Chapter 10: Liam

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Chapter 10


I realized my mistake when I woke up the next morning. There are five boys, yet I made four sessions! Oh well, I guess I'd have to tell Louis he had a different schedule than everyone else.

Last night before I went to bed, with the boys' help, I taped up signs to different rooms for the separate sessions. They're all right next to each other, except for mine. It's all the way on the other side of the bungalow. I wanted to make it a sort of a surprise, which is kind of pointless, but I was indulging myself.

The signs stuck to the doors labeled what the session was and what was waiting for them inside. First I made the Just Dance room, where the Wii was all set up and the video games were ready for playing. I removed any games like Mario Kart from the room because I knew they might want to ditch their courses and have a little fun.

Next door is the Insanity room. There's a huge flat-screen TV inside with a DVD player hooked up, so all you had to do was put in the disk and hit play to start. I was going to warn them over breakfast on how insane it was, and not even the best athlete in the world can do it all the time without stopping.

The last door is the yoga room. Inside mats were spread out and there were little booklets giving instructions on certain poses. I've gotta admit: if I ever wanted to take embarrassing photos of them, that was the place to go.

I hopped out of bed and put on some simple clothes: a plain pink tank top and white shorts. I brushed through my hair quickly and sprayed on some cheap perfume and applied lip gloss.

At the last minute I remembered my deodorant. I was definitely going to need it: I was going to be doing a lot of sweating today. This didn't prevent sweating, since that's unhealthy for you, but it did block the smell very effectively with the scent of daisies. It was also clear so it didn't leave white patches on your clothes. Ew.

I grabbed my journal and favorite pen and ran out of my room. I was surprised to see the boys already sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. I spotted a wooden spoon near Niall and I snatched it away. Louis smirked.

"You were serious about that?" Niall asked as I put it in a drawer. I nodded.

"Mate, this is Kashine we're talking about," Harry said solemnly. "She's serious about everything. You mess with her, you get a water balloon in the face. Just ask Louis."

I smiled as I took a seat between Liam and Zayn. Louis scowled at me playfully, and I gave him a cheerful little wave in return. I reached over and tapped his shoulder. "What?" he asked.

I made a mistake in the schedules. There's five of you, and only four sessions. So change of plans for you: you'll be working with me during lunch hour.

"What?" he asked again, louder this time. "But why me?"

You have the least solos, so working with you will be quicker and simpler. Btw, YOU NEED MORE SOLOS!!!

He laughed when he read my last sentence. "Listen to Kashine, boys," he smirked, passing my journal around. "She knows her stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, next time we write a song, we'll give Louis more solos," Liam said casually. "Would that make you happy?"

I nodded, but then frowned. I took my journal away from Harry and wrote in it.

Why does it matter if I'm happy?

"You're a guest of ours," he explained. "We don't need you having a horrible time here and complaining about it on the radio."

That would never happen, but I could tell he was joking. I smiled.

I'm impressed that you all got up at appropriate times, especially Zayn and Harry.

"Hey, just because I'm a heavy sleeper doesn't mean I snooze I lose," Zayn said indignantly and I giggled.

"Even if it does mean waking up at a preposterous time," Harry muttered under his breath, but I heard. I ignored him.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it quickly. I rinsed out the bowl and put it in the sink, since I had no idea where the dishwasher was. I went back upstairs to get my iPod and iHome.

When I returned, they were looking at their schedules.

Ready, boys?

"Almost, not really," Niall said and I rolled my eyes.

"What have you got first?" Louis asked Zayn. "I have yoga." He made a face.

"I have Insanity," Zayn replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, you do," Harry agreed and Zayn slapped his arm.

"I have Kashine," Liam said.

"I've got the Just Dance games," Niall said, grinning, but Harry frowned.

"Then what do I get?" he asked.

I grimaced. I only made four sessions and there are five boys! I was such an idiot! I was only on the first day of the job and already I was messing up.

Help me come up with something!

So for about five minutes we stood in silence to figure out what Harry could do. "He could work on vocals," Liam offered and I nodded slowly. I suppose he could do that. I would've preferred that he did something that helped prepare his muscles, but I couldn't come up with anything else.

I tore a page out of my journal and wrote "Vocal Practice" on it. I stomped over to the nearest door and stuck it on with a nearby piece of tape. Next I snatched each of their schedules and scribbled over them. I rewrote them, this time including the vocal practice.

I had to dial down the time on each session because nobody likes working for eight hours, and so I didn't have to make Louis work during lunch break, and I shoved them back.

I was pissed at myself for messing up already, but there's nothing I could do about it. Maybe Simon would fire me. Only because of this little screw-up? No way. Right?

"Cool," Harry said in satisfaction after I gave him his schedule. "Kashine wrote a little smiley face on mine." Liar.

