F i v e.

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"Everyone. We have a new student. Cameron Hunter. Make her feel welcome". My teacher, Mr. Lyson said to the class and they started to wave at me in a scattered form.

The only way I'll feel comfortable right now is if you tell me to go home..

Mr. Lyson told me to sit wherever I felt most comfortable.

Least he had a nice smile.

I half smile back at him and make my way to the back of the class. I always loved back seat. I guess because of my "dark personality as mom calls it. Honestly, I just feel like crap sitting up front because I always feel like someone is staring at me.

I put my books on my desk and sat down, leaning against the wall. I inhaled the air slowly. Blondy was in here with her gang of rabid squirrels.

I smirked mentally. I didn't need to look up to know she was staring at me. Literally, I could feel her eyes boreing a hole in me like she could shoot laser beams and burn my heart out.

Bitch wishes.

My eyes wander around the class, at every kid in here with me.

This really skinny kid with large rimmed glasses picked his nose and put the gooey snot underneath the desk.

My God, were humans really this disgusting?

I look away before the kid does it again and makes me throw up.

I felt my face burn red.

Why didn't I notice he was here sooner?

I glanced at my mate from the corner of my eye.
He's staring at me. I can feel it.

God, why did it have to be a werewolf?

.Calvin's Point Of View.

She was blushing.

I couldn't help but smile. I knew she could feel what I was feeling and it made me damn happy as hell.

"Mother?" I tried to contact my mom through our mind link. After a few moments, she answered.

"Yes Sweetheart? Everything alright?"

"Yeah mom, everything is great. I found my mate."

I heard her squeal with excitement. "Oh my goodness!! That's fantastic news. I'm so happy for you. Have you told your father?"

I glanced at my teacher before answering. He was telling us about Earth Science. Mostly, I knew almost everything they taught here.

"No. I wanted to tell him face to face before the pack meeting tonight."

My father always wanted me to find my mate. He told me stories when I was younger about when he found my mother, his mate. He said the buest of feelings were beyond words and anything he'd ever felt.

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