Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Odessa Sedet

The school called me saying the twins were indulging in a bunch of bullying. The teacher spoke to me first but said she needed an actual parent. Ciara is on shoot and then there is an angry dad that sat next to me throwing insults at the school for not being able to handle ten years olds. After the meeting we left. He's pissed and I haven't said a word to him. I don't dare to truthfully.

We step outside the twins school building to it pouring rain. I stare down at my attire and he does to. Probably scolding me. "For fucks sake no women listens." He mutters under his breathe but I'm too cold and concerned about getting wet to even care. He removes his jacket and holds it up over my head so I don't get hit by water. Walking all the way to the back of the school where my car is. It doesn't turn on. At all.

He tries as well but nothing. At this point there is no revival. He doesn't even double think as he opens the passenger seat for me. I get in and am welcomed by the heater. I'm not too wet. But it's still wet.

We sit in the car in silence. His head is tilt back on the seat stressed. I haven't seen him this tired or overwhelmed.

"You can't lash out on staff." I say calmly.

" they called me all the way from fucking work over some bullying complaints?" He laughs. And angry pissed off laugh.

"Work isn't everything."

"Yeah because the second I stop working you'll have a job?"

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. Still looking over at him. I shouldn't be this turned on. There's some droplets on his face and arms. His hair is wet and his shirt is sticking to his skin showing his muscles. Lean at the moment but still prominent. My eyes trail down his Adam's apple to his belt of his pants. I bite my lip before looking back up at his face. This time he is looking at me.

"I don't think we can drive in this ra—"

Then thunder.

I try speaking again but more thunder.

He laughs. A pure laugh this time and I smile. I haven't smiled at him in awhile. Time did heal a lot. All those negative feelings just went away. Not completely but enough.

"Work is killing you huh?" I've noticed how exhausted he's been.

He simply nods. "And your school?"

"Almost there." I reply. I'll open up my shop very soon. I remember him warning me to not keep testing my treats on his kids. That it's way too much sugar. But I can make things without sugar. We argued about it. He gave up. He won't admit that he enjoys them as well.

His eyes slightly trace down me before landing back on the upside down Y shaped almost logo on his wheel.  I pull out my phone and check the weather.

All day storm.


There will be traffic and accidents. "We might as well live in here for the day." He's annoyed.

"It shouldn't be that had."

"Always wanted to see how it would be with you."

I stare at him. I wonder if he catches himself. How easily and smooth his lines flow. I can't believe he was really raised like this. By such strict parents.

His jacket is on me. I don't want him to get sick but I think he knows he can manage. I watch as he takes my hand in his. "I should hate you." I tell him.

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