Chapter 7: Master of Keyboards

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Sonic Underground were now on the route to the keyboards shard. After it's been found, Silver's rhythm shard would only be left.

"Three shards down and two to go!" Silver said.

"And it looks like the signal is coming from this cave." Sonic said.

The heroes came to a stop as they got out of their vehicles.

"Once we find my shard, it's off to get Silver's." Sonia said.

"And then Mephiles will meet his end." Silver said. "Let's go."

Sonic Underground entered the caves of the mountain. It was all lava down at the bottom. At least there are some bridges to get across.

"Any sign of the pendant shard yet, Sonic?" Shadow asked.

"Well, it's not in this part of the caves. It must be further up ahead." Sonic said.

Sonic, Sonia, Manic, Shadow, and Silver made their way down the bridge as lava geysers blew from below like flamethrowers.

"This might be tricky." Sonic said.

Sonic waited for the right timing as the geyser went down, giving him the time to jump across. Sonia and Manic took his hoverboard across the lava. Silver flew over with his psykinetic powers. Which left Sonic and Shadow to take the bridge on foot. The two hedgehogs ran across the bridges making jumps in between the gaps watching their step making it to the last gap.

"This last jump might be tricky." Shadow said.

"Let's hope we make it." Sonic said.

Sonic and Shadow jumped and used a homing shot for the last bit of momentum to get across. Silver, Sonia, and Manic had already made it over without taking the bridge.

"What took you so long?" Sonia said.

"Not now, Sonia." Sonic said. "C'mon. We still have a long way to go."

Sonic Underground continued their journey deeper in the caverns to find the pendant shard. They reached some kind of magma tunnel and they would need a mode of transport to get deeper inside.

"What the heck is this?" Silver said confused.

Silver pointed to some kind of panel that three of the pendant shards can fit in.

"Hmm... It looks like we can fit the pendant shards in here." Manic said.

"Wonder what it's for?" Sonia said.

"I don't know. Maybe it'll help us get through these tunnels." Sonic said.

"Let's find out." Shadow said.

Sonic, Manic, and Shadow took their pendant shards and placed them in the panel. The shards glowed as their energy beamed into the three users, as they felt a surge of power flowing through their veins.

"Whoa! What's happening?" Manic said shocked.

"The pendant shards must be giving us a great surge of energy." Sonic said.

Sonic, Shadow, and Manic then fired a beam down on the cracked ground near the edge of the lava. The energy shapeshifted the ground into a hovercraft they can use to go through. The energy boost faded as the pendant shards returned to the heroes.

"Well... whatever that power the pendant shards gave you, must've turned some of the ground into a hovercraft for us to get across this magma tunnel." Silver said.

"I guess it did. Now let's see what lies ahead in this tunnel." Sonic said.

Sonic Underground walked up to the hovercraft as it started to move deeper in the tunnel. Sonia kept her guard up with her keyboard blaster. Silver used his psykinetic powers to steer through the tunnels that were like a maze. Sonic felt the signal getting stronger and stronger as they went deeper and deeper in the tunnels.

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