Chapter 31

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Tanjiro's POV

I hate making people worry, but recently... it's been happening a lot. 57 missed calls. 57.

Momma- Why aren't you answering the phone?!

Momma- Wait did you get kidnapped.

Momma- I sure hope you didn't.

Momma- You better not be kidnapped right now! 

Momma- If you are, you are so grounded when you get home!!

Momma- But actually come back because the dishes are waiting for you. They're not washing themselves.

I showed Muichiro the interesting messages she sent. "Your Mom's funny." He snorted. "She's not serious, is she?" He asked, leaning over to read the texts once more up close. I nodded, chuckling.

"She is very interesting." 

He made a funny face. "The dishes are more important than you, Tanjiro." He joked, but raised an eyebrow. "Are they like... historical china?" I shook my head, and he leaned back into the pillow. "You might wanna go home before you get grounded, you know?" He laughed, and I took a moment to admire his face. I try my best not to stare, but on this morning right now, he looked extra cute, and extra pretty.

"Meh. The punishment will be the same either way." I sigh, wrapping an arm around him. He leaned into me, and I smiled at the feeling of his hair tickling my arm. We kinda just sat there in silence for a while. The only thing I could hear is our heartbeats, which were beating at the same time.


We read an entire chapter book together, taking turns reading every 3 chapters to each other. By the time we finished doing that, it was like 5 pm, because we kept taking breaks to chat about random things. "Who's your favorite teacher?" I ask Muichiro, and he thinks for a while.

"Ms. Mitsuri, she's really nice." He decided, smiling. Oh! I know her.

"That's my teacher from last year! She would always give out candy. I loved her." I said, and Muichiro nodded. "However, my now favorite will have to be... Mr. Tomioka." 

Muichiro gaze me a side eye. "That moody ass guy?" 

I laughed, nodding my head. "He's really not that bad. It took me a few years, but now we're friends." Muichiro looked like he was doubting. "Seriously! Sometimes he lets me leave early."

Now, Muichiro was straight up shocked. "No way!" He pointed an accusing finger. "You're a wizard, Tanjiro?! He always tells me, 'the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!'" He went off about how that's not possible, and I listened to his rant in amusement. 

"You're being silly." I told him after he finished, and his facial expression turned into a pout. "Okay that's... keep doing that." He raised an eyebrow. "What can I say? It's really cute." He glared at that comment, but the pout didn't leave. "Oh that's even better."

"Shut up!" Muichiro exclaimed, pushing me away, but I could see the hints of blush spreading across his face. He fought back a smile, and I chuckled, coming up to sit close to him again. He let me pull him towards me, and I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Sorry for shoving you..." Muichiro mumbled.

I smiled, breathing in his amazing shampoo. "Don't worry about it." I played with some of the strands, looping them through my fingers, twisting them around, but making sure I didn't knot them. "Your hair is nice."

He laughed. "I think this is the 37th time you've told me that. Or 38th." 

"You've been counting?" I asked.

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