Aftermath: Valiant Hero

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(\\// Earth: Octo Valley \\//)

It's been a week since Silver's death and the restoration of Mobius and Earth. Sonic and the others came for the unveiling of Silver's statue for his heroism and courage.

"We are gathered here today to honor the life of Agent M8, Silver Smith of the Squidbeak Splatoon." Cuttlefish said. "He was one of the bravest to protect all of squidkind 1 month ago today. I now leave the rest to the captain."

Cuttlefish went back down to sit with everyone else. Captain came up in front of the crowd.

"Thank you Cuttlefish." Captain said. "Now, then. I would like to have a round of applause for Silver's friends back in his world for thanking them for protecting our worlds."

The agents all cheered for Sonic, Shadow, Sonia, and Manic for saving Mobius and Earth.

"Now then. I am proud to gift Agents M1, M5, M6, and M7 these medals of honor." Captain said as Sonic, Shadow, Sonia, and Manic came up as she put medals of honor and bravery around their neck.

"Thank you, Captain." Shadow said as he went up to the podium. "Silver was like he was part of our families. He was one of the toughest out of all of us."

Everyone bowed their heads in silence.

"He was the fifth member of Sonic Underground as the rhythm guitarist of the band." Sonic said. "And we will never forget him. In honor of what he did to save all of us..."

Sonia and Manic pulled the sheet down revealing Silver's statue of him in his armor with his guitar on his back, and his weapon in hand.

"Silver may not have been a part of our band for long, but he was the greatest during that time." Shadow said.

"A month ago today, we have seen what this warrior from the future did." Sonic said.

"Silver may be gone... but he will never be forgotten for what he had done to save our home." Shadow said.

Everyone bowed their heads in silence praying Silver would be okay in the afterlife.

(After the funeral...)

Sonic and the others returned to Mobius, feeling sad about Silver's death. Blaze was the only one who was feeling a lot better with getting over his passing. Amy watched over her to make her feel better. Tails was working in his workshop, and Knuckles was back guarding the Master Emerald on Angel Island. As for the living members of Sonic Underground, they continued to mourn for Silver as the band wasn't really doing so well without him.

"I can't believe we only had Silver in the band for a few months, and now he's gone." Sonia said.

"It hurts losing a friend. It's like losing a member of your own family." Manic said.

"Yeah. It's gonna be hard to move on from Silver's death." Sonic said.

"Well, at least we're safe thanks to him. I mean without Silver, Mephiles would've been able to destroy our home completely." Shadow said. "But, yeah. I feel like without Silver... this band is incomplete."

Sonic, Sonia, and Manic agreed with what Shadow had said. They decided to give the band a break for a while, until they felt better. The hedgehogs went off to Mobotropolis to tell the king and queen about Silver's death.

(\\// Mobotropolis: Throne Room \\//)

Aleena and Charles were on their thrones with their jewels back on their crowns. The Swat-Bots told them Sonic and the others were coming. The king and queen were surprised they would be coming to the kingdom again. But Sonic Undergound wasn't happy. The hedgehogs stepped forward and bowed for them.

"Sonic? What's wrong?" Charles asked.

"He's still upset after we finally destroyed Mephiles, your majesties." Shadow replied.

"Oh. Well, where's Silver?" Aleena said.

"He... he's dead." Sonic said. "He sacrificed himself to restore our home after we won."

"Oh. That explained why there's only four of you." Charles said. "So that's why you came here?"

"Yes. But something doesn't feel right. Without Silver, the band is incomplete." Sonic explained. "So... we think it's time to take a break for a while."

Aleena and Charles felt his pain. Since Mephiles is finally destroyed, they don't need their music powers much anymore.

"It's alright, Sonic." Aleena said. "We understand. And we knew this day would come."

"Swat-Bots, bring the case for the medallions." Charles called out.

A Swat-Bot brought over a case to fit all five of the royal medallions and the star pendant from after reconstructing it. Sonic, Shadow, Sonia, and Manic came up as they took their medallions off from around their necks and placed them in the case. Sonic took out Silver's medallion as he placed it in. Sonic had already put the star pendant that allowed the heroes to destroy Mephiles for good the last time he came. It was placed in the middle of all five of the medallions. Charles closed the case as he spoke.

"Sonic Underground... your mission is complete." Charles said.

"You did well... And now it's time for you to go on your separate paths." Aleena said.

"Thank you, your majesties." Shadow said. "Good bye."

Sonic and Shadow left Mobotropolis to continue their roles as heroes. Sonia and Manic stayed in Mobotropolis since it's their home.

"Order is restored to light once again." Shadow said.

"Yup. And so... a new chapter begins." Sonic said prepared for what happens next.

With the war finally over, peace is restored to Mobius and Earth. And with Mephiles finally destroyed, the Octostrikers have retired their evil ways for good. But with Silver dead, it seems Sonic Underground's mission is complete... The heroes could live happily ever after for now. At least... until the next threat arrives for the heroes to face together...


'Hey guys. Thank you so much for reading my stories. It means a lot to me. If I hadn't have become SpeedyLitSonic, I wouldn't have these stories up without you. This is not the end to my stories to let you know. I feel like I need a bit of a break from writing. But thanks again for reading, and I'll see you in whatever happens next.'

(Publish Date: 11/9/2022)

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