E i g h t.

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A/N: So I've had a bit of writers block for a minute and I still need help finding someone to be Calvin. Anyways, here's a chapter for you lovely Sereniteers :)_❤

Cameron's POV.

"Ahhem. Cameron, who is this?"

I broke off our hug. My mother's voice snapped me out of my momentary bliss and I cleared my throat.

"Mom.. This is Calvin."

I glanced over at Calvin, he extended his hand to my mom and she looked at him weirdly.

Here we go...

"This is the wolf?" She asked as she wrinkled her nose and I nodded.

Please God, help me get through this.

Calvin's POV.

God, her mother seemed like a stuck up bitch, but I got to admit she was stunning though. I can see where my mate got her looks from.

"Nice to meet you Mrs...?"

It finally hit me at that moment. I didn't know my mates name and pretty much knew nothing about her.

How amazing..

Cameron was looking at the ground, then outside, barely glancing at me or her mother.

"Miss. Not Mrs. You can call me Savannah." She grabbed my hand and shook it with a smile on her face.

Well, half smile.

She pulled my arm to her nose and sniffed it.

Damn, she was stronger than I thought.

"I smell Alpha blood in you." She said.

I nodded and nudged Cameron with my elbow. She looked up at me and frowned when I saw how she looked. Her eyes seems so void of life and dull, her skin lost it's glossyness and just looked pale now.

I guessed she noticed the frown on my face because she speeded up to her room and I heard a door slam.

"Don't be upset. She just hasn't fed yet. I know you noticed her paling am I right?"

" Yeah I noticed. Why doesn't she eat then?"

Her mom chuckled. "Blood sweetheart. Come on and sit, I'll bring her something and she'll be back in a bit."


After a while, I started to grow restless. It seemed like hours since my mate and her mom disappeared and left me here by myself.

I stood up and decided to do a little exploring.

They wouldn't mind right?

I made my way into what looked like a study. It was huge, really huge. I grazed my finger over a stack of books on a small table.

Seems someone loves to read.

I wondered about my mate.
What she liked, disliked. What she ate and what she didn't.

Did she like me? Despite our destined attraction to one another, I wondered if she could actually like me, who I really am and not because she has too.

"Sorry for taking so long." Her voice quietly echoed across the grand room and my neck snapped to look behind me at her.

"Its alright. I understand. But um, mind if I ask your name?" I feel like such a dumb ass asking this question.

"Its Cameron. Didn't you hear my mom calling me that?"

"My focus was on something else." I shot a smile at her and she sent one back.

"We need to talk." She and I both said in unison, I saw her blush.

I motioned for us to talk privately in the study and closed the door behind us, locking it.

Let's hope this doesn't end in a disaster..

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