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High school..

A bunch of a rude, prissy irritating people all crammed into one place. Oh joy.

Mom dropped me off and left. She offered to come in with me but I'm not stupid enough to have my mother come in a school filled with horny teenage boys.

Because we were vampires, we looks younger than we are. My mother looks like she's in her mid twenties or early, depends on how you personally would see her. Im not even going to try to lie and say she isn't beautiful, she was stunning.

I walked up the steps to the huge golden door of Addison High.

At least this place isn't huge and lame looking like my old one.

I could of sworn as soon as I stepped in, it went dead quiet.

Well, not sworn, I know it did. Vampire hearing remember?

Ugh, is this what its like to be the new kid?

I walked down the long hallway, to the principals office for my locker number and class schedule.

Just as I was walking, some prissy, blonde skinny tramp bumped into me.

Did she really just....? I glared at her.

"Watch where your going newbie". She said to me.

Now, I'm not the type to be quiet and calm if I'm being disrespected, she gave me attitude, she is getting some right back.

"Watch yourself Blondie and that shithole you call a mouth". I smirked as I said my words.

Her "crew" quickly tried to surround me and I noticed other students gathering around like it was a circus.

Oh God.. This won't end well.

A tall redhaired girl got in my face and dared me to repeat what I said.

Oh well, she asked.

"Okay, since you obviously left your hearing aides home. I said She Should Watch Herself And Her Shithole Of A Mouth". I pronounced each word slowly just to piss her off. "And maybe you should watch yourself too Elmo."

Mom was most likely going to kill me for getting into trouble on the first day, but there is no way in hell I'm letting these bitches think they can rule over me.

I felt someone try to shove me from the back, but obviously failed.

I'm stronger than I look, trust me. Heh..

My arm touched her gently, and by that I mean I pushed her hard, really hard. The red haired girl landed on her ass, which made me Chuckle a little. The blonde girl's mouth was open wide enough to catch a school of flies. Someone behind me tried to push me again.

You'd really think someone would learn after the first fail. Tsk tsk.

I turned to face who it was. Another ref haired girl stared at me with a hard look on her face.

Oooo that's so scaryyyyy!

I glared at her and grabbed her hair, pulling it tighter and tighter until she started to shout.

God, I feel so amazing. I'm in the zone.

I released her hair and she ran off, covering her face as she cried. This is what happened when you try to stand up against a vampire.

3 other girls backed away slowly from the circle they made around me. I smirked. The blonde girl on the other hand, stood her ground.

Foolish girl.

She attempted to slap me but *sigh* she was already basically beaten.

I dodged her slap then grabbed her hand and threw her on the floor and sat on her back.

A snack maybe?

I looked around, people were backing away or running away.

The girl started to scream and throw a tantrum. "GET OFF OF ME YOU BLOODY FREAK. GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!!!!"

I smiled and slowly let my fangs out. Her hair was in my hand, I pulled her head back, exposing her neck to me. I almost bit her until..



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