Chapter 12

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Perhaps it was her finally coming clean about her feelings, or maybe it was Adrien confirming that she wasn't the only one falling inexplicably and hopelessly in love, but Marinette couldn't remember the last time she had slept so peacefully and woke up so late. The sun was already high above the horizon when she opened her eyes. Good thing it was Sunday: no school to rush to, and the bakery shouldn't be too busy as well.

Marinette stretched, eyeing the splint Maman had put on her yesterday. Needlessly spent money, but she appreciated the care anyway. She would also appreciate seeing the look on Adrien's face when she walked like nothing had happened to her ankle when he came to check up on her today. The dumbfounded look, the disbelief in his eyes. His jaw would go slack, and Marinette would not shy away from proclaiming with a smirk on her face "I told you so." This weird quirk of hers was proving to be useful once again.

Her phone chimed. Marinette reached for it, not surprised in the slightest to see multiple text messages from Alya. Adrien's name was a new and very welcome addition. She clicked on Alya's name first. Her hurt ankle wasn't a secret to Alya anymore, but it seemed she wasn't aware of how Marinette and Luka's conversation went.

Marinette: Sorry, I slept in. My foot is fine. Brand new, as always.

In true Alya fashion, she called right away. "Girl, you have to be more careful. I know you have this weird thing going on, but come on, you don't have to take my every word literally. I meant 'break your metaphorical foot', not an actual one."

Putting Alya on a speaker, Marinette got to taking off her splint. "So from now on, I shall ignore your advice?"

"From now on, you should be more careful and not ruin your dates with injuries."

"Got it." Marinette plopped in a chair in front of her desk, wiggling her toes. Her suffering didn't last long, but it was still nice to be pain-free. "What's up with you? Any plans for today?"

"Nino's taking me out, but don't you change the subject, M. How did your date go? I'm dying of curiosity."

"Nino's taking you out?"

"I said no subject changes until you spill the beans."

"But it's Nino, the man you are currently swooning over, and he's taking you out. How—"

"I'm not swooning over anyone," Alya hissed. "We're just hanging out. That's all."

"Second time this week? And every week since you two met. All alone without a chaperone. How scandalous."

"Listen! If you're going to accuse me, then I'm going to ask you how the heck did you go on a date with Luka and ended up with Adrien bringing you home?"

Someone knocked on the door, Sabine peeking in a moment later. "You up, sweetheart? How is your ankle?"

"Brand new, like always," Marinette replied, showing off her foot. She could hear Alya's huffs on the other side of the line, but she ignored it all the same. If Marinette wouldn't tease her best friend, then who would? "Sorry, Maman. I slept in."

"No worries," Sabine said, seemingly unaware of Alya's call. "We thought you could use some extra sleep after yesterday. How are you feeling otherwise?"

Oh, right. Maman had seen her red, swollen eyes and tear-stricken face last night. She had tried to probe what had caused Marinette's tears, but Marinette was too tired to explain, so she'd just brushed it off and claimed her injury was more painful than usual. Maman hadn't looked convinced, but let her be. Not for long, though, it seemed.

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