Random info and ig a message

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Hello! I wanted to thank you for clicking on this story! I hope you like it! :)) the high school is located in America, because well, I have no idea what high school in Japan looks like... (I hope that's okay) also, if you see ((*insert sentence or word(s)*)), it means that I am kinda interrupting the story to say something, but if you just see regular parentheses, it's just like any other story kind of parentheses. Also honestly, you may as well just ignore the (()) because it's usually me just saying a joke or something stupid.
Also, If you don't like this ship or find it cringe, I recommend not reading this story, because well, you're in for a lot of second hand embarrassment.

This thingy= thought/word that was exaggerated in a way

'This thingy'= quote

"This thingy"= someone speaking

This thingy= usually a POV change

This thingy= end of chapter message, word count

Anyway, they are aged up a little because I wanted them both to be in high school and the same grade. And in this AU, they are modern day students living in a random town. As said before, I hope you enjoy! 

- Le authore

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