Before I could scowl and scold him, Louis grabbed it and looked it over. "That's not fair," he whined. "Why don't I get a smiley face?" I rolled my eyes. "Liar!" he suddenly yelled at Harry. "There's no smiley face!

Harry smirked. "Somebody fancies Kashine," he sang. My face reddened despite myself. Working with these boys would be impossible.

"Not true," Louis huffed, but his face was a little pink too. "She's sixteen, I'm twenty. Do the math."

"Age is just a number," Niall piped up.

"No, it's not," Liam disagreed. "It's clearly a word." Then they began to argue over the difference between age being a number or a word.

Louis and Harry were still fighting, and Zayn looked like he was trying really hard not to laugh. He looked like he was sucking on a lemon.

My fists clenched. How did they get along? More importantly, how the heck was I supposed to live with them for the next few... what? Days? Weeks? Months? I shuddered. That's going to be impossible! It's a wonder Simon wasn't insane already.

I wanted to yell at them to shut up, so I opened my mouth and tried. But I guess my voice thought it wasn't significant enough because it didn't say a peep. So I closed my mouth sourly and kicked the nearest boy.

Niall yelped rather loudly and I jumped. I had been hoping to kick Louis, who was on my other side. Sorry, Niall, I mouthed and he rubbed his shin. At least he and Liam were quiet now.

I turned and kicked Louis. He jumped back and toppled into Harry, who fell down hard on his butt. I smirked.

"What was that for?" Louis demanded as Harry pushed him away and stood up. I mimed zipping my lips then slamming my fist into my palm. He got the message and stood up.

I took Liam's arm and began to drag him away. "Help!" he called over his shoulder. "Someone save me!"

"Somebody needs help!" Louis declared and I groaned. We're way off schedule! What on earth was I going to do to get them to concentrate?!

Zayn attacked Louis and they fell down. "The Joker!" Louis squealed and began to pummel Zayn. I rolled my eyes. The Joker is Batman's enemy, not Superman's. But clearly he had insulted Zayn, because he was slapping Louis' head.

I ran over and managed to pry Zayn off of Louis. I slapped his arm, using my nails for an extra sting, and he yelped. I stomped my foot dangerously close to Louis' head and he skittered to his feet quickly.

"I think we better obey Kashine now," Harry said and pointed to my face. I felt it; it was hot. I blushed, and it got even hotter.

"We were only messing with you!" Niall laughed and gave me one of his big Nialler hugs. I giggled and hugged him back.

I motioned for Liam to follow me and for the rest of the boys to go to their sessions. "Do I have to do yoga first?" Louis complained, and I glared at him. He was really pushing it, the stupid, stubborn child. He shut his mouth and ran off.

Zayn, Harry, and Niall went to their separate sessions without too much complaint, thank goodness, and I led Liam away.

"What are we doing first, Kashine?" he asked after I shut the recording studio's door behind me. Stretching, I mouthed but apparently he's not a very good lip-reader. He gave me a confused look and I rolled my eyes.

I gestured for him to come stand next to me. I started twisting back and forth and motioned for him to copy me. He did, and thirty seconds later I bent down towards my toes. He was surprisingly flexible: he pressed his palms against the floor. I stood back up, and he did too. We did more stretches, but I won't go into details. It was pretty boring.

I went over to my iPod and found "Live While We're Young". I smiled and hooked the iPod up to my speaker which I plugged into the outlet. I motioned for Liam to sit down and watch me. He did, and stared at me with large caramel eyes. He probably expected me to break out into some serious dancing, but I just bobbed my head and clapped my hands to his part of the music like I had in the security video. I also tapped my foot up and down to the beat. I couldn't help it.

Liam looked surprised when I stopped the music at Zayn's part. "That's it?" he asked. He stood up and went over to me. I pointed at his head and he started nodding like I had. I pointed at his foot, and it began to tap. I pointed at his hands and he clapped. Then I held up my fist to my mouth. He looked confused. I whipped out my pink pen and wrote on my hand.

Microphone. Pretend you're holding a microphone.

He nodded more vigorously in understanding and held up his fist, stopping the clapping. That would be a problem, but other than that it didn't hinder him, but I still wanted to make sure.

Zayn wasn't much of a dancer, so I would have to work harder with him. Niall goofs a lot, so I'd have to make him concentrate more. Harry's clumsy, so I'd have to be more thoughtful around him. And Louis' just plain annoying. Don't get me wrong: I love them all. But I knew for a fact he'd bother me.

I decided to try some music. I restarted it, and I danced (if you can even call it dancing) right along with him. Apparently his body wasn't all that much in sync, and I had to make him nod faster or hold his foot down at times. We did it four more times, twice without music, until I was confident he got it right.

