Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I sat down at the kitchen counter and picked out an orange from the bowl. I peeled it and ate a slice. The juices swarmed over my dry tongue, and I closed my eyes as I sucked them down my throat. So much better than drinking water.

Martha walked in, closing the door behind her. I grabbed my journal and a pen. "Hey, baby!" she said, kissing my cheek.

Hi. You're home early; half-day?

"Yep," she said cheerfully. "I wanted to be home when you got here. Also someone sent me an email saying that I was going to receive an important phone call today, so stay off the phone!" I nodded and laughed. "You're happy today," she noted as she grabbed a banana. "What happened?"

You know my crush, Keith?

She winked at me. "How could I not?" she chuckled. "You always go on and on about him at dinner." I giggled.

He defended me from Miley and drove me home. He told me I should smile and hug more. He told me that "people" care about me. I think he likes me.

Martha smiled. "Why, sweetie, this is great news!" she cried. "He drove you home? That's definitely a sign he likes you." I giggled again.

I thought so.

"My little Kashine is growing up," Martha sighed and I gave her a nudge. "Oh, fine!" she complained. "But someday that little growing up speech will come, and you will listen to it!" I laughed.

I gave her a quick hug and rushed up the stairs. "Dinner will be ready in an hour!" she called up to me.

I opened up my laptop and looked at my views again. Over three million. Another music video hit. Today everything's just going my way. And I liked it. The only thing that would make this day perfect would be if I could talk.

I took out my journal and began to write an entry.


I just had the greatest day ever! I managed to beat up Miley a bit today, if you can believe it! She won't be bothering me for a while!

Keith sat next to me in lunch and told me people care about me. Not exactly in that order. He told me I should smile and hug more, and I plan to do just that. I think he likes me; he hugged me back and drove me home in his convertible. And he sort of made a promise to me that he'll protect me from Miley. He didn't actually say that, but I think he was hinting at it.

I can't believe it! Today is just my lucky day! I wish everyday could be like this.

Until next time,
Kashine Douglas

I set down my journal, smiling. I began to doodle little smiley faces all over the page, just to express how happy I was. I closed it shut finally when I ran out of room. I was going to need to buy another journal soon. This one's getting filled up.

I walked out of my room and downstairs. Martha was stirring something in a pot on the stove, and would occasionally glance at the phone anxiously. I grabbed a napkin and another pen, since I left my journal upstairs.

Really important phone call?

"Yeah," she said, a little nervously. "The sender was pretty sure to send the email in all caps with a lot of exclamation points."

It could be a spam.

"No, I don't think so," she said. "But I suppose maybe you're right." I shrugged and grabbed an apple. "Save some room for dinner, missy," she told me as I bit into it. I nodded.

For a few minutes I watched her cook. I was still thinking of Keith and his lips on mine. A pretty picture.

The phone rang by my ear, making me jump ten feet. "The phone call!" Martha cried. She took off her cooking gloves and turned off the heat on the stove. I tossed her the phone. She took it gratefully and answered it.

"Hello?" she said as she walked off. "Martha Douglas speaking." I crept after her, eavesdropping. "This is... who?" she asked, a little fearfully. I stiffened. "Seriously? Why... I never thought--" Her voice turned excited and I frowned. "You're joking!" she shrieked suddenly, and I jumped again. "She'll be so excited! Of course she'll go! She loves them! Alright, bye now.... Oh, don't worry about that. I'll drive her. She'd recognize you anywhere! Yes, goodbye." She hung up.

My breathing was fast and shallow. Martha had said "she" a lot on the phone. She had to be talking about me. And who do I love so much? There's no one I love more than Keith.

"Kashine!" Martha cried and started when she saw me waiting for her. "Kashine, I have excellent news!" she said excitedly. I handed her the napkin.

Calm down, woman!

She laughed. "I was on the phone with none other than...." She paused dramatically.


"Simon Cowell!" she squealed. My jaw dropped.


"He wants to hire you!" she continued. I slapped myself. I was dreaming, I must be dreaming. "To be the choreographer for One Direction!" she finished. I froze. I paled. I trembled.


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