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it's bittersweet sweet and i loved just about every second of it, chaos, rushing, confusion, and all.

this is my first time actually completing a story in literally five years or so of having multiple accounts on here.

i don't know if it was the pressure of writing and publishing at the same time as compared to my usual trying to write it all and publish on a schedule or what, but it worked.


i genuinely adored every single one of your comments and it was always my favorite part of uploading the chapters. (cue me refreshing my notifications for the funny reaction comments)

so, now that we're here i will be going on to the various ideas i came up with whilst writing this book. i was thinking maybe an imagines book as well considering i will be trying to finish the next book before i publish any part of it.

i already have said imagines book made and it has writing in it, but a lot of it is stuff that i've decided i want to take further so we'll see how it all goes.

anyway, i love you guys so much, thank you for all your support and wonderful comments.

til we meet again

- spades <3

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PRETTY LOVER BOY - ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now