"What About Mirabel?!"-Chapter 1

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I groan as I heard my alarm clock ring, I sat up and slammed my alarm clock off in annoyance, I yawn as I rubbed my eyes and made my way to my closet, As I looked around at the clothes I had available I decide to choose the ones I first see.

I traveled downstairs holding into the railing, before seeing my sisters and brothers at the dinner table along with my mom pouring tea for them. Their head slowly turned towards me as I looked at them with a blank face.

My mom's face grimaced as she looked at me. Her nose scrunched up, her eyes full of disgust.

I looked at her with confusion to where her eyes focused on what I was wearing. I look at what I was wearing in a nearby mirror and holy hell! I looked bad. My head slowly turned towards my sibling's while all of them had a teasing grin, I groan as I look at them with annoyance.

"Is it because of what I'm wearing today?" I ask, Everyone nodded as I ran back upstairs changing my clothes again into a more decent style before running downstairs.

"Hmm?" I questioned them, they nodded an "ok" as I finally entered the kitchen and picked up my teacup.

I sipped my coffee, as I sat in the awkward silence between my family. We all felt the tension as everyone's eyes were glancing at one another.

As we all did my mom decides to cut the silence by talking to me.

"Dear, could you deliver these to the Madrigal's?" My mom asks before handing me a basket full of pastries and desserts.

As she handed me the basket I smell the sweet aroma of the pastries which made me drool. I tried to taste one of the pastries my mom made but she had slapped away my hand retracting as I gave my mom puppy eyes.

"Eat those at the ceremony, Not here. And if you drop one I will beat you with my slipper, your brother Carlos will be helping you." She threatened, Behind me, I could hear my siblings chuckling, I gulp as my face turns beet red as I gave them a cold glare, They all stop but continued to laugh silently, I sigh as I waited for my brother, Carlos, to finish his meal. Sometime later we start to see our Abuela coming down the stairs, We greet her as she sat down and took a sip of her tea.

"Done!" Carlos shouted, startling half our family.

After Carlos finished eating he kissed mama in the corner of her lips and picked up the basket with the second batch of pastries and dessert.

We both left our house and greeted the nearby townsfolk around who greeted us back. As I did I see Mirabel running past me as little kids followed her around with wide grins, As the kids ran past me I start to lose my balance. I try my best to keep the pastries from falling but sadly I was gonna fall.

As I fell to the ground someone catches me in their arms. I look up to see a boy the same as my age with curly brown hair with a yellow poncho. (Yes. I had to search that up.)

My breath hitched as my heart fluttered as well. We both stare at each other but we both get interrupted by Carlos.

"Alright, Y/n let's go." His head gesturing forward to the Casita. I nodded as I wave the boy goodbye and also apologized for wasting his time.

He sheepishly waved goodbye back making my blush grow deeper. Carlos seemed to notice this and decide to tease me about it.

"So~... Who was that boy?" He teased. I ignore the question and made my way towards the Casita. The Casita greeted us as we were also greeted by Abuela.

"Ah! The pastries thank you, Mija." She reached for my forehead to kiss it in a welcoming way. Carlos snickered as I nudge his shoulder with my elbow but, he continued.

I sigh as I place the basket on the long table which was draped with a long white cloth.

Carlos followed after but Abuela suddenly interrupted us as we were about to leave.

"Wait! Why don't you stay till the ceremony?" Abuela offered, Both of us glanced at each other with uncertain looks, we both hesitated to answer.

"Er... Sure!" I accepted. Abuela's face turned happier and wider than before. 

"Ay! Thank you, Mija!" She hugged me as I awkwardly stand there as she separated the hug.

Carlos looked at me with a "Are You Serious?!" face, I gave him a shrug with an uncertain face in response. He sighed hopelessly as we decide to offer to help the people with the decorations.


After some time later of helping I saw Mirabel enter the Casita which made my excitement grow.

"Mirabel!" I shouted while waving at her, She looked up to see me as her face grew happy as well, I race downstairs to hug her tightly and close.

"Ohh... I miss you so much." I smiled as she hugged me back. Both of us laughed as we talked about things that has happened for the past few days.

But my mind seems teem wander somewhere else.

Camilo's Pov

After I had met that beautiful girl my mind starts to wonder about her but I decide to snap out of it, I made my way to the Casita to which the Casita greeted me as I went in. Dolores saw me and waved at me with a smile.

"Hey, Dolores." I waved at her.

"Hey, Camilo." She waved back. But then she reeled her attention to Mr. Mariano.

I stop to notice Mirabel talking to the girl who I had just met a few hours ago!

I ran up to her and both girls looked at Me.

The girl seemed flabbergasted when she had seen me.

"Hey, Camilo!" Mirabel smiled at me as I greeted her back.

"Mirabel." I smile at her.

"Hi, My names' Y/n." Y/n extended her hand to shake mines.

I shake her hand as I had a soft smile on my face. Mirabel noticed this and her eyes widened in realization.

We both separated from our handshake as she apologized once more for falling to the ground so suddenly and for wasting my time.

We both talked and Chattered for a while walking around the casita Mirabel following us with a mischievous grin, I start to suspect that Mirabel's up to something but I could not guess what.

I show her my room to which she adored with an adorable look on her face making me chuckle at her enthusiasm. While she did Mirabel looked at me with crossed arms, a raised brow with a teasing smirk.

"Admit it, You like her~"  Mirabel kept down her volume making sure that Y/n doesn't hear. I roll my eyes playfully as I gave her a simple "No."

"No?!" Mirabel raised her voice making Y/n startled and turning her attention to us.

"Is everything fine?" Y/n asked with an innocent and concerning tone making me have a soft smile. Mirabel noticed this making her smirk grow.

"Oh! Would you look at the time?! I gotta go help Tia Pepa!" Her hand gestured outside with a sheepish smile, confusing Me and Y/n.

"Well... How about you two hang out a bit and I will be right back. Ok? Ok. Ok, Bye!" She ran out of the room before we could speak any further.  But suddenly I realize...

I'm Alone With Y/n...


hOLy! I didn't really expect myself to write 1,000+ words in two days it's kinda unexpected and also sorry for the bad writing I will try to improve it^^

Have great day! bye :D

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