"What about the chorus?" Liam asked as I turned off the music again. I smiled. I was just getting to that.

Sit down.

He sat down with wide eyes again. Honestly, he shouldn't be so expectant. He's making me feel like I wasn't doing my best. And he should know I was making it simple for them so it's easier for them to concentrate on smaller moves instead of the big, explosive ones.

I started up the chorus.

"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun!

"I know we only met but let's pretend it's love!

"And never, never, never stop for anyone!

"Tonight let's get some!"


"And live while we're young!"

For that first part, I decided to put some of their energetic personalities into the dancing. I hopped up and down and twisted around. I noticed I moved my hands a lot, and that would be a problem, unless Simon let them use microphone headphones or whatever they're called.

"Oooooh! Ohohoh!

"Oooooh! Ohahoh!

"Oooooh! Ohohoh!

"Tonight let's get some!

"And live while we're young."

For the first three parts, I just moved to different spots. And for the last two I pretended to sing. That's it. I felt kind of ridiculous, since I could never be as good as them and I was mouthing the words to their song, but the euphoria of doing what I loved most just pushed the awkwardness away.

When I finished, Liam was giving me a nervous look. "I have to do all that?" he asked. I nodded, trying not to frown. It wasn't much. I thought they saw my videos. In each of them the boys were dancing extremely complex moves that so far only I know I can do them.

"And the other boys too?" Liam asked. I nodded again. He shrugged and stood up. "As long as they suffer with me," he said. I rolled my eyes.

Liam stood next to me, and I stood in front of him so he could copy me. I'm not a great teacher, I only slowed down so he could watch me. Once he got the hang of it, I decided to go my normal speed. But at the first twist he stumbled.

I grimaced and we went slow again three more times. Then I let him try on his own, with me watching. He got it right the first time, and I applauded loudly as he bowed to an imaginary audience.

I put the music back on and I made him dance to it five times. Or maybe more. I don't know, I wasn't keeping track. He was panting after the third try. "Can I stop?" he asked, sounding a bit whiny. I shook my head.

You have to get it right.

"I have!" he cried and did it for me again.

Two more times, then I'll let you take a break.

He danced quickly just to get it over with, but he didn't mess up, so I was impressed. I let him rest and get a drink.

There was nothing else for me to teach him, and we still had an hour. Get an early start on the next song? No, it'd mess up his brain trying to keep all of those moves straight.

We're done.

I had to shove my hand in his face for him to see. "We are?" he asked incredulously. "That was quick. We still have an hour." I shrugged and nodded.

I was about to suggest we go and spy on Louis as he did yoga (because there is honestly nothing funnier than watching a teenage boy attempting to do yoga), but just then I heard a loud scream. Me and Liam glanced at each other, and ran from the room.

It was coming from the Insanity room. I thrust the door open, and me and Liam came inside. Zayn lay practically passed out on the carpet.

I opened my mouth to call for a glass of water to help him, but I felt like a rag had closed up my throat. I coughed, but it didn't fall out, so I gave up.

Luckily, Liam had the same idea as me and ran out of the room. "I'll get him some water!" he yelled over his shoulder.

I sat down next to Zayn and rolled him over. He stared at me blankly through glazed chocolate-brown eyes. "It's so insane," he mumbled.

I nodded and tried not to smile. This is the hardest workout I'd ever seen. I remembered I was supposed to warn them, but I forgot. Oops. Poor Zayn.

I ran a hand through his sweaty hair and slicked it back. I pulled my hand back and stared at it. I had just touched Zayn Malik's sweat. How many girls would kill to be in my position right now?

"Who's screaming?" a voice demanded, but then I heard a strange grunt. I turned around and saw Harry on the ground, pinned underneath Niall's foot.

"I heard screaming," Niall said in a panicky voice. He looked past me and saw Zayn. "What the heck?!" he yelled. "Zayn, what happened?"

Harry pushed Niall's foot off, nearly making him fall, and scooted closer to me so he was sitting next to me. "What happened?" he echoed Niall's question.

I wanted to answer, but Liam came in with a glass of water. "Me and Kashine came in here and saw him passed out," he explained. "I don't know why though."

I picked up the DVD case and showed them. "Insanity?" they all said at the same time.

"Can I skip it?" Niall asked but I shook my head. Even though Zayn was practically unconscious from exhaustion, that meant he had been trying. And that's a good thing.

I suddenly realized something and wrote on my hand quickly. I showed them.

Where's Louis?

"Great question," Harry said. "Louis, where are you?!" he yelled over his shoulder.

"Where do you think?" Louis retorted.

"Why aren't you in here?"

"Should I be? What happened?"

"Didn't you hear Zayn scream?"

"Zayn screamed?!"

I heard thudding footsteps and a surprisingly sweaty Louis appeared in the doorway. He gasped when he saw Zayn. "What happened?" he demanded.

