Chapter 33: Same Mistakes

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Chapter 33: Same Mistakes


"Same Mistakes" was going to be pretty easy because there weren't much moves planned and there was only a simple beat in the background.

I'd been forced to listen to the song multiple times, and the impossible happened: I'd actually fallen in love with the song. It's beautiful, how had I not noticed that before?

The boys stood in their places, all scowling. They most certainly did not like their makeup. I smiled as I turned on the music and danced for them. All they really had to do was step forward and backward at certain times, and walk in a circle all while facing the same direction. For the solos they only sung. It was an easy song.

"Okay, we can do that, right, boys?" Liam said. The others mumbled agreement, and Niall randomly snickered. "What's so funny?" Liam asked.

"It's so hard to take you seriously with your Joker face," the blonde boy replied. Liam's face flushed. At least, it looked like it. Most of his face was covered in Sharpie.

"That's funny coming from you," he retorted, pointing to Niall's Care Bear face. "You look more adorable than usual!"

"GUYS!!" Harry yelled, louder than he needed to be. "Let's just get this over with, okay?"

Liam sighed and nodded. While his back was turned, Niall stuck his tongue out at his back and touched his pink face.

I motioned for Harry to step forward and to walk in a circle as he sang his solo. I made the whole group take two steps forward when he sang, "Closer, maybe looking closer."

When he was done, Zayn took a step forward and sang his part, but didn't dance. There wasn't enough time for him.

Then it was the chorus, and all they had to do was sing and take a few steps forward and backward. I was honestly starting to wonder why the heck I had chosen this song to choreograph. Thankfully the boys didn't seem to notice or complain, but it was still kind of embarrassing.

Then it was Liam's turn. "Wake up, we both need to--" His solo ended in a yelp as he suddenly tripped and nearly face-planted. He jumped right back up as the other boys snickered.

"Louis!" he cried angrily. "Why did you trip me?!"

Louis stared back at him innocently. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I didn't trip you."

"Did to! I saw you stick your foot out!"


Zayn stepped between them. "Seriously, guys, shut it," he said. "Liam, don't blame Louis for your clumsiness. Louis, if you did trip him, don't do it again."

"Yessir," the other two boys said in unison, and Zayn stepped back into place. I shook my head. Tempers really were running high this morning. Maybe it's because of the lack of sleep. The Sharpie-prank definitely didn't help.

Liam re-sang his part, and I made him stand out from the others. He had to take more steps then them, but in the end he was standing next to them again.

Zayn repeated his solo, and we were back on the chorus. We did the chorus together again, plus the new part. But the only move I made them do for that part was make them put their hands together like they were praying. You can probably guess which part that would be.

After that, Liam had a new solo. The whole group took two steps back when he sang, "Don't look back. But if we don't look back...." But that was it. Back to the chorus!

Same things all over again, with Zayn singing his echoes. Of course, the boys got it down pretty easily, but I still made them redo it two more times without music so they could remember it better.

Then it was time for music. I turned it on, and the boys sang along with the song as they danced, me with them. I danced with them only once more, then I sat out and watched them twice. They did pretty well, but not perfect, so I made them dance to it again three more times. Truthfully, they really only needed to dance it one more time, but I was just feeling entertained. And each time they danced (or really, stepped), they seemed to be getting more and more perfect.

And then they were done. "How's that?" Niall asked.

My answer was jumping up and leaping onto him in a major hug. They did it! We're done! Done, done, done!

"How come Niall gets the big hug?" Harry pouted.

"Maybe you didn't do as well," Niall suggested, and the boys scowled at him. It was funny to see Harry's Tigger smile and Liam's Joker grin scowling at the same time.

I slapped Niall lightly and gave each of the boys a major hug, minus the running start.

"We're done!" Zayn cheered.

"Yay!" all of the boys chorused and they passed around high-fives. I stopped their celebration by holding up my hands in a "stop everything" gesture. Louis high-fived me.

"What's up, Kashine?" Harry asked.

"You didn't change your mind, did you?" Zayn asked in a panicky voice.

I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly, at the same time shaking my head. I wrote on my hand, since I didn't have my journal with me, but I had a pen. Weird, right?

You're not exactly done YET. Yes, you may be done learning new moves, but I still want you guys spending at least a couple hours a day until tour practicing to these songs.

"WHAT!!" they yelled at me, and I took a step back at their loudness. But other than that, I was standing firm.

I don't want you guys forgetting the moves. Trust me, at least one of you will if you don't practice. So please do it, for me. The rest of the time you don't have to dance at all.

They didn't say anything for a moment. "Fine," Harry finally sighed. "Only because you're never wrong, Kashine. About dancing, I mean." I grinned and squeezed his hand. Awesome. One by one the other boys agreed also, and I was relieved.

Louis bent down and picked up a spare pink Sharpie. "Retreat!" Niall yelled and hid behind me. That would make sense: his face was totally pink, so he must be scared of the color.

The other boys hid behind me too, excluding Louis. He uncapped it and grinned at me evilly. "Revenge!" he declared and scrawled all over my face. I squealed and struggled, but the boys behind me held me firmly.

When Louis was satisfied, he capped the marker again and dropped it. "Okay, now I feel better," he said.

"We knew you did our faces all along," Liam smirked behind me. "There's no way Louis can draw as well as you."

I clenched my fists and pushed myself away from them. I let out a battle screech and attacked them.

"Run!" Harry cried and I proceeded to chase them around the house.

Your typical Tuesday.

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