T w e l v e.

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Cameron's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I screamed at the dickwads destroying my- correction.- my mother's Range Rover.

They froze for a second and stared at me, until one of them walked up in front of me.

I inhaled his scent and he inhaled mine.


He gave me a stale look and leaned closer to my face.

"Back away little vamp before things get too ugly."

God, I hate it when someone calls me little. I balled my hand into a fist and I punched him in the face.

"Only thing ugly here is you and go brush that dog breath."

My eyes were burning red, I knew it. I tried to calm down before the humans realized but this werbe is really testing my patience.

He fell back onto the ground as his friends surrounded him. I heard a low growl and his eyes were now pitch black. This dumb ass was going to shift.

Or so I thought.

He lunged at me but I quickly moved to a side and dodged him. One of his friends tried to hold me but I hissed at him, revealing my fangs and he backed off.

The were tackled me while I was facing the other boy.


I am extremely strong but werewolves are a little bit stronger than vampires. He pinned my arms to the ground and he was about to punch me, but I kicked the back of his head and flipped over to get some distance between us.

His eyes were still jet black and I knew he was royally pissed. He was about to lunge at me again, until I heard a voice call out a name.


I turned to see my mate approaching from his car to the little display.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The were, Rafe I guess is his name, tensed up a bit and his eyes shifted back to a light blue.

"What the fuck are you all watching? Mind your damn business!" He yelled at the crowd of students watching and they dashed inside the school quickly.

I relaxed from my rage a bit and my red vision turned back to normal.

"Answer me Rafe."

"She attacked me Alpha."

"BULLSHIT." I shouted. "Calvin, they destroyed my car."

My mate glanced back at me with softened eyes as he nodded and turned back to Rafe.

"Why did you destroy her car?"

No answer.


Rafe's head shot up and his eyes were pitch black again and he glared at me.

It honestly didn't phase me and I glared at him right back. I'm not running scared because of some ignorant dog.

"That bitch took my spot and I wanted it so I handled business."

Now, I'm pissed again. "Who the hell are you calling a bitch Bambi?"

Calvin shot me a warning glare before he turned to face a guy that came up next to him.

"Ivan, take Rafe into the woods and allow him to shift to release the anger then take him back to the pack house."

I admired the amount of authority his voice held at that moment. In the corner of my eye, I saw 3 guys, Ivan included holding Rafe back so he couldn't lunge at me. I felt tingles when I realized Calvin's was touching my arm.

"No school today. Come with me and I'll have someone replace your car."

I nodded as he led me to his car and he drove up the street.

My mind was wandering about where he was taking me. I was still a little pissed about that assbone breaking my mom's Rover but being around Calvin gave me a sense peace and calm that I gladly was appreciative for right now.

Before I knew it Calvin had parked his car and I stepped out. He took my hand and led me through the forest till we got a small lake.

The water sparkled like millions on tiny diamonds again the sun's rays and the soft shiny grass added to the scenery as it provided cushions for the falling flowers from the trees above us. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Wow." I said.

"I said the same thing when I found this place. Really took my breath away. I come here at times to thing or find a sense of calm. You're the first one I've brought here."

I felt the overwhelming to have his arms around me and I gave in to it as I hugged him tightly with my face against his hard warm chest.

"Cam." He said softly.

"Hm?" I brought my head up to face him, only to be greeted with his lips, crashing against mine.
Calvin in the MM! ✌

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