"Insanity," the rest of the boys replied, and I nodded.

Louis sighed. "I knew it would happen sooner or later," he said, and I laughed, getting it right away. It took the others longer.

"Haha! Nice one!" Harry cried and they high-fived.

Liam made Niall push up Zayn in a sitting position and made Zayn hold the water glass. "It's too heavy," he moaned.

Liam rolled his eyes, picked up Zayn's other arm, and let it fall from his hand. It flopped to the ground uselessly. "You're pathetic," he sighed.

I wrote on my hand:

You better drink, Zayn. Didn't the instructor tell you to take water beaks and rest when necessary?

Zayn shrugged. "I guess," he said through his lips. "I dunno."

I rolled my eyes. I lifted his hand holding the water glass and pressed it against his lips. He made no attempt to drink, but he did smirk. So, in retaliation, I poured it over his face.

He gasped and shook his head, making water droplets fly everywhere. Liam, Harry, and I backed away.

"What was that for?" he demanded. I smiled.

You wouldn't drink, so I made you. Haha.

Harry laughed when he read my hand. I was starting to cover up my palm in scribbles, and running out of room. I'm not ambidextrous, meaning I can't write with both hands, so I would have to get my journal soon.

Where did I put it? I suddenly had a flash of panic shoot through my stomach. I couldn't let the boys find it! They had no sense of privacy, and they probably wouldn't look at me the same way if they read the entries inside.

Maybe they would even start pitying me. So far, they were the only people I knew who didn't feel bad for me, and I loved that about them. They could look past my voice loss, and see me as a normal person. Because that's all I am. Normal.

But where did I put my journal? I vaguely remembered bringing it to the kitchen with me, and I had a more recent memory of putting it next to my iPod speaker when I showed Liam how to dance. I let out a small sigh of relief. It was probably there, no need to panic.

"Earth to Kashine!" someone yelled in my face and I lurched backwards in surprise. I glared at Louis, who was the one that had screamed at me.

"You were staring into space with a weird worried look on your face," he explained. "Then you just kind of randomly sighed. What's up?"

I blushed slightly. I had to write on my arm for this one:

I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to move on to the next sessions. I'm kind of worried about Zayn, in his jelly state and all.

"Jelly state?" Liam read in confusion. To demonstrate, I lifted up Zayn's arm like he had and dropped it. It flopped down again. Zayn stared at the ceiling like it was heaven.

"He'll be fine," Harry said with a shrug. "May I?"

I had no idea what he was asking, but Niall nodded eagerly, a huge grin on his face. "Go ahead," he said and Harry slapped Zayn across the face. Not too hard though, thank goodness. And it woke Zayn up.

"What the hell?!" he yelled, sitting up. I wrote on my arm again.

Good, you're up. I think we should go to our next sessions early, since I'm done with Liam.

I glanced at Harry.

You're up next if I remember correctly.

He nodded. We got up and Liam and Louis yanked Zayn up mercilessly. "I'm up, I'm up," he grumbled and smoothed down his shirt. But the real problem was the sweat coming from him in torrents. "I feel disgusting," he complained.

"You are disgusting," Niall said. "How do you think I feel? I had to do the Just Dance stuff."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Don't bother denying it, you had fun, didn't you?" he guessed and Niall grinned again as he nodded.

"And you probably danced to WMYB," Louis added and Niall nodded again.

"The moves were interesting," he giggled. They left the room talking about Just Dance, leaving me, Harry, and Liam.

"Well, I have Insanity now," Liam grimaced. "I hope I don't end like Zayn did." Hopefully not, I agreed.

I went down the hall, Harry following me like an obedient lapdog, and I entered the recording studio, anxiety making me restless. I ran over to my iPod and speaker to see if my journal was there.

It was gone.

Author's Note:

Okay, I have some explaining to do. I promised I would post on "Mute" before the 20th of March, and I really truly wanted to hold up on my promise. But get this: the VERY NEXT NIGHT I promised that, my parents find out I've been staying up till 2:00am WRITING and POSTING on my stories. They took it away, saying I was "obsessed". Like, WTF?!

Then I GOT IT BACK on the 20TH OF MARCH, and it was like, "Great timing".

THEN I had to go to a different country for a week with NO WIFI and I couldn't check up on Wattpad and it absolutely KILLED me.

I finally got back two days ago, not counting today, and I had to catch up on SCHOOLWORK which took ONE DAY. Finally I was able to settle down long enough to write a few chapters, thank goodness.

I really hope you don't hate me for this, or kill me since I didn't post like I promised, but here's a bonus: I'm going to post another chapter in about two seconds. That's good, right?

Well, I hope you enjoy my story, and I apologize a hundred times for the inconvenience.

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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