Chapter 28: I Want

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Chapter 28: I Want


It took me a while to come up with something for the gap between the lyrics, but I finally decided to just let the boys do whatever they wanted. As long as it was safe, of course.

We all gathered into the recording studio for a fresh day of dancing. I wrote down what I decided and showed them. Louis grinned and huddled up with the others, leaving me out of the conversation. I raised an eyebrow. They're up to something, and nothing good.

Finally they separated and smiled down at me. "Okay, we know what we're going to do," Louis announced. I stared at him expectantly. "What makes you think I'm going to tell you?" he snorted, and I rolled my eyes, trying not to smile.

Okay, so today we will be working on "I Want", as you already know. This is another one of the simpler ones, so we should be done in no time. AS LONG AS there are no distractions and goofing off.

I gave Louis and Harry a pointed look. Harry shrugged. "Guilty," he said.

"Like you and Harry having sex distractions?" Louis asked, and I glared at him while Harry slapped him lightly across the face. "You need to concentrate," he told him.

"Of course YOU would say that," Louis retorted and left us all wondering what he meant by that.

I clapped my hands to get their attention back on me. They sat down, already knowing the drill, and I turned on the "I Want" music and showed them the moves. "Yeah, another easy one," Niall agreed.

"Like 'Tell Me A Lie'," Zayn said brightly. "The moves are kind of similar to that."

They stood up and stretched with me, and then we got to business. They stood on the "x"s and I pointed to Harry. He opened his mouth to sing, but Louis interrupted. "Can we please act like fans again?" he pleaded in a whiny voice. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wrote on my hand.

Fine, if it makes you shut up.

"It won't," he smirked. "Fans don't shut up."

Good point, I thought grudgingly. Sass master.

The boys started screeching and waving their arms and acting as obnoxious as could be. I laughed as Harry got a traumatized look on his face and tried to dodge the flying objects that were coming at him every which way.

"Being a fan is awesome," Niall giggled in my ear as he threw a pen at Harry. I had to nod in agreement; it was pretty entertaining.

Harry had to redo it several times because he wouldn't stop laughing or shouting at us to chill. He finally got it down, but then he realized something. "Kashine, I forgot to dance!" he cried.

I nearly face-palmed. He should know by now that I almost never made them dance on the first few solos. There just wasn't enough beats. I gave him a look and he remembered. "Oh, right," he said and the left side of my mouth quirked up in a half-smile.

Now was the chorus. It was easy: just lean forward and act like you're taking something. Also while singing, of course.

But when Louis' tiny solos came up, I didn't want him to dance, just sing. He looked pretty happy with that command. We got the first part done without music in only a few minutes.

When it was Liam's solo I wanted him to dance, because by now the song was in full swing.

We acted like fans then too. Zayn actually tried going up to him and kissing him sloppily, but I made Niall hold him back. Perhaps that's what a fan would do, but here that's just plain weird.

Liam was pretty confident into getting the moves down, so he did pretty well despite the crazy boys. Then it was the chorus again, and you all know how that goes. Zayn had to dance to his solo too, but, like Liam, it was just all hand motions. Then it was the gap.

"Kashine, will you be a fan for us?" Louis asked innocently. I nodded, confused, because he only used that tone when he's about to do something bad.

"Let's go!" he shouted and they pretended to jump off some imaginary stage and into the sea of fans. "Ah! She's got me!" Harry yelled as he put my hand on his hair.

"She's tugging at my shirt!" Zayn added and put my other hand on his chest.

"She's try to trip me!" Niall cried and pretend-fell. I smiled when I realized what these boys were doing. Not a single session could go normally, could it?

I started acting like a true fangirl, shrieking and grabbing and clawing. Apparently that's what the boys were looking for, and I chased them around the recording studio, even far after the gap was done.

I stuck out my foot and tripped Zayn, and I pretend-fainted in front Harry so he slammed into Niall and Louis slammed into Harry. Once again they were all on the floor. I smirked down at them. I was so tricky.

"How come we always end up on the floor, but you never do?" Niall asked as he picked himself up.

"She was on the floor yesterday," Louis pointed out, and was obviously going to continue, but Harry yelled, "Shut it!"

The boys laughed as they stood up again. "One of these days you will end up tripping and falling like us," Zayn warned me playfully and I giggled, grinning at him doubtfully. I pranced out of his reach and tapped my foot on his "x". Time to get back to work.

We worked on the chorus some more, and that little solo after the gap that Liam sang didn't involve any dancing. We redid it a couple more times so the boys could get a feel for it without music and then I turned it on. They were brilliant, as always. They also sang along, and that was an extra bonus for me. I let them have a little break after that.

"You must like it when we sing," Liam commented from where he stood next to me. I nodded. On my hand:

It's like an extra concert for me.

"Are we good?" he asked and I snorted. What kind of question was that?

Better than good, amazing, great, awesome, best, spectacular, magnificent, and beautiful all combined into one!

Liam laughed at my long list of compliments. "That's good to read," he said, and I giggled. "Sometimes I like to make sure just in case. Cause you know, parents only say stuff like that because they're being nice, and fans will probably always love you even in your worst performance. Not like that's a bad thing. But I mean it's good to hear (or read) honest stuff like that every once in a while," he continued.

I narrowed my eyes. How did he know I was being honest? I mean, yeah, I WAS, but how did he know? He seemed to guess what I was thinking. "You would never lie to us, Kashine," he said and I smiled at his trust in me. I squeezed his hand.

"Back to work, people, we don't have much time!" Niall barked, and we both jumped. I nudged Liam.

He's turning into you.

"Oh no, not you too," he moaned and I laughed. We started dancing again.

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