Chapter 16

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Warning: this chapter contains mentioning of blood and bodily harm. Nothing too gore or extreme but if you're uncomfortable with those, please, skip to part 3 of the chapter which starts with "Looking like he'd just gained ten years of his life back...". 

Thanks. Enjoy! 


Without Alya there to stop them, neither Adrien nor Marinette even considered staying in separate rooms. Instead, they quickly grabbed Marinette's bag and were snuggling on a couch an hour later, something Marinette desperately needed after all the stress of the "Lila incident."

She trusted Adrien. She really did. She might not know everything about him, but she knew him enough to know when he was fooling around or being serious. Tonight, Adrien had been deadly serious. And sincere. Come to think of it, he had yet to lie to her in the first place, so if Adrien said marrying Lila was nothing but his father's weird whim that he wasn't going to follow through with, Marinette believed him.

That didn't mean that the pesky nudge at the back of her mind had completely vanished and that she wasn't wondering what else he'd been hiding from her—what secrets he'd let her in on once they got back to Dupont. But it also didn't mean she would refuse his offer of a night-long cuddle session to reassure her of his feelings. His arms around her, his lips on her skin, her body pressed against his. Just the two of them and no cares in the world. No Lilas, no weird demands of his father, no one but her and her Kitty, loving each other unconditionally. That was all Marinette needed tonight. That was just a fraction of what Adrien was eager to provide.

Predictably, they overslept, waking up only after the sun was high above the horizon. By the time they got out of the hotel, under the cover of Adrien's cloaking devices, it was around noon. Once they'd visited the Eiffel Tower, the Trocadero, and explored a few exhibits at the Louvre, it was late in the evening. Neither even cared to check the clock when, exhausted but happy, they settled on a couch to watch a random movie before giving in for the night.

Adrien stretched across the couch, flopping on his belly as he rested his head in Marinette's lap and hugged her midsection, lazily yawning. Not even half an hour later, he was snoozing with the most carefree expression on his face.

Marinette couldn't help a smile. He must have been exhausted. She was tired herself, but maybe she could delay waking him up just for a little longer? He looked too peaceful and she wanted a little more time to play with his hair, gently running her fingers through the silky strands, watching him almost purr in his sleep at her touch. Sometimes he really did behave like a kitten. At least with her. And she absolutely would wake him up so they could move to the bed soon, but...

a few more minutes wouldn't...


she liked it like this...

she loved...

him trusting her...

being vulnerable with her...




just a few...



Marinette jumped up in her seat, her heart pounding in her ears. What was going on?

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Someone screamed on the screen as gunshots were fired by another character. Freaking movie!

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