Chapter 11

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As an apology for taking so long, I present you with probably the best song you'll ever hear. Your welcome. (To anyone that's watching this video who's French, I'm deeply sorry 💀)
-le authore

Tanjiro's POV

I packed my lunch, making sure not to forget the crepes. After all, I stayed up till 12 last night in hope for perfecting them for Muichiro. I felt weird, putting in as much effort. I definetly care about my friends, but if Inosuke or Zenitsu asked me to make the crepes, I'd make them as fast as possible. But I guess it connects to the idea that I might have feelings for him. So far I've been pushing that thought away, but it keeps coming back to me. Over, and over, and over. But I think we can agree on the fact that the feelings aren't mutual. They never are when it comes to friends. Especially ones of the same gender. I cringed at the idea that Inosuke and Zenitsu might be right. I could possibly be gay. It doesn't bother me, but it's strange. It's a whole new thing that I don't want to look into at the moment. A change.

I stared at the jewelry box containing the necklace I bought for Kanao as a gift, in hopes of making her feel better. I stuffed my things into my school bag and took the box, starting to make my way down the sidewalk once I'm out of the house.

The pile of bricks appeared ahead of me, with its sports fields and basketball courts. Several others were walking in too, heaving themselves up the steps to the entrance. I joined them, breathing hard as my feet hit the ground. I looked up through my half-closed eyelids, and felt a slight relief at the fact that I made it. As I walked in, I saw the club posters, with my personal favorite featured on the wall next to the main office.

'Art history club'. I joined it once out of curiosity. Turns out you just sit there and stare at naked lady paintings on Google. No bad, honestly. Definitely not as bad as cooking club, where you have to cook with bell peppers. I dislike bell peppers. Sometimes I want to throw up at the smell of them.

I looked forward again, to be greeted by a shy looking Kanao. She took my hand in hers, and we continued down the hallway in silence, as if unsure of what to say to each other. I tried my best to keep it cool with her, so I was as boyfriend-ish as could be— despite my disapproving heart. I handed her the gift, she thanked me with almost no emotion, and we continued on our way.

As me and Muichiro passed each other, we exchanged small waves, though Kanao saw it and strengthened her grip. She's been very clingy ever since Saturday. It makes sense, and I try my best to understand, but sometimes it just really bothers me. I don't really have the right to be bothered though, considering what she saw.

I give her a tight yet reassuring smile as she stops by my locker with me, and she continued to be right on my tail as we continue down the hallways to our homeroom. She sits down right beside me, and Zenitsu and Inosuke, (who somehow got the 'tea') exchanged glances, and then looked at Kanao through squinted eyes. She squirmed underneath their gaze, and I waved my hand in front of their faces to get them to stop.

"Hey guys! How long did it take you to do the math homework last night?" I interrupted the silence, and Inosuke huffed.

"I didn't do it."

"Of course." Zenitsu runs his fingers through his hair, stealing glances at Nezuko, who seemed to be doing the same. "Well, it took me like half an hour. I skipped the last one."

"I DON' KNOW WHAT PI IS BUT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO USE IT." Inosuke added, and I laughed a bit.

"We learned that way back in 7th grade, Inosuke." Zenitsu shot him an irritated glare. "How stupid are you?"

"EXCUSE ME!" Inosuke got all up in Zenitsu's face and Zenitsu shrunk back in nervouslness. I sighed and rested a hand on his shoulder, guiding Inosuke back down to his seat. Our homeroom teacher, Ms. Emily, looked up from her slim glasses, as if assessing Inosuke's behavior.

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