsung galaxy s2) I opened the memo pad up and read the list:









Taco Kit (For Harry)

Crisps (For Niall and Liam)

Carrots (For Louis)

Hair products (For Zayn)

Dishwasher tablets.

Lenore and Vanish (for the laundry)

there was other things on our huge shopping list we got it all and I picked up some frozen pizza to put in the oven for the boys lunch. We went to the till and had a picture taken with the young girl serving us. "Hello I'm Niall, This is Zayn and my fiancé Melody-Rose." Niall said smiling. She didn't freak out. "Hey what's your name and ill follow you on twitter." I asked giving her a hug. "My name is Rachel but everyone call's me Rach. My twitter account is @Rachluvvs1Dxoxo." She replied in a quiet voice. I followed her on twitter and gave her my number. We paid for the shopping and put it in the trollie and walked back to the Landrover. We hauled the shopping into the boot and onto the other seats that weren't occupied by Zayn. We got in the car and drove home. On the way my favourite song came on. It was Part Of Me by Katy Perry. All the time it was on I sang alone cause I thought the boys were asleep so here was my chance. But when the song had finished there was clapping I saw the boys clapping. "Mel u can sing. Why didn't you tell us?" Zayn said shocked. My cheeks flushed pink "It's nice weather we are having isn't it!" I changed the subject the rest of the way home aka 5 mins was total silence apart from Niall singing quietly Little Things. The song they sang to me when he proposed. We got home I got my key out and ran to the door with one hand full of shopping bags and the other my keys and handbag. I got to the door as Zayn and Niall had the rest of the bags I locked the car and opened the front door. Oh GOD PLEASE NO...............................


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