Chapter 13

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Marinette wasn't surprised in the slightest by the sight of her best friend standing by the bakery's door with her sleepover bag at her feet and her school backpack slung over her shoulder. That amused spark in Alya's eyes was also nothing out of the ordinary. Neither was the smirk on her face the moment her eyes travelled to Marinette and Adrien's linked hands.

"Well, now I understand why it's ten in the evening and I haven't been called yet," Alya crooned, her grin widening. "And before you say that I promised to wait until you called me first, may I point out that I'm not calling? I'm here for our monthly sleepover in person. Not over the phone."

Marinette barely suppressed a chuckle, a smile still making it to her lips. Of course Alya would be too impatient to wait. Especially when it came to Marinette's non-existent-up-to-this-point love life. But that didn't mean she'd let her off the hook easily. "Wasn't it supposed to be next week on Saturday? You know, the day we don't have school the next morning."

"Yes. Yes, it was. But I'll be busy next week," Alya came back without a hitch. "So, I'm here tonight, and I took my school stuff with me for tomorrow. Nothing to worry about."

"Except the amount of actual sleep we'll get?"

"I have no idea what you're insinuating, M. We always get enough sleep on our sleepovers."

"I feel like I'd better leave you two alone," Adrien whispered, leaning down to kiss Marinette's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." She lightly squeezed his hand before letting it go, mourning the loss of its warmth already.

"Bye, Adrien!" Alya waved and lost all interest in him the moment Adrien wished them good night and turned around to leave. To her credit, she did wait until he was some distance away before leaning closer to Marinette with a wide grin on her face. "You two looked awfully cozy together. May I congratulate you already?"

"Have you been waiting for long?" Marinette turned her attention to her purse, searching for her key. Her parents were long gone to bed. Otherwise, they would have let Alya in to wait for Marinette inside.

"Ten minutes or so, but I see what you're doing, M."

"Should I not be opening the door?"

"You shouldn't be avoiding my questions."

"And I won't. As soon as I'm in my pyjamas in my bedroom, with my teeth brushed. You know, the same time I would've been ready to call you."

Alya's lips curled into a pout. "Okay, fair... but just so you know, every minute you're stalling is a minute your best friend is suffering in agony."

"You'll survive. Your morbid curiosity will keep you alive."

"Touché." Alya chuckled. The moment they stepped inside and the door behind them closed, though, she grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her toward the stairs. "Let's go, M! I'm not getting any younger. Hurry up! Let's get you ready for bed."

Marinette laughed and ran up the stairs, Alya hot on her heels. They stopped in the kitchen to pick up snacks and water and headed up to Marinette's bedroom. It took them about fifteen minutes to get ready for bed, but once they finally crawled under their blankets, Alya flipped onto her stomach and grinned, "I've been a good and very patient friend, haven't I? Now, reward me. Spill the beans: are you two finally together?"

Marinette yawned and stretched her arms, bathing them in the moonlight seeping through the windows. Alya could wait a couple more minutes, someone had to teach her patience after all.

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