Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Odessa Sedet

I sit in the living room with Alessandro sleeping on my shoulder. He has a fever. And I don't want to say it but looks absolutely horrible. He says he's freezing but his body is hot. I know it's chills. He had a blanket over him. Rebecca is asleep on the other couch while I'm watching Disney. They were watching. They're going on a Halloween marathon even though it's September. I'm enjoying it though. Angelina is upstairs. Fast asleep.

I'm stressing over this essay that's due right in the morning. I think I've always had bad luck getting bad teachers or professors. The door opens and I don't have to look to know it's him. I can tell by the steps.

"Why didn't you make them sleep on their beds?" He asks picking him up, my arm is numb and I stretch it. I watch as he picks up Rebecca as well so easily. "I wasn't ready to get up yet." I answer honestly. And they're heavy. I scroll through my phone while waiting for him. He takes his time though before coming downstairs. About thirty minutes. He's changed in two sweats and a simple tshirt.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. He texted me to stay longer then usual because he wanted to talk. He ignored the entire matter that his son was on the brinks of death and didn't want to consume anything. Not even water.

He threw up a lot.

"Is something wrong with Lina?" He asks.

He calls Angelina, Lina. He calls Rebecca , Becca. Alessandro is Sandro. He's intelligent for making sure all his kids had nicknames. He's the only person to call me Odess. I let him though because I was new and slightly intimidated by him. Then it stuck. He only calls me it though.

"I know she's almost fourteen and a teenager. Periods? Puberty but does she seem off to you?"

"Have you talked to Ciara about it?"

"Yes, but it's always cut short because she's busy. Lina is always arguing with her."

"Mothers and daughters argue a lot." I defend.

"She's fine with me, I don't think it's because aren't around her. Because you guys seem to make more then enough time with them. I don't know maybe it's a guy."

"It's not a guy." He shuts that assumption down immediately.

"How do you know that?"

"Because she's more into girls. She bashes men all the time."

I squint my eyes. "Why hasn't she told me?"

"Maybe she has a crush on you."

"Your insane."

"She said that you're really pretty."

"That doesn't mean anything." I laugh.

"I'm her dad. I would know. I don't blame her."

His eyes are burning through mine and I'm smiling. I don't notice until I'm looking down and wiping the grin from my face. But he's placing his hand on the side of my face and making me look back at him. "I think she's hurting, and alone. She's comfortable with me because I'm the closest thing to a teenager around her. But it's not enough. She needs a push to be social. She hates how quiet she is."

"Humans are wired to interact with people. She's inside all the time. At least the twins would always have each other. She needs friends Dametri. Just because she says she wants to be at home all the time, doesn't mean you can allow her to be. I can't tell you what to do. "

"But she's a geek honestly and I think even a private school would be best for her. Or public if you trust her not to ruin your guys name." I smile.

"She tells you all this?"


I don't want to tell him how I know this all. She trusted me. I invaded her privacy I'll admit but it was the only way to get anything out of her.

"I'm just...amazing in that sense." He rolls his eyes disagreeing.

"You'd be a good mom." His words are sincere.

That's what I hate about him. I can have a conversation with him when he isn't acting boyish. Or immature.

"Not anytime soon though." I place my hand over his ready to remove his hand off me.

"You have amazing self control." He states as I put some space between us. "It would be disrespectful to do anything unprofessional in your home."

"We can go somewhere else."

He's back.

I stand up and pick up my purse plus phone.

"I'll be waiting on my check."

"I'll see if you deserve it." He sounds serious. He stands up towering over me. 6'5. His parents created a beauty.

"I've taken care of your sick and frantic kids , being tortured for two weeks." He puts my hair behind my ear and bends down bringing his lips to my cheek. Kissing me softly. I feel my frustration dissolve and my heart pace. He smells good, like always

"I'm joking." He whispers against my ear. "I'd give you extra if you gave me a little twirl." I place my hand on his chest making him move slightly. I look up at him.

"You're unbelievable." I breathe suffocating under his stare and closeness. "You are too." He smirks. A compliment. A wicked compliment.

"You're acting like a child Dametri." I state as he take my phone. I try grabbing it. Only once I try but he puts it in the air. Not even completely but I'd need a ladder to climb this giraffe.

"Call me by my name Odess."


"Let me hear you say my name. Once and I'll return it." He's amused. I try grabbing it one more time but give up as grabs my wrist. Not tightly. Only pulling me closer to his body.

"You're thirty two and act like a mediocre kid have you realized you do not grow up?"

"I've always been like this." He defends.

"It isn't cute."

"I'm not trying to be cute Odessa." He imitates my voice and my brows furrow.

"Let go of me."

He does. Then putting my phone in his pocket.

"Why won't you say my name?"

"Because you'd get the satisfaction of coming from my mouth. And you've even admitted how 'sexy' it would fucking sound. I'm sorry I'm not going to add to your list of women who suck your dick."

"They enjoy every moment. You would to if you weren't so stuck up." He sits back down. I stand right in front of him.

"I am not stuck up." I defend.

"Call me by my name and you'll be on your way." I do not trust him with my phone. He looks like a physcotic man who would set me up in anyway.

"Please hand me my phone , Valencio ."

He does. He doesn't say anything else and I don't either . Another tick under his name. He got his way again.

Valencio Dametri

Please, Valencio are the only words I had chose to hear coming from her stubborn pretty mouth. She is so fucking pissed. It sounded perfect from her lips. She didn't even rush to say my name. She stretched every syllable.

I want to stretch her.

She doesn't slam the door as I would expect another women to do. She keeps her composure or tries to around me.

I'm going to be the death of her.

My thoughts are interrupted as

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