7) Herbology

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When I woke the next morning, it was still fairly dark. The light not yet seeping into the waters of the Black lake.

With a groan I squint up at the clock, my head pounding.


It's 7.30
With classes not starting till 9am I have plenty of time to get dressed, praying my headache eases soon.
First, I'm showering. After a night of drinking I feel disgusting. Once Theo left our dorm I fell straight to sleep, not even bothering to take my makeup off.

Once I'd showered, brushed my hair, teeth and pulled on my robes, I began to feel more alive. The headache was still throbbing, but what did I expect?

I should probably try to eat something

I thought, though the sickly feeling in my stomach seemed to disagree.

Walking into the great hall, I spotted Blaise and Pansy, eating toast together looking particularly cheery. Pansy noticed me mid mouthful and gave me a brief wave, grinning as I joined them.

"Hey, you" Blaise shot me one of his wide smiles.

"Rey! Was wondering if you'd be up this morning. How was last night? Have fun?" She asked with way too much energy.

"Yeah it was great, feeling it this morning though" I giggled at my self-inflicted headache.

"I know that feeling well. Is Daph still asleep?"

"Yep. Do you think I should've woke her? I wasn't sure..." I wondered aloud, feeling slightly guilty.

"Oh no she's fine. She bunks lessons all the time. If she don't wanna get up that's down to her"

I poured myself a glass of water, gulping it down immediately and buttered some toast.

"Party was kinda dead compared to normal though, don't you think Pans? Blaise chimed in.

"Dead? Everyone was fucked? Half of Slytherin's still in bed with a hangover" I laughed

"No, he's right" Pansy shrugged "first day of term and a weekday. Lots of people don't want to get drunk when they've got classes in the morning. You wait till we have a party on the weekend"

"Wow.. can't wait"

The three of us finished breakfast, talking quietly amongst ourselves. Blaise and Pansy telling stories about previous parties, all the naughty things Daphne has done, and the night they first got together. I get the feeling that a drunken night has really benefited our friendship.
At 8.45  we walked down to our first lesson, Herbology.

It seemed all six of us had Herbology together. To my surprise Theo and Malfoy were already at the greenhouses, but we were still missing Daphne. Clearly she was still in bed.

Upon the sight of the two boys, Theo's confession circled my mind. He likes me. Draco likes me? Maybe I'd misheard him.

I studied the two. Both seemed tired this morning with dark rings under their eyes.
Theo's hair was a mess, his shirt untucked and tie undone, loose over his shoulders. Honestly, he looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. But he still looked so good.

And Draco. Clearly exhausted but his uniform was as orderly as ever. Silver rings decorating his fingers, platinum hair brushed and silky. Tall and toned. He always seemed to look perfect. Considering the state he was in last night, his appearance surprised me. My eyes lingered on him, eventually looking away in fear he would catch me.

The two really were opposites, not only in their looks, but personality wise too. Theo being sweet and excitable, Draco harsher and collected, his emotions much harder to dissect.

"You two are actually awake then" Pansy laughed loudly earning nothing but annoyed grunts in response.
I watched in amusement, my eyes connecting with Theo's and we shared an enthusiastic smile.
Draco giving us a dirty look.

Herbology proved to be a bore. We were tasked with tending to the plants. Repotting and fertilising, using our books to ensure the right method of care.
Draco leant back in his chair. He had done nothing all lesson.

"Fuck this. I didn't come to Hogwarts to be messing around in filth." He gestured towards a muddy plant pot. "Oi Zabini mate, let's get out of here. We can go-"

"Absolutely not" Pansy interrupted "You are not getting him into trouble this year Draco. He's got to focus"

"I wasn't asking for permission, stupid little witch"

"Watch it mate" Zabini snapped.

Draco looked away, tongue against his cheek. Blaise wasn't going to leave with him and he knew it. His rejection amused me and I smirked to myself whilst scouring the pages of my textbook for answers. The fanged Geranium assigned to me had wilted and I was struggling to figure out how to treat it.

"Greenwood" Draco called.


"Struggling?" he asked, entertained.

"Leave me alone"

"Only asking mudblood"

I closed my textbook, frustrated.

"Just fucking leave her be Malfoy, yeah" Theo chimed in, sticking up for me.

"What makes you so sure I'm a Mudblood?" I retaliate.

"I know you are"


Draco scoffed. "There are only twenty-eight pureblood families. I know every single one of them. Greenwood doesn't make the list"

I ignore him.

"You got a boyfriend Greenwood?"

"Why do you care"

"I don't. Simply bored."

Ignoring him again, I reopen my book. This time examining the Index for some sort of clue.

"If you answer me, I'll tell you exactly what you need to heal that Geranium"

I looked into his grey eyes. He looked smug. His confidence, attractive. I doubted that Draco actually knew anything about plants, but it was worth a try.

"Fine. No, I dont have a boyfriend. What is it I need then?"

"Course you don't" he laughed, tilting his head at me, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. "You need Wormwood powder. You sprinkle it into the soil"

How the fuck does Malfoy know that?

He smiled at me, as though he could read my mind.

"There's probably some in the supply room out back" Pansy suggested, pointing with the dirty trowel in her hand. "If you trust him enough to try"

"Worth a go I guess" I sulk, and make my way over to find some Wormwood powder.

In the Supply room I bump into Harry.

"Harry? Hey"

"Oh Hi Aurelia...er how's Slytherin. They're being nice to you right? I saw you talking to Malfoy and I thought-"

"Yeah, don't worry. It's fine. Malfoy's a prick but I'm trying to ignore him. The others are nice."

"Good, good. It's a shame you weren't put with us." He mentioned awkwardly.

"I know. Still friends though right?"

"Still friends" he confirmed, both of us grinning.

"Great. Er, do you happen to know what Wormwood powder looks like?"

"Oh for the Fanged Geraniums? I think Ron's got some over on our table. Hermione found it for him, come on I'll grab it. You must be pretty smart to work that out" Harry added blushing.

"Yeah..." I reply. I'm not about to admit it was actually Malfoy that worked it out.

Fucking Malfoy

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