Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


The driver pulled up to my house and I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe it. I was actually back.

Things had changed so much for me. I never would have thought that Harry Styles would ask me out, I would get left behind at a Nando's restaurant, or that I would drop water balloons onto my five idols. But most importantly, I didn't think I would ever get my voice.

"Are you ready, Kashine?" Harry asked me, squeezing my hand. I nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah," I said. "It's just...."

I couldn't find words for it. I couldn't believe I was returning to my old life. It'd be so hard to get back into the normal routine. But at the same time, I really wanted to see my parents.

"I get it," Harry said. "I get the same feeling after every tour." I shook my head in amazement.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Louis yelled at us. "Let's go scare some old people!"

I glared at him. "Louis!" I scolded. "Those are my parents you're talking about!"

He winked at me. "Exactly," he said and I ended up chasing him out of the car. The boys followed us, at a distance.

"Okay, I want you guys to stay out here," I told them at the front steps. "I want to surprise them."

"With what?" Liam asked.

"Your voice?" Niall asked.

"Us?" Zayn asked.

I smiled. "Both," I said and headed inside. I knew my parents were home because the lights were on, but they weren't in the kitchen. I resisted the urge to yell, "HELLO?!" It was a lot harder than you think. I stomped around, trying to attract attention to myself.

"Who's there?" a female voice demanded, and Martha appeared at the bottom of the staircase. She hadn't changed a bit.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. "KASHINE!!" she screamed, even louder than Louis, and attacked me in a bear hug. I hugged her back, and I breathed in her motherly scent. I felt tears form. I had missed her so much.

"Oh, Kashine," she murmured, pulling back and looking me up and down. "You're even taller and prettier than when I last saw you! Keith will be all over you!" She winked at me, and I blushed.

"Did you have fun?" she asked me. "Were the boys respectful? Did you make new friends?"

I nodded three times. She seemed at a loss for words and she hugged me again.

"JOHN!!" she hollered over her shoulder. "Come in here! Kashine's back!"

I heard footsteps thudding against wood, and John snatched me up too. He asked the same questions Martha did, and made the same comments. I don't think I changed at all, except for my voice.

I went over to a napkin and grabbed a pen. Time for the surprise.

I have a surprise for you.

"Oh really? What is it?" Martha asked

I smiled at her.

"Don't keep us hanging," John complained.

I opened my mouth.

"Hey, guys," I said.

I think they literally pooped their pants they were so shocked.

"KASHINE!!" Martha screamed again. "Y-you--you--"

"Talked!" John supplied for her.

I nodded proudly. "Yep," I popped. "The boys helped me find my voice. I used to have a stutter, but they helped me with that too."

They looked so proud I wouldn't be surprised if they started weeping. "I'm so proud of you, Kashine!" Martha sobbed and grabbed onto me again.

"I know, I know!" I laughed but let them hug me some more.

"But that's not all," I smirked when they were done.

"Really? There's more?" John exclaimed.

I nodded. "Boys, you can come in!" I shouted over my shoulder, and the five sexiest men on earth entered the kitchen.

"Who're they?" Martha asked.

"John and Martha," I said, walking up to the boys. "Meet Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis." They nodded or said something when I said their name.

"Nice to meet you," Liam said politely.

"Kashine talked a lot about you," Harry added.

John and Martha stared at them. "So this is your One Dimension band?" John asked me.

"Direction!" they yelled at him. I nodded, giggling.

"I'm just kidding with you guys!" John shouted at them. "How've you been?"

"Good, thanks!" Louis shouted back.

I giggled again and shook my head.

"I like this one," John reported.

"He's mine," Harry growled and grabbed Louis.

Martha walked up to Zayn stared at his hair. "How do you get it that high everyday?" she asked in amazement.

Zayn blushed and looked like he didn't exactly know how to respond. "I just--" he started to mumble but Niall interrupted. "Lots and lots of hairspray!" he laughed.

"And is your hair always this blonde and fluffy?" Martha asked, running her hands through it. I blushed, but Niall didn't seem to mind. He sobered up. "Oh," he said. "I keep it that way in memorial of my baby chick--"

"Alright then!" Liam said loudly, cutting him off. "We're just here to drop off Kashine. We'll be on our way."

"What?" I cried. "You can't stay? You're... leaving?!"

He looked at me sadly. "Unfortunately, yes," he said. "Believe me, I don't want to go either, but tour isn't over yet. We have to go."

Cue tears filling up in my eyes. I hate that. "Please don't go yet," I pleaded. I knew they had to go sometime, but I wanted to put it off as much as possible.

John and Martha watched us solemnly. "How about this?" Martha suddenly offered. "The boys can stay for dinner, and they can drive you to school the first day. How's that?"

I loved the idea. "I say we go for it!" I said loudly.

"Same here!" Niall agreed.

"Fine," Liam consented.

"Thanks, Liam," I said, smiling at him.

"I'll ask Simon if we can," Zayn said and pulled out his phone, walking away a distance.

Louis whistled along to some tune I didn't know the name of. "SLEEPOVER!!" he suddenly yelled and I jumped.

"SLEEPOVER!!" Harry agreed. I decided to join in. We started a chant.




"Alright, alright!" John shouted over us. "You can have a sleepover!"

"YAY!!" we chorused.

"As long as we play night games!" he cried excitedly and he high-fived with Louis. Those two had barely known each other for ten minutes and already they were BFFs.

I shook my head, smiling to myself. John and his night games. We're in for a hell of a night.

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