Chapter 17

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New Year arrived with a bitter cold and fireworks exploding across the sky. That night was a quiet affair, the pack came around, and Derek held Stiles close to him when they stood in the nursery staring out of the window. It was finally January. In twenty nine days she would be here but from now till then she could arrive earlier or later than the due date. The worry wouldn't leave him despite Derek's constant reassurance nothing would happen to him or her ever.

Samuel was checking up on him daily and had called him in a week after New Year for a quick chat and an examination. Derek was an overprotective shadow when they got out of the car and held his hand tight when they walked over the door. Stiles rolled his eyes but allowed it to happen.

"Stiles, my boy!" Samuel said in greeting when they stepped in and he blinked at Deaton also standing there next to them.

"Hey, Samuel, and...Deaton? What are you doing here?"

"It's why I brought you in here today, Stiles," Samuel said with a kind smile gesturing at them to follow him into his office. Stiles could see Derek out of the corner of his eye looking at Deaton warily and a hand pressed into his lower back.

"I'm here to simply help," Deaton explained when they took their seats. "How are you coping?"

"I'm...okay, I guess, I mean my backs aches like a bitch, my ankles and feet hurt, she's always kicking me, and I want her out now."

"That's why I've asked for Deaton himself to help out with this one. I can do the procedure but of course everyone needs a little bit help. I can't ask a nurse because of your situation so Deaton was the only solution."

"You're here for the delivery," Stiles murmured meeting his eyes.

"Yes, I'd also recommend you weren't in the room," Deaton said turning to Derek who automatically snarled, his eyes flashing, and Stiles swallowed in reflex grabbing his hands. Deaton seemed unaffected simply staring at him till Derek somewhat calmed down.

"Why not?"

"Because Stiles is going to be cut open, I'm unsure how calm you will be in this type of circumstance. He's giving birth to your cub but he's also your mate and your wolf will not like the fact that despite it being surgical...Stiles will be hurt and bleeding."

"I can handle it," Derek snapped clinging to his hand.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be ripped apart when we're trying to remove the child in the safest way possible."

"I will be fine," he responded in a low voice glaring at him. "If you think I'm leaving him alone then you're stupider than I thought."

"Okay, this conversation is getting a little too weird. Derek is going to be there, you can't shut him out of this, and he'll be fine. Look this caesarean, it's safe, right? Like I'm not going to..." he said glancing at Derek and back at them saying the rest with his eyes.

"You will be perfectly safe, I am practised doctor and Deaton is here on assistance. He'll be here for the remainder of the month since you're now in your last month."

"What? What about the surgery?"

"That's been handled by someone I trust dearly, it'll survive without me."

Stiles nodded slowly looking away from Deaton's calm eyes and expression to see a more forced and stern expression on Derek's. Their hands were intertwined together tightly enough to hurt but he held him tight wanting to keep him in control. Stiles was told to keep in touch with both of them throughout the weeks and he guided Derek out when they walked out of the surgery.

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