Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


"Th-thank you, Harry," I whispered. I froze. I talked. I talked! OMFG, I TALKED!! We stared at each other in amazement.

"Kashine!" Harry exclaimed in a shrilly voice which would be quite funny later on. "You talked!"

I did. I did talk. And I surprised both of us by smashing my lips onto his.

His lips were soft and full, and it wasn't bad for a first kiss. You could probably tell I was a newbie, but that didn't seem to matter to him. He kissed me back, and he gripped the back of my thighs, helping me upward. I wrapped my arms and legs around his torso and he spun me around, our lips still connected. It was amazing, but I finally broke it off.

Harry stared at me, shock and pride evident in his vibrant green eyes, and I bet the same emotions were playing in my eyes.

"Unbelievable," he murmured and set me down.

"M-my voice or the k-kiss?" I asked teasingly, but I was stuttering, kind of ruining the affect of the joke. My voice was quiet too, and whenever I talked I felt like a rusty knife was cutting at the ragged, raw flesh of my throat. A pretty picture, but that's what it felt like.

"Both," Harry said, smirking slightly, and I blushed. But the moment quickly passed. "Kashine, this is amazing!" he exclaimed. "No, beyond amazing! Beyond epic! I want to say 'impossible', but that--"

"N-no," I cut him off. "Impossible's p-perfect." Because it's true. This should be impossible: me talking. This itself was unbelievable.

I laughed giddily, spinning on my toes, the blue dress that Simon bought me swirling around me.

"We have to tell the boys," Harry said. "We have to tell Simon. We have to tell your parents. We have to--"

I stopped listening after "your parents". I was thinking about Miley's and Keith's expressions when I walked into school and shouted at Miley with the full ferocity of my voice. That is, if I'd stopped stuttering by then.

Could I even talk around other people? I hoped so. This feeling that I could talk was something I never wanted to forget, and I doubted I would.

"Hello, Kashine?" Harry said, waving a hand in my face. "Are you even paying attention?"

"N-nope," I chirped, spinning around again. He sighed, a hint of a laugh in there somewhere. "Come on, let's go!" he cried. "Let's share the good news!"

I laughed again and took off running. I felt invincible, like nothing could stop me. I could finally talk!

Then I realized I should do something that I should've done a long time ago.

"I p-pledge allegiance t-to the flag of the U-United States o-of America--" I started to yell, but Harry slapped a hand over my mouth. I glared at him questioningly. "You're in Britain, remember?" he reminded me and I blushed furiously. Oh yeah. Oops. "You can pledge your allegiance in the bus," he said and we ran off again.

By the time we reached the bus, the boys and Paul were pacing in front of it, stressed looks on their faces. Louis spotted us first. "There!" he shouted and they stampeded towards us.

"Where were you two?" Paul demanded, starting the lecture. "We've been looking everywhere! One moment you were there, and then gone the next! How can you expect me to--"

"Paul," Harry interrupted. "Boys," he added. "We've got some really important news to tell you all."

"You're dating?" Niall immediately assumed and we both reddened. "No!" Harry cried, though he did glance at me. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he was thinking. What about that kiss? "More important news than that."

"What can be more important than Harry Styles getting a girlfriend?" Niall asked sarcastically. I smiled. "M-maybe my v-voice," I said.

They stared at me like I was some alien. Then they all started yelling at once.

"OMFG!!" Liam yelled, sounding very much like a teenage girl. "Kashine just talked!"

Louis produced a bag from somewhere and started breathing into it. I rolled my eyes. "Wow, Kashine!" Niall gasped. "This is amazing! No, beyond amazing! This is--"

"Yeah, we already established that," Harry interrupted and I giggled. They all attacked me in a hug, excluding Paul. "Good job, Kashine!" they chorused.

"Th-thanks," I said shyly.

"The stuttering is purposeful, right?" Zayn asked. I shook my head. "I c-can't talk p-properly yet," I said. "B-but hopefully I-I will soon."

"This is awesome!" Niall said gleefully. "Let's celebrate by going to Nando's!"

"No!" we yelled at him and he pouted, only to laugh afterwards. "I was kidding," he said.

I smirked at Harry. "I-I believe you p-promised me a trip t-to M-McDonald's," I reminded him. He sighed. "Everyone get in the bus," he ordered. "We've got a McDonald's to be kicked out of."

"D-don't you d-dare," I warned him playfully, hiding a smile. He winked at me. "Make me," he said, and I chased him around, laughing my head off.

Life never felt so good.

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