Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


When we were finished with learning the new moves, I still made the boys practice at least two hours a day on the songs. It seemed that each time they did it they were getting better, and they weren't messing up at all now. I was very proud of them.

Right now we were in the Just Dance room, competing against each other. I think we all know who was winning.

"Party rock is in the house tonight!" Louis sang loudly and off-key, and I desperately wanted to tell him to shut up. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"Shut up, Louis!" Niall yelled. "Trying to concentrate here!"

Louis snorted. "That's impossible for you to do," he retorted.

"It's almost done!" Liam panted.

We'd been going at it for a little over three hours now. It's not too hard entertaining these blockheads.

Soon we were at the part where you just watched the guy, and you didn't have to do anything. But I continued to dance along with him.

"Um, Kashine," Zayn said. "You don't have to do this part." I ignored him.

I only mastered this recently, and I'll admit I kind of wanted to show off. Then he was done and I stopped.

"That was awesome, Kashine!" Niall exclaimed and I smiled. "Show off," Harry coughed loudly, and I punched his arm.

The points tallied up. "Happy wins again!" Louis declared. He and Harry had sat out. "Ugh, this is pointless!" Zayn complained, throwing down his Wii remote. "We all know Kashine's gonna win." I smirked.

"Oooooh, how about this one!" Harry cried, sounding a bit like Niall, and selected a song. I laughed at his choice. Of course it was WMYB.

I gave Louis my remote, and Liam sat out with me, already have surrendered his remote to Harry. "Why didn't you choreograph this song, Kashine?" Liam asked me. I took out my trusty pen and wrote:

It was your number one. I wanted to let you guys have freedom during this song.

"Like 'I Want'," he said and I shrugged, making a so-so gesture with my hand.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. If they ran into the crowd during the concert they'd get in trouble with Simon. But was that such a bad thing? They had sinister minds....

"Ha! I'm winning!" Niall cried, chucking a handful of red stuff at the screen. At least, his computer self did.

"No, I am!" Harry argued. "You're Jazzy, I'm Happy!"

"No, I'm Happy!"

"I am!"

"I am!"

"I am!"

"I am!"

Soon they ditched the game and started hitting each other with the Wii remotes. I couldn't help but laugh.

Liam jumped up to separate them, and Zayn ended up winning instead. "Ha, now I'm happy!" he said, grinning at his own joke. Louis rolled his eyes. "Don't become a Harry," he said.

"Hey!" Harry shouted and attacked him next. Now I had to get up and stop them.

The phone rang. "I'll get it!" the five boys yelled. They all dived for it but Harry answered. "Yes?" he asked.

"Déjà vu," Louis said. I gave him a weird look but he didn't notice.

"Seriously?" Harry exclaimed, sounding excited. "Okay, yeah, sure, of course.... Maybe Liam should've answered.... I was kidding! Okay, bye, Uncle Si." He hung up. "It was Uncle Simon," he said.

"No shit," Louis said, rolling his eyes again.

"Shut up, Lou, this is serious," Harry said, excitement evident in his eyes. "Simon said that the bus is coming. In other words, tour has started!"

There were a bunch of shouts and whoops as the boys high-fived and celebrated. I stared into space again, nerves and excitement making me stiff.

What if everything went wrong? What if nobody liked the dance moves? What if somebody recognized me? Okay, that last one was a bit far-fetched, but I was extremely nervous.

"Aren't you excited, Kashine?" Niall asked, making me jump. I nodded and gave him a weak smile. "It's okay to be nervous," he said. "I remember our first tour. Man, I had been so nervous, but really excited too, and everything turned out alright. And it'll be the same for this one too. Everyone's going to love it!"

This time I smiled less forcefully. He's probably right. Who didn't love One Direction? Well, other than the Direction-haters of course.

"Everyone start packing!" Liam ordered. "We have to get ready!"

"See, this is why Liam should've picked up," Harry muttered into Zayn's ear, and he chuckled.

I nodded and ran off to my room. My suitcase was a mess: clothes and toiletries thrown everywhere, and random empty journals scattered around. I started over by dumping out the contents and refolding everything. Then I put my toiletries into plastic baggies and put those plus my journals on top. I was about to close it when one tiny problem appeared: it wouldn't shut.

I huffed in frustration after the sixteenth attempt to zip it, and I was reduced to jumping on it angrily. Shut... up... you... stupid... thing, I thought with each jump.

"Need help?" a voice asked and I stopped jumping, looking up sheepishly. Harry smirked at me and came over to help. I jumped off and landed next to him rather gracefully. We got down on our knees.

"I apologize in advance if I break the zipper," Harry said and I giggled. He gripped it tightly in his giant hand and tugged furiously. I heard a snap and I winced. But somehow Harry started to zip it.

"It's working!" he said, voicing my thoughts aloud. I picked up the other zipper and began to close the other side.

My hand bumped against something warm and hard, and I stopped zipping. So did Harry. But not because the suitcase was closed.

I bit my lip, staring at our hands touching each other. This shouldn't mean anything. Stuff like this happens all the time. But....

Harry didn't withdraw his hand, and neither did I. I glanced at him, and I saw that his gaze was fixed on our hands as well. Finally, I cleared my throat and moved away. I smiled at him gratefully. "You're welcome," he said, but something else seemed to be on his mind. He left my room, and I got back on my feet.

I wondered what that was about.

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