Chapter 6- We don't talk about Bruno.

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And jeez, how long have I not been posting?

Anyways, to the story we go!

Anyways, to the story we go!

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(Back to you and Mirabel)

As we continue to climb up the set of stairs, I let out a groan while throwing my head back.

Mirabel rolls her eyes.

"What?" She asks, still climbing the stairs.

"How long?" I ask her. She sighs.

"Were almost there..." She says.

"You said that 5 minutes agooooo," I whine. Mirabel ignores me and continues to climb up the stairs.

(About 10 minutes or so...)

After going through the whole set of stairs BY FOOT we finally get to the top only to find out that a wooden bridge, that was being held on by pieces of rope, has been snapped in half.

"COME ON!" I complain.

I let out a groan. I see Mirabel had a shocked look on her face as well. I put my hands in my hair, trying to calm myself down.

I took a deep breath. I let out an exhale. My nerves eased down a bit.

"Welp there's no turning back now," I say while picking up one of the ropes and tugging it hard to see if it was strong enough to hold my weight. After a few more tugs, I position myself to jump off the edge and make it to the other side.

"What are you doing?" I heard Mirabel say behind me. I don't respond and tighten my grip on the leather rope.

I let out another sigh and jumped off the small cliff. At first, my feet were off the ground for a second but then I felt my feet touch the ground again.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked back to see Mirabel, with a shocked face.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" She asks me from the other side.

I give her a simple shrug.

"Just follow what I did," I tell her. She nods and picks up the rope. She tugs the rope. She closes her eyes for a short second before opening them again. She gripped the rope.

She jumps off the cliff. For a second, everything was fine. Until the rope shifted along with her as well.

She let out a small yelp.

"Hold on to the rope!" I shout, the rope starts swinging from side to side. As the rope swung to my side, I grabbed Mirabel by the waist and pulled her down safely to my chest. As she landed on my chest I noticed that her eyes were closed.

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