On the Rails Again

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(A/N) Having a bad night at work, enjoy it early.

(Y/N) awoke after two hours of sleep; he had felt restless the entire two hours and barely got any sleep anyway. He looked over to Hermione and Ginny, and they both looked sound asleep. Regardless, he quickly removed his night clothes, put on casual Muggle clothing and sat outside on one of the logs around the unlit fire.

Arthur came out of the tent about twenty minutes later and looked ready to get out of there. He woke up the girls after having woken up the guys and afterwards, he packed up the tents with Magic. (Y/N) stood in front of his tent once more, "Don't worry, when I go back to work I'll show them the state of your tent and you'll get reimbursed for the destruction of it. Anyone that had their tent destroyed will."

(Y/N) nodded and they left the campsite quickly after that. Mr. Roberts, the Muggle and his family that were suspended by those Death Eaters, had a strange and dazed look about him. He waved them off with a vague, "Happy Christmas."

He had to have his memory modified so much that this was a minor side effect. They marched for the location of the Portkeys and found that there were many Witches and Wizards wanting away from there quickly.

Basil, the man who was the Keeper of the Portkeys, looked over at them, specifically at (Y/N). After a quick talk with Arthur, Basil got them a Portkey quickly and allowed them to get out of there well before the sun was set to rise. It was only after they used it that (Y/N) realized why. He was really beginning to hate his newfound fame, and he understood why Harry did as well with his own. The one thing he didn't understand was why his fame was so much more than Harry's, 'Is being the Last Living Descendant of Merlin more noteworthy than defeating Voldemort?'

They appeared back at Stoatshead Hill and began the march back to the Burrow. The way back was much easier, so Hermione didn't have to bother him for another piggyback ride. Although she was tempted to, just to be close to him.

As the Burrow came into view, a familiar cry rang out, "Oh thank goodness, thank goodness!" The voice of Molly Weasley was heard from well over fifty yards, and that was because she had begun hurrying over to them when they came into view. They still had at least Seventy more yards to walk towards the house. Molly was holding a rolled up copy of the Daily Prophet and (Y/N) could only assume it was about what happened last night, "Arthur, I've been so worried - so worried!" Molly flung her arms around her husband.

The Daily Prophet fell limply to the floor. Hermione read the headline: TERROR AT THE WORLD CUP; SAVED BY MERLIN'S DESCENDANT?, and it was complete with a shot of both (Y/N) with his wand aimed forward, firing a spell, 'Probably the Blasting Curse...' Hermione thought to herself, and a shot of the Dark Mark up in the sky. The one thing Hermione didn't understand was the question mark at the end of the headline.

"You're alright," she heard Molly say as she went around, giving every one of them a hug, especially Fred and George. "I shouted at you before you left!" She started sobbing as she hugged the Twins, "It's all I've been thinking about! What if they'd got you, and the last thing I'd ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L's? Oh Fred... George..."

"Come now, Molly, we are all perfectly okay... if it wasn't for (Y/N) stopping that group, it could've been so much worse," Arthur said, prising her off the Twins and leading her back toward the house, "the only ones that did get hurt was Bill and Percy, but their injuries are more or less healed up. Bill, can you hand me the newspaper? I want to see exactly what it says."

Bill picked it up and walked in behind his father, everyone else followed suit. They all piled into the kitchen, except for (Y/N); Hermione didn't see where he went. She'd follow him after she heard what the paper had to say. In the meantime, she made a strong cup of tea for Molly to help calm her a bit, throwing in a shot of Fire Whiskey upon Arthur's suggestion.

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