Chapter 4: Master of Drums

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It was sunset. At some caverns in the Splatlands, some miners were digging the rock of the cave to find anything valuable. One miner using a laser pick broke a bit of stone as he picked up the piece he cut has crystals on it. His pick turned off the blade as he used it like a flashlight on the other end.

"Hmm... Nope. This doesn't seem to be worth a lot." The miner said, as he threw the stone over his shoulder.

The stone cracked the cave wall behind him as a green glow emitted from the hole. The miner looked behind him to see the glow. He walked over to it as he mined it out. The glow was emitted from a green orb with a shard inside.

"Whoa! Something like this has got to be worth a fortune." He said.

The miner took the orb as he left the cave. He was given a small pouch of money from his boss. He wasn't happy with what he was given for something very valuable.

"That's it?" The miner said.

"I detect a distinct lack of gratitude on your part." The sheriff said, as he put the orb in a saddlebag on his horse.

The sheriff was wearing all black clothes, hat, boots, gloves, and a gold badge on the left side of his shirt. He was an octoling with dark red tentacles.

"I just handed you something worth a fortune." The miner said. "This is barely enough to get me through the week."

"Well, times are tough." The sheriff said.

"Yeah, for everyone except you." The miner pointed out.

The sheriff turned around on his horse.

"If you're not happy with our arrangement, you're more than welcome to take it up with my boss." The sheriff said.

The miner was gonna say something but stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." The sheriff said. "You're lucky Mephiles hasn't killed you, Axol."

"Well, it's because of him I had to stop my manga writing!" Axol shouted. "I didn't have a choice to resort to mining here!"

(With Sonic Underground...)

The heroes were driving through the Scorching Splatlands searching for the first shard.

"It's so hot. Can't we take a break?" Manic said exhausted.

"Not when the freedom of this world depends on us finding those shards." Shadow said.

"Also if we did, Mephiles would find us and he'd kill me again." Sonic said.

"They're right, Manic. This is our only chance of finally destroying Mephiles." Silver explained. "We can't let him kill your brother twice."

Sonic was trying to get a signal but was struggling a bit.

"Any luck with the radio?" Silver asked Sonic.

"I'm picking up a song signal, but I can't get a lock on its position." Sonic replied.

"What we need is a local, who can point us in the right direction." Shadow said.

"Perhaps those men can help us?" Sonia pointing in the direction of the sheriff and Axol.

Ther heroes came to a stop as the two looked towards them. The heroes got out from their vehicles as the sheriff spoke.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The sheriff asked.

"We've come from another universe, and are on a galactic mission." Sonic explained.

"And what might that be?" The sheriff asked.

Sonic/Splatoon Crossover (Days of Darkness)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin