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I crawled across the damp forest floor swiftly yet ever so quietly stalking my prey.

A rabbit.

I rolled my eyes. Not a big feast, but it will have to do to get me through this dreaded day.

High School.. The words repeated in my head with my mom's voice saying it.

"We moved here for a better life, so you can have a human like life and be normal Cam."

Yeah, normal. What was normal anyway?

The rabbit sat there chewing on a leaf. I could hear its nibbling thanks to my super hearing. I licked my lips, the scent of its blood hit my nostrils as the gentle breeze blew my direction.

God it smelt good.

This would be my first hunt in this god forsaken town they called Wellington and my first taste of blood in the past 48 hours. Losing out on this kill was NOT an option.

It's head went down , like it was looking for another leaf. Perfect opertunity.

I know what you're thinking. Its a tiny bunny, why do I make it seem like its soooo hard to catch? Well since I haven't had blood in over 2 days I'm weak and not as fast so I need to be precise.

I leaped over the rabbit and grabbed it with my hand. It nearly escaped. Damn rabbit.

Oh and I'm a vampire haha but I guess you figured that out with all the Hunt and blood talk and what not.

I drained the rabbit of its blood and I instantly felt rejuvenated. My strength came back, my hair's red color looked more alive, well I guess you can say more red and my skin got back its glossy look.

Using my super speed I hurried home to get ready for "school" in about ummmm 45 minutes.

"Cameron Jacklyn Hunter get in this house right now". My mother, said from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, she used my full name. Ugh!

"Mom, seriously this is stupid. Why do I need to go to school? I'm smarter than those kids and their teachers combined. I don't need a human experience". I made air quotes at "human" with my fingers.

She shook her head at me. "Cammy, stop it. We talked about this before, and you're going to school so you can have a normal life and make friends. Now go get ready, we leave in 10 minutes.".

Since there's obviously no point in trying to get out of this, I might as well get it over with.

3 minutes later, I came down to the kitchen in black jeans, a black off shoulder and my favorite shoes, converse. Everything black, I loved, don't ask why.

Mom scoffed. "Black Cam?" I scoffed right back at her. "Yeah mom."

Thankfully she didn't say anything else, the last thing I wanted was an argument to ruin my day even more

I blasted my music in my ears from my phone to avoid having to hear my mom give a pep talk in the car. Then the car stopped. I paused my music.

"We're here Cam." Mom is beaming like this is a good thing!

Oh God. Help me..

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