Chap 4: You Fuckin' Owe Me

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Waking up, you’re startled by Negan, towering over you as you still lay on the floor, where he left you. You’re ashamed of the kind of state you’re in, remembering last night and the punishment and begging that he teased out of you and then ignored. He really was an evil man. But how could he make you want him? When you sat and stared up at him, all you could feel was disgust and rage, but when his hands were on you…you didn’t even want to think about it. You were disgusted in yourself. You couldn’t help but frown at him as he wore his usual cocky grin on his unshaven mouth.

“Good fuckin’ mornin’ darlin’,” he chirps, “sleep well?” You climb to the sofa, realising your sore bum was still exposed and you waste no time pulling your shorts and panties back up. His hazel eyes don’t leave you as he bites down on his bottom lip. You’re not sure if he loves making you uneasy, or if he loves knowing he has you like putty in his hands, and he always will as long as he threatens your family. The thought makes your blood boil. But more than that, you feel so angry at what he’d reduced you to on this very couch. You had betrayed yourself, allowing yourself to say those words, to beg him to fuck you. What were you thinking?!

“You’re a son of a bitch,” you spit out at him, before you can think about the consequences of your words. “You said that consent is something you respect, but last night…you…you…” You were getting distracted by the amused look on his face. “You asked me to beg, and I begged you…what more do you want from me? What more do I have to do before you’ll stop threatening my family and let me go home to them?!” You’re frustrated, and that clouded your better judgement to keep your mouth shut. Negan smirked harder and chuckled under his breath.

“Oh doll, you could’ve said no at any time last night, but you didn’t…you’re here all fucked off with me, but you forget, darlin’, I could feel how much you wanted me…you’re just pissed off that you didn’t get everything you wanted…” He laughs. You know he’s referring to the orgasm and you glare. It wasn’t your fault that happened, it happened against your will. Your own body defied you. Negan was going to hold that against you for forever.“When can I go home?” You spit through gritted teeth, sick of his games. He just stares at you for a moment, and you realise maybe you’ve taken it too far again, and he’s going to punish you. And this time, the punishment may not be so…pleasant. No, not pleasant. You shake your head at your own thought and cross your arms over your chest, hoping to provoke a response from him.“You know what?” he asks, cocking his head to the side, “I think today looks like a great fuckin’ day for it.” You can’t believe your luck as you instantly smile.“Really?” You press. He nods and licks his bottom lip slowly before laughing to himself quietly.“That’s if you do every-fucking-thing you’re told before we leave. Prove to me you’ve earned it.” You nod, instantly agreeing, anything to not spend another night here, to be back home with Rick and the kids. “Great.” He smirks, turning and walking over to his bed again. He sits on the edge of it and silently beckons you closer with a flick of his fingers. You obey, just like you’ve agreed to, and slowly walk until you’re in front of him. “Take off your clothes.” He instructs. Your eyes widen, you don’t want to be stood naked in front of him. He senses your hesitation and a cold laugh bleed through his lips. “Hell, you can say fuckin’ no if you want to…” he prompts.

“But if I do, I won’t be going home today, will I?” You cross your arms over your chest, knowing his game by now.

“Bingo,” he sings, smiling. Your hands grow clammy as you start pulling on your clothes, stripping them off one layer at a time slowly. You feel disgusting as you watch Negan’s hazel eyes scan over you, the more flesh you expose.

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