Chapter 8: Master of Rhythm

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Sonic Underground was teleported to the top of Melody Mountain to restore the fifth pendant shard's energy. Once they have all five shards at full power, Mephiles will soon face his destruction.

"Where are we?" Silver said confused.

"We must be on top of Melody Mountain." Sonic said. "Look."

Sonic pointed towards four statues of instruments arranged in order from a guitar, keyboards, drums, and bass infront of a pond with a waterfall. Sonic and the others approached the statues as Silver saw some writing on a stone tablet before the instrument statues shrine.

"Hey, guys. What does this mean?" Silver said.

Sonic, Sonia, Manic, and Shadow came up to what Silver was looking at.

"Want to stop the darkness? You've come to the right place. Place the shards in the statues, to restore the light of day." Sonic said out loud. "I think in order to restore the final shard's energy, we have to place the ones that have power in these statues."

"It's worth a shot. Let's do it." Silver said.

"Time to call in the band." Sonic said with a smile.

Sonic, Sonia, Manic, and Shadow went up to the instrument statues of what they play, ready to insert the shards in the statues.

"Guitar." Sonic said placing his shard in the guitar statue.

A blue line linked down along with a guitar riff played.

"Keyboards." Sonia said placing her's in the keyboards statue.

A magenta line linked with blue one, with a keyboard riff playing.

"Drums." Manic said placing the third shard in the drums statue.

A green line linked with the rest and a short drum riff played.

"Bass." Shadow said placing the fourth shard in the last open statue.

A red line linked with the other three along with a short bass riff played. A fifth statue appeared in gold yellow, shaped like a lefty guitar. Silver didn't know what to do at first, but Sonic told him what to do next.

"Silver. Place the shard in the open statue." Sonic said.

"Got it." Silver said, doing what Sonic explained. "Rhythm!"

Silver placed the final shard in the statue. A gold yellow light linked with the other four. Colored beams linked the fifth shard restoring its powers. A golden beam fired up in the sky as the final shard's energy is being restored.

"It's working." Silver said.

"Yeah. But who knows how long it will take." Sonic said.

"Hopefully not long. We need this shard restored for us to win." Shadow said.

A demonic laugh came from behind Sonic Underground as they turned to see Mephiles had followed them to Melody Mountain.

"Mephiles?" Sonia said worried.

"Fools! Step aside, so I may finally rid this world of your music and Sonic himself." Mephiles ordered.

"Never!" Shadow said.

Sonic Underground activated their armor ready for a fight. Sonic didn't have his golden titanium armor since it was still being fixed. Instead he had on a weaker set of armor. 'Like in Sonic Frontiers.'

"You will never kill him again, Mephiles. We're ending this war and you can't stop us." Silver said.

"Then it's a good thing I didn't come alone." Mephiles said striking his staff twice. "Octostrikers!"

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