Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Odessa Sedet

It's the end of march. My birthday has passed. If we were truly dating we would've been together for fairly about four months not including all the mishaps. He's in my apartment, 'helping' me bake. Chocolate chip cookies. Probably the most simplest cookies he is in love with. First I didn't believe how okay it was to eat so much sweets. He's a very fit man I was in shock. I've learned so much of him. But it's only a portion he says. He says I'd have to be with him for years so he can cover his life story to me. It's charming, teasing and sweet. It got easier.

The lying.

It hurts. A lot. Especially on days where Ciara actually wants to sleep with her husband. He can't really deny her without issues being abrupted. He assures me so much after those nights. It makes me disgusted. I try not overthinking it because in reality he's the one cheating. Physically and worst of all, mentally.

I make him mix the ingredients since it always tires my arms. He lifts and does gym. I think he can manage. He believed he can do an amazing job in the kitchen with me. He can cook thankfully. But we're both stubborn and want things out own ways.

I watch as he mixes, and mixes. Until done. My arms are folded up on my chest as I lean against the counter staring at him doing most the work. He dips his finger and puts it to my mouth. I part my lips and he watches carefully as I lick the batter from his finger. I try breathing normally but I can't when he's like this.

"Good?" He asks.

"I think it needs more flour, to wet."

"You like things dry?" He tilts his head a little. Finding amusement and junior in our dirty thoughts.

"Maybe wet will work, the cookies will be hard though when they come out."

"Fuck you're disgusting." He kisses me and I laugh kissing him back. It never stops though. We manage to make everything dirty. Until we really do get dirty. He eats foods off me, then eats me as a food. Then the bedroom.

Then sex...


It's dark and he's asleep. Both half naked in a room beaming with moon light. He lays on his back as I lay on my side. He's still slightly turned to me though.

My fingers rake through his clean beard. I don't think he ever over grows it. Or allows it too. It's always clean shaven. His barber must be amazing making him look this gorgeous every time. I move my hand into his hair massaging it softly. He's been sleeping first a lot. I think I enjoy admiring him more and figuring out every detail. Sometimes just scared it's going to end all of a sudden. I want to have as much memories as I can. Hopefully more good then bad. His hand moves from the side of my head to the side of my face. I smile as his thumb moves back and forth against my skin. "When I'm dead I wish my soul will wake up to yours Odessa." He whispers. I shouldn't feel emotional. I trace his lips as his eyes slowly open. I move my hand down to his chest.

"Are you a poet now." I tease. I know he reads a lot of books. I was in shock seeing his office. He doesn't let people go in it. He loves philosophy. He was never into business. I see it now. I love listening to him explain so many things to me i never knew.

I remember him saying how love is a universal thing. He can speak on the the topic for days but I never sure when it actually comes to him in those situations. He's a romantic. I love it.

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