Chapter 26: Up All Night

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Chapter 26: Up All Night


I woke up to five boys smiling down at me. I may say I like them, but this was way too close. Even for me.

"Good morning, Kashine!" they chorused and I sat up. I glared at them. "Why do you look so pissed this morning?" Louis asked curiously.

"Probably because we woke her up and she's in her pajamas and she hasn't showered yet," Niall said, grinning. I nodded. Exactly.

I whipped my hands out, and they backed away. I traced a small bubble around me using my hands. The universal hand motion for "personal space bubble".

"That's where you want us to be?" Harry asked innocently. "Okay then."

Suddenly five extremely heavy boys were sitting on me and I could hardly breathe. I squeaked and tried pushing Niall off. Probably not my smartest decision. So I turned around and pushed Harry. That didn't work either. So I pretended to pass out and held my breath. I didn't breathe.

"Guys, get off her!" I heard Liam yell. "She isn't breathing!" The weight disappeared, but before I could hop up and smirk at them, Niall said, "Maybe she needs CPR. Harry, do the honors?"

"Oh, shut up," Harry shot back and I laughed. I sat up and jumped out of bed before they could sit on me again. "I hate your acting skills," Liam muttered and I smiled, patting his arm.

I pointed towards the door. Leave please.

"Fine, we're going," Niall said. "But there's breakfast on the table waiting for you."

Don't eat it! I mouthed at him and he laughed. "No promises," he smirked and the other boys immediately began questioning him about what I had mouthed. He pretended it was super important and super secret, and the boys were getting visibly frustrated as they left my room. I smiled and shook my head in amusement.

I put on some new workout clothes and brushed through my hair. I added lipgloss and deodorant and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I looked pretty good. With that happy thought, I left my room for the kitchen.

The other boys weren't in there, and I realized they must have eaten already and were waiting for me. I was happy that they had let me sleep in but not so much so that we wouldn't have enough time to dance. I plopped down into a chair and had a simple bowl of Special K cereal. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, pop a mint into my mouth, and get ready to go.

I raced into the recording studio, where of course the boys were getting the last of the silliness out of their systems.

"No, no," Louis was telling Harry. "THIS is how you do it." He flipped his tongue out of his mouth and touched his nose. Harry tried copying him, but he failed epically. "I... I can't do it!" he cried, giving up.

"One, two, three, seven!" Niall yelled and Liam and Zayn began to arm wrestle. Twenty seconds later Liam was defeated. "Too easy," Zayn smirked.

"I think you broke my pinkie," Liam muttered, sucking on it.

"My turn!" Niall sang, and took Liam's seat. "Red, yellow, green!" Liam yelled and Niall and Zayn began to arm wrestle. Niall smirked as he let go, and Zayn punched his own face. "Ow!" he hollered, grabbing his nose.

I stifled my laughter, unlike the rest of the boys, and I clapped my hands loudly. Their heads spun around towards me, and they lined up in front of me obediently. "What song are we going to do today, Kashine?" Liam started to ask, but Zayn cut him off. "I think my nose is bleeding," he said, holding it gingerly. "Does anybody have a tissue?"

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