Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I woke up to the sound of shouting. I moaned and hoped it wasn't the boys trying to get my attention again. But then I thought I heard music, and someone saying, "Again!"

I sat up in bed and listened curiously. Yeah, there was definitely some music playing. Well, it's none of my business. I ate some more crisps and drank some more water. I continued to listen and not be interested.

Okay, that's a lie: curiosity won out and I pressed my ear against my bedroom door. I heard laughing and talking and shouting and cursing and music. That's all I cared about really. The music.

I opened the door slowly and crept outside. I followed the source of the noises down the hall, towards the recording studio. I peeked inside the window that showed inside the recording studio and my eyes widened.

Liam was tapping away desperately on my iPod and at the same time trying to get the boys to stay in one place at one time. Zayn was refusing to move at all, and Niall was rolling around on the floor laughing his head off. I turned my head slightly to see what he was laughing at and saw Harry and Louis pretending to box the crap out of each other. Harry pretend-punched Louis in the jaw, and the older boy spun around and kicked Harry in the stomach. When he doubled over, Louis jumped onto Harry's back and nearly fell onto the couch. And those things weren't exactly comfortable.

"Again!" Liam shouted and the boys scrambled over to their positions. Niall brushed himself off quickly and flipped his hair. Zayn was scowling. Louis and Harry brushed each other off and fixed their hair. Louis made Harry's hair look like one big mop, and Harry made Louis' hair stick straight up in weird places.

"Quit it, you two!" Liam snapped and stood between them. They stopped fussing and stood still. "Save You Tonight" began to play, and I watched in amazement as the boys attempted to do the moves from the music video.

But they failed miserably. Zayn ended up tripping Niall, and Harry nearly smacked Liam in the face. Louis had to duck when Liam's fist swung too close to his face. I sighed. They're standing too close together and their arms weren't balanced. This was hopeless without my help.

When the song was finished, they glanced at each other. "Do you think that was Kashine-worthy?" Liam asked.

"Not even close," Niall sniffed.

"We can't do this without Kashine," Zayn said. "We need help."

"Serious help," Louis agreed. "You're all about as graceful as a fat hippo."

"Thanks a lot," Harry said sarcastically.

"No problem," Louis said cheerfully, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

I wanted to forgive them so freaking bad. This was so productive of them to try to learn without me, but without me it's a lost cause. But I loved it that they're trying. They understood that I just wanted to be left alone, and so they're doing it by themselves. But not in a "haha, we're better than you" way. More of a "I really wish we had her back so we could actually accomplish something" way.

I smiled. Why not forgive them? Only this once. They better not do it again, and treat me the same way as they'd always been treating me.

I ducked my head and knocked lightly on the door. "Who's there?" Louis shouted. Liam answered the door and I smiled up at them, a little nervously. What if they didn't take me back? I slapped Harry after all.

My heart thudded in my chest. I slapped Harry. How could I do such a thing? I needed to apologize.

"It's Kashine!" Liam cried.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Louis said. "Who else could it be?"

I was suddenly attacked in a very large hug as five teenage boys all tried to see me at once.

"Kashine's back!"

"We missed you!"

"Will you choreograph again?"

"Do you forgive us?"

I nodded exactly twice to answer the two questions.

"Which one did you answer?" Harry asked.

I held up my finger.

"Just the first one?" he asked sadly.

I shook my head and held up another finger.

"Just the second one?" he asked, frowning.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head again.

"Both?" he finally guessed correctly and I sighed in exaggerated agreement. "What she's trying to say is: gosh, you're dense," Niall said and Harry hit his head, but he was grinning.

"So, you're not mad?" Louis asked, looking nervous. I shrugged and made a so-so gesture. But then I smiled.

"I have no idea what that means but since you're smiling I'm guessing we're good," Louis said and I giggled. "It's good to have you back," Zayn said and I squeezed his hand.

"Now let's get back to the dance floor," Liam said. "We have twelve days left and a bunch of songs to choreograph. We're screwed."

Louis pushed me ahead. "Liam's first," he said. It took me awhile to realize what he meant by that, and when I did I blushed and punched his arm. He laughed.

I grabbed a nearby piece of paper and wrote on it:

You guys don't even know what songs you're doing. We're not doing the whole album.

"We're not?" Zayn said incredulously. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Of course not, that's too much. You'll barely have enough energy to stand, much less sing. We're only doing eight.

"Which ones?" Niall asked. I was about to answer when I realized I couldn't remember. I looked at them frantically. I need my journal to tell them what to do.

"Here," Harry said and pressed something into my hand. My journal! "Don't worry, I didn't read it," he added. I have him a quick hug and skimmed through the pages. I grinned when I saw all the songs and moves. I flipped it around and showed the boys.

"All that?!" Louis exclaimed. "You're gonna kill us, woman!" I giggled. I wrote on the corner of the page:

It's not as hard as it sounds. It's quite simple, really, you just have to listen to everything I write. No more messing around. Like Liam said, we have twelve days and eight songs to choreograph. We've got a lot of work to do. So who's with me?

The boys cheered and I smiled. I was about to start when I remembered something.

Can I at least shower and change first?

"Go ahead," Zayn smirked and I ran off, feeling the happiness bubble up inside of me. If I had known I would be this excited, I would have forgiven them sooner.

That's a lie.

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