Chapter 31: Stand Up

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Chapter 31: Stand Up


This was the second hardest one to "Up All Night". Cause you know, all of those background beats and that one point where the boys either sang "I'm a thief" or "Oh oh oh".

"Okay, people, this is the second to last one," Niall declared, clapping his hands together. "We can do this. No more breaks!"

They scowled at him. "I miss the old Niall," Harry mumbled.

"I heard that, soldier!" Niall yelled and slapped his head. "Now get out there and break out some new moves!"

"Yay," Zayn muttered, staring at the ceiling. To say the least, neither Harry nor Zayn were very happy with me for not letting them have a day off like Louis and Niall had. But it's not my fault they had way too many solos or lines in a song. If they wanted a break, they could talk to their songwriters.

Truth be told, I was kind of relieved that we were almost done too. I mean, I love dancing and all, but this was getting exhausting. I didn't let them take Saturday off, thinking if we got this done sooner the better, but now I really wanted that break. These guys sucked the energy right out of me.

We stampeded into the recording studio, and we did the usual: we stretch, they sit down, I turn on the music, show them the moves, and they get up and start to follow along.

Only like with "Up All Night", I warned them beforehand that this song was going to be pretty eventful. I had to pause the song because I had to switch between demonstrating the "I'm a thief" parts and the "Oh oh oh" parts. The "oh"s were for spinning, and the "thief"s were for air punches, but I was still a little more tired than I should have been when I was done.

"Okay, let's pull straws for who gets to sing for which part," Niall said.

"That's stupid," Louis protested. "Dibs on the 'thief's."

"Same here!" Zayn and Liam shouted. Since there were five boys, that meant two were going to sing one part and three would sing the other.

"No fair," Harry grumbled. "I should get a privilege for the 'thief's."

"Too bad, so sad," Liam retorted. "Let's get started. The faster we begin this the sooner we end it."

Couldn't agree more. But the boys were still a little moody as they stood up and got into their positions. Everyone was having a rainy day today.

I decided to work with each boy separately, since I was just too tired today. I made the four others work on the chorus best they could, and left them to it. I started on Liam first, since I was going from left to right, like a book.

We started working on his solos first before the chorus. His first and second solos were just singing, no dancing. For the chorus, it wasn't too complicated. All the boys had to do was spin, pump their hands in the air, and put a hand over their chest for "every piece of your heart". Liam got that down pretty quick as he sang the lyrics to himself. He only took a few minutes to work with. I dreaded working with Harry.

Next in line was Zayn. He only had two solos, plus the chorus. In his solos I only wanted him to point at certain times, and that was pretty much it. It was weird how Zayn resented dancing so much, since he was so good at it. He was even quicker than Liam getting the chorus down.

Now it was Niall. I was pretty sure this wouldn't take very long, because his solo and echoes were tiny, and he was starting to get more and more serious about this dancing thing. Maybe a bit too serious.

For his echoes I only made him sing, same with his solo. Because of his confidence and determination, he only took a little longer than Liam getting the chorus down. He only had trouble putting his hands up at the right moments, but it was an easy fix.

Now it was Louis. I was hoping that since he got a day off, he would have more energy stored for dancing. No such luck. He was moody like the rest of us, so I had to encourage him more. It was a good thing he was a good dancer, or else I probably would have been working with him all day.

His solo was small, and pretty much the only thing he did was make a heart with his fingers. Then for the chorus he got it down pretty quickly like everybody else.

And lastly, Harry. Obviously it felt like forever teaching him. For his first couple of solos, I only made him sing because there wasn't much to dance to. And for his last couple of solos he only sung too. Then it was the chorus, which would be a little weird because he kind of had a solo then too. But I only made him do what everyone else was doing, excluding the step forward he had to take.

For the part that I liked to call the "second chorus" (the part where they were split into two and three) I was going to work with the boys all together. It would just be easier on me, and hopefully on them too. This was why it didn't take very long teaching the boys their solos and the "first chorus".

Finally it was time for the second chorus. I made them go in a pattern, and since there were three "thiefs" and two "ohs", I made the two "ohs" be on the inside. That absolutely made no sense, so I'll put it like this: thief, oh, thief, oh, thief. There, like that. Don't judge, I was tired and it's winter (no, it's not. I was just tired).

I made the "oh" boys spin and the "thief" boys air punch. It actually looked pretty cool when it was working at the same time, but that wouldn't come for a while. A real long while.

They kept getting mixed up and getting the order all wrong. I had to stop them multiple times and remind them when they had to spin or show them how to air punch in time correctly.

I made them sing so they could hear the song and dance in time, and that definitely helped. But it was still a few more minutes before I made them try it with my music from my iPod.

