Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


So, it's Sunday. The day where all the boys came together and showed off their moves. This wasn't going to go perfectly, but hopefully they'd cooperate with each other. Nobody's gonna get it right the first time. But since we didn't have much time I was crossing my fingers.

I got an email yesterday from Simon saying he wanted me to choreograph the Up All Night album before One Direction's next big concert. Which happened to be in a couple of weeks.

So the LWWY dancing was all trash now. Useless. Unneeded. I must not get mad about this. Think of it as a sort of practice round. Now I knew how the boys worked separately, and I was about to find out how they worked altogether.

I'd break the news to them tonight over dinner. No doubt they'd be pissed, probably at me, never at their beloved Uncle Simon, which is what he insisted I call him. This was getting weirder and weirder by the second.

After breakfast the five boys went into the recording studio as instructed. I set up my iPod and speaker and turned to smile at them. They smiled back, expectantly. They stood in the middle like they were supposed to, and I liked how they were ready to start dancing. Only after one week and they're this obedient. My expectations were too low. I was impressed and proud of them.

I took out a white sheet of paper and wrote on it. They passed it around.

Today we're going to be working together as a group on LWWY. Tomorrow we'll be working separately again. I don't want any distractions or complaints. I want this to go perfectly, so work with me here. Okay?

They nodded. "Promise," Niall added. I smiled again. I got the paper again and I continued to write:

So, this is how it's going to work: Liam will go first and dance to his parts. Then Zayn, then Harry, then Niall, then Louis. Once that's done and you all know what each is doing so you can stay out of the way, we'll group together and dance the chorus. Yes, I will be doing this with you. When I think you've got it, we'll dance to the music. And we'll keep working on that until it's perfect. Understood?

"Why do I have to go first?" Liam complained after he had passed the paper to Zayn. I couldn't answer him yet, so I gave him an irritated look.

"Are we going to have enough time?" Zayn asked anxiously after he had passed the paper to Niall. I nodded. Hopefully, I added in my head.

"Can we go slow at first?" Niall asked after he had passed the paper to Harry. I tried not to roll my eyes and nodded again. Yes, of course. I wasn't going to force this on them immediately.

Harry shrugged. "Seems easy enough," he said and passed the paper to Louis. He read it once and gave it to me, keeping his mouth shut.

I wrote on my paper and gave it to Liam. "We're going in that order because that's the order your solos are in," he read aloud. "Now shut it and get ready." I snatched the paper back and set it down.

The boys stood too close to each other, so I spaced them out. "But Harry's so far away!" Louis whined and extended his hands towards Harry, who did the same. I slapped their hands and they went back to their sides.

My mind wasn't completely focusing on this task, I was already imagining moves for their "Up All Night" song. I could feel the stress weighing on me, and I felt like we were wasting time. I only had two weeks to choreograph their whole album, and it took me a full week to choreograph just one song.

How would I be able to do this? Maybe I would have to force them to work together for the next couple of weeks. Not like it would be forcing. They would probably like it. Back to the task at hand!

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