S.P.E.W.'s Mission

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It was soon enough entering the month of December, and with it came cold winds and sleet. This, of course, made Care of Magical Creatures barely tolerable from the powerful bites the winds always had this time of year. At least with Herbology they were in Greenhouses, but every class time for Care of Magical Creatures put them not too far away from the Beauxbatons Carriage as they weren't stationed that far from their Horses, and (Y/N) was sure that the Beauxbatons students were watching them every now and then whenever class was, just to see what goes on during it.

Hagrid had been taking great care of the Elephant-sized Horses, keeping them happy with their preferred drink of Single-Malt Whiskey; the fumes of it constantly wafted through the air towards the class, and (Y/N) thought that, while stifling, it was nothing unbearable. The rest of the class looked light-headed, which was not good considering they were looking after Blast-Ended Skrewts.

"I'm not sure whether they hibernate or not," Hagrid told his shivering class in the windy pumpkin patch the next lesson, "thought we'd jus' try an' see if they fancied a kip... we'll just settle 'em down in these boxes."

It bothered (Y/N) that Hagrid knew very little about the Skrewts, and putting his class at risk just to figure them out seemed haphazard at best, and outright endangering at worst. The Skrewts themselves had killed off even more of themselves, and now there were only ten left. Their desire to kill one another had not been walked out of them, and (Y/N) was wishing they'd hurry up and just completely off themselves. Each of them had now grown to be almost six feet in length; their thick gray armor; their powerful, scuttling legs; their fire-blasting ends; their stings and suckers, all combined to make the Skrewts one of the most unpleasant creatures (Y/N) or Hermione had ever seen. Hermione especially did not like the look of them at all.

The entire class looked dispiritedly at the enormous boxes Hagrid had brought out, all lined with pillows and fluffy blankets, "We'll jus' lead 'em in here," Hagrid said, "an' put the lids on, and we'll see what happens."

That was Hagrid's motto with the Skrewts, 'See what happens,' and it annoyed (Y/N), because as it turned out, the Skrewts didn't hibernate, and hated being cramped into the boxes and nailed in.

Hermione was ever so glad that (Y/N) was there, because only he had been capable of stopping all of the Skrewts at once when they started rampaging around the Pumpkin Patch, which had just been strewn with smoldering wreckage from the wooden crates they destroyed.

She saw (Y/N) standing there with his eye glowing red, allowing Hagrid to round up the Skrewts one at a time, releasing his hold on each one as Hagrid grabbed it himself, 'He's got such amazing control over his magic... he is truly amazing,' Hermione thought to herself. She accepted that her love for him would never go away, and that hurt her to her soul.

"Thank you, (Y/N), fer yer help," Hagrid said.

"Don't thank me, I barely held back the urge to kill them," he said, looking at Hagrid, "so don't thank me."

"Well, well, well..." a piercing voice said, coming up to them, "this does look like fun."

Rita Skeeter was approaching them, and seemed to have admired the minor destruction caused by the Skrewts.

"Who're you?" Hagrid asked the woman.

"Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet reporter," Skeeter said, beaming at him, her golden teeth gleaming in the light.

"Thought Dumbledore said you weren' allowed inside the school anymore?" Hagrid asked, frowning slightly at her.

Skeeter acted as though she hadn't heard him, "What are these delightful looking creatures?"

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