It took maybe five tries before they got it all right with the music, but I was too exhausted by then to do much other than clap when they got it perfect. "Did we do it wrong?" Liam asked. I shook my head and wrote on my hand:

No, you did remarkably. I'm just sooooooo tired.

"Ditto," Zayn agreed and collapsed on a couch. Niall sat on him; he didn't complain.

"Are we all just too lazy to even leave this room?" Louis asked.

"Yes," the other boys replied. I nodded.

He grinned. "Sleepover!" he yelled.

"No!" Liam shouted, but the other boys laughing and cheering covered his protest.

I raised my eyebrows. Did I really want to sleepover with these crazy lunatics? Well, why not?

For the next few hours we piled food, blankets, games, and other stuff like that into the recording studio. It was weird because suddenly we weren't very lazy anymore, and we were going to be sleeping in the RECORDING STUDIO. Think about it.

I slapped a piece of paper on the door so the busy boys could see it when they came in. "No commando?!" Niall exclaimed.

"But a bum's gotta breathe sometime," Harry said.

"Yeah," Louis agreed. "It's been cooped inside of your pants all day, it needs some breathing room."

I started laughing so hard I could barely stand. OMFG.

"No, no commando," Liam said sternly. "Kashine is only sixteen, guys. Sixteen! Spare her innocence!"

"Fine," they grumbled and went to go search for some kind of bottom-wear, hopefully.

After that was done, I plopped down onto one of the couches and looked around. We were packed together like a can of sardines. My sleeping bag was between Niall's and Harry's, and I got up to move it. Not because of the new information I had, although that was a pretty good reason too. I was still nervous about the whole Niall-had-a-crush-on-me thing, and I did NOT want to repeat the night when me and Harry slept together. Awkwarrrrd.

Since I knew Zayn and Liam did not sleep commando, I put my sleeping bag near them. I smiled. There, that's better.

"Kashine," a voice whined. I turned around to see Niall giving me a pouty face. "Why did you move your sleeping bag?" he asked.

I gave him a knowing look, my heart fluttering in my chest. He stuck his tongue out back but then smiled in amusement. "I promise I won't sleep commando," he said. "Though I'm not so sure about Harry."

He returned my knowing look, and I wondered what the heck he was thinking. Well, it's hard to tell with Niall.

"I'm not sleeping commando," Harry said, making his way towards Niall. "Can we say the same for you?"

"I just told Kashine that!" Niall said defensively. Harry looked doubtful. "Uh huh," he said and moved away before Niall could retaliate.

I shook my head, staring at the two. Strange boys.

"And that raps up our game of UNO," Liam said satisfactorily and threw down his single blue card. "I win!"

The other boys booed him or threw up their cards in exasperation. I threw my forty-something cards down. I stink at this game.

"What time is it?" Niall asked from where he lay down next to me. He had leaned over sometime ago and put his head in my lap. I liked the pressure.

"Umm," Louis hummed and held up Harry's wrist. It didn't have a watch on it, but this was the amazing part: "A little after one," he said. Somehow he could tell time with Harry's wrist, unless he was lying. I checked my iPod. Nope, a little after one, like he said. Oh my gosh.

"What!" Liam cried. "Guys, we have to get to bed! Tomorrow's the last song and then FREEDOM!!"

"Yay!" they cheered and I slapped Niall's head, since he was nearest.

We went over to our sleeping bags, and Zayn looked surprised to see me. "What are you doing over here?" he asked. "I thought you were by Harry and Niall?"

I shook my head quickly.

"Huh, okay," he said, sounding truly surprised, and he lay down, turning away from me.

I frowned as I looked at his back. His surprise wasn't helping my suspicions about Niall, and maybe even Harry. This was getting more awkward then it should.

Well, whatever, I thought as I lay down too. Just as long as the boys found out soon that I didn't like them in that way.

But I thought one more thing before falling asleep: what did I mean by "soon"?

Author's Note:

Man, it's been ages since I've written one of these, hasn't it? Well, anyway, this chapter was kind of rushed, like, really rushed. I was half-asleep when I wrote it, and that's why the characters were so tired. Sometimes I like to reflect my mood upon them.

Trying not to sound like a snooty brat here, but I'm amazed at how well this chapter turned out. I barely had to proofread it! Ha! Amazing!

Now that I've got this author's note going, I want to say how grateful I am to you guys for reading this. When I was only on chapter nine, I was like, "Screw this. It sucks anyway. Why would anyone want to read this crap?" But it turns out people like it! Who knew! I'm continuing this story for you guys, so please keep reading.

PS, it's almost done! Just about ten more chapters to go after number forty (:P), which may seem like a lot to some people, but to me that's a piece of cake!

Don't Keep Calm and Read This!

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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