Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


"Got your VIP pass?" Paul asked me and I nodded, holding it up so he could see. "And your backstage pass?" he checked, and I nodded again, looping it around my neck.

"Okay," Paul said and started over. "1D get-up. Check. Tennis shoes for walking long distances and in case of sharp objects. Check. VIP and backstage pass. Check and check." I grinned. "Okay, Kashie, let's go," he said and we went to the front entrance of the theater, towards the fans.

Only Paul called me Kashie, and none of the other boys knew of the nickname. I kind of liked it. It's much better to say than a mouthful like Kashine.

"Excuse me, coming through," Paul said, and forced his way through the crowd, me following right behind. "VIP guest here."

All my doubts of Paul losing me had disappeared as soon as I met him. He was a total bodyguard badass, and you didn't mess with him. He's super tall and tough-looking, and you couldn't miss him from a mile away. I think I'd be fine.

We managed to find our way to the front row, where the frantic Directioners were only held back by a simple fence and a few bodyguards. I wondered what tricks the boys had up their sleeves for them this time. I couldn't wait.

"Some concert, huh?" Paul yelled at me over the sound of screaming fans. I laughed and nodded. It was epic and it hadn't even started yet. And I knew this one I would never forget, even though I'd seen it like three times already, just without the lights and fans.

When their WMYB theme song started up, the screaming volume increased by ten. I clapped my hands over my ears.

After the little beginning video, the boys ran out onstage, and the screaming twenty seconds earlier seemed like a whisper now. Geez, Directioners were the loudest fans in the universe. Not like that's a bad thing.

"Good evening, London!" Harry yelled into his head-microphone. I smiled in relief. Good thing we had those, or else we would be in a whole lot of trouble.

I spotted Niall looking around anxiously, and I waved my arms, but I doubt that made a difference. Soon Niall finally saw us, and he grinned at us. I smiled back and blew him a kiss, like any other ordinary fan. He seemed to be chuckling as he pretended to catch it.

"Are you ready?" Louis asked. More screaming. Ugh, but yay.

"Are you sure?"

Even louder screaming. Cut the crap! I yelled in my head. Just start singing before my ears explode!

They seemed to read my mind and they began to sing. They started with "Stand Up". I let out a deep breath. Okay, one of the slightly-tougher ones. I crossed my fingers. Please love it, please love it, please love it, I silently begged.

Then the boys began to dance, and they weren't even one step in before the fans started going wild. I started to grin, and I sighed in relief. They loved it. Too late, I realized I should be doing the moves with them, and I started up.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a girl slightly older than me staring at me in confusion. I blushed.

"Where did you learn those moves?" she hollered at me.

I gulped. How could I answer?

I shrugged, pointed to the boys, and pointed myself as I mock-danced.

"You're just copying them?" she clarified and I nodded. She grinned. "Teach me?" she asked, and I think I grinned even wider than her. I nodded, and began to show her the moves, without speaking at all. She actually did pretty well, and she thanked me when she got the moves down. She started to help her friend.

I don't know how it happened, but a few minutes later into the "Up All Night" song and everywhere I looked fangirls were copying the boys onstage. Doing my moves. My heart fluttered in my chest, and I swelled up proudly. I guess Harry was right: there could be a flashmob.

When I looked upstage, I saw that the boys seemed to be trying not to laugh as they continued on. "Do it, girls!" Louis shouted and the boys started laughing. "We wanna stay up all night and dance!"

They finished with "I Want", and that was probably the funniest and most touching song of the night. Here's why:

"But you want, you want, you want me to love you too," Zayn finished and the space began. While Zayn had sung, the boys had been all gathered together talking amongst themselves. I knew they were up to something, and I couldn't wait for it to happen.

"Look over there!" Harry screamed, and pointed to Liam. "There's a spoon behind you!"

"What?!" he shouted and pretended to pass out. Bodyguards rushed onto the stage and some fans screamed in fear, but Louis gave them a thumbs up. Liam's okay, he's just faking it. I giggled to myself and shook my head.

While the bodyguards were distracted, the other boys jumped out into the crowd, much to the fans' and I's delight. Harry made his way over to me, girls clawing at everything in their reach that was touching him. Mostly it was his hair.

"Some concert, huh?" Harry shouted at me. I laughed and nodded.

"That's what I said!" Paul exclaimed and we all laughed.

"It's thanks to you, Kashine," Harry said earnestly. "And to prove it to you...." He was cut off by a bodyguard practically placing him over his shoulder and Harry waved at me prettily from his back. I laughed again and waved back. He got thrust back upstage, where he grinned at me. I smiled back curiously. What was that boy up to?

"Thanks for a wonderful time--" Niall started to say, but Louis cut him off.

"Wait, where's Zayn?" he asked. He was answered by a very frazzled-and-excited-looking Zayn being pushed back up onstage. "I'm here," he gasped into his headphone. Louis snickered.

"As I was saying," Niall began again. "Thank you all for a wonderful night. It's been very special, and we love you all. But we're not quite done yet." He smirked at Harry, who took over.

"There's this one special girl I would like to thank," he said. "My friend, Kashine!" He pointed to me and I gasped as the spotlight found me. My new dance-friend grinned at me and started cheering, but I was too stunned and afraid to really do much other than stand and stare.

"Without her," Harry continued. "Tonight wouldn't have been as awesome. Let's give her a hand!" I know most people were clapping just because Harry told them to, but still I blushed and took it all in. It was so wonderful.... Was this what it felt like to be One Direction everyday? I was jealous.

"Kashine! Kashine! Kashine!" Louis started a chant, and I blushed even redder, wishing he would stop. Shockingly, the fans joined in, only they pronounced it a little differently.

"KA-CHING!! KA-CHING!! KA-CHING!!" they hollered and I busted up. The boys started cracking up too, and Niall had to remove his headphone he was laughing so loud. Harry fell to his knees.

"Close enough," Liam coughed into his headphone, and that brought a fresh bout of laughter.

I smiled gratefully. These boys were just too sweet. Tonight was the best night of my life. Little did I know that tomorrow night was going to surpass it by far.

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