F o u r.

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My mate.

He smelled like rose oil and another amazing scent I couldn't put a name too.

"Cameron, are you listening to me? Helloooo?" My mother's voice snapped me back to reality.


Mom glared at me like I was an idiot.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked back at my mate. He was also looking at me.

He must of been feeling what I was feeling right now. The strength and pull of our destined connection.

With my vampire hearing, I heard a guy next to him calm him Calvin.


Calvin's Point of View..

I stared at her from afar, taking in her essence.

My mate's essence.

She glanced back at me, then at the woman standing next to her. I'm guessing must be her mom, and by the look on her face, she was getting a serious ass scolding.

A smile came across my face. Her hair color is another thing that captured my attention.

Red head. I smirked.

"Calvin! Yo, dude. You payin' attention bruh?" My best friend, since I was about 5, Ivan snapped his fingers in my face attempting to draw my attention.


He shook his head. "The meeting tonight?"

"Oh yeah. Umm, around 10 or whatever...." I trailed off to glance at my mate again. But she and the woman I guessed was her mother disappeared into the school.

"Oooooooo, someone's found their mateeeeee". Daniel, another good friend of mine said in a sing-song kind of voice as he nudged his twin, Kendel with his elbow.

My eyes diverted at the twins, laughing and giggling away.

Kendel nudged his twin back. "Shut up goon, don't piss off the alpha or he'll hang us by our-"

I smirked as I interrupted the young freckled faced boy.

"By your balls, if you don't shut up. God, you two find a joke in almost anything."

Ivan shook his head at the twins as they ran off towards the school. The bell had rang and it was time for class.

Ivan and I neared the doors as he asked me another question.

"Is she really your mate Cal?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she was. And I know she felt it too. If I can talk to her, I wanna bring her to the meeting tonight, to tell my parents about her and everything."

My friend patted my back and gave me an encouraging smile. "I got your back Alpha."

Cameron's Point of View...

I leaned near the schools door, listening to their conversation.

Thank God for vampire hearing...hold up a minute? ALPHA?!?!

Oh shit...

He was a werewolf. How in the hell could that be possible?

I heard them coming and I ducked inside a janitor's closet near by.

I heard Calvin laugh. It sent tingles in the pit of y stomach.

After I heard the laughter subside and the hallway clear I came out and went to the principals office for my schedule.

My mate was a werewolf...

"You've got to be fucking shitting me.."

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