Chap17: Open Wounds

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You swigged on your beer and adjusted your position, trying to get comfortable again as you stood in front of an unimpressed looking Sherry.

"Well, maybe if Amber hadn't just up and left him without an alibi I would've got away with it." You grunted, realising just how annoyed at Amber you were. You told her to get her mom to pick up her meds, not skip off and leave Negan without a second thought.

"Can you blame her? The less time we spend married to that man, the better." Sherry crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah well, Negan assumed it was Amber's doing and I didn't want her to get hurt, so I confessed." You took another swig of your beer, hoping if you drank enough it would drown out the pain you were in.

"Just like that? What about your big plan?" Sherry asked skeptically.

"This is just a minor set back."

"So, what, you told Negan that you'd gone behind his back and cost him one of his wives and he's just given you a slap on the wrist? And you expect us to trust you? You may have helped Amber out, but that doesn't make you one of us, not yet." You frowned at Sherry, what the hell more did she want from you?!

"Trust me, I got more than a slap on the wrist. There's a reason I've not sat down all morning." You winced as the thought alone made the sensitive skin throb. Sherry didn't seem phased at first, "What you want me to get my ass out and prove it?!" You snap. Sherry didn't reply. "Fine." You carefully lifted your dress and even without adjusting your panties, she could easily see the angry skin that had bled and bruised in various places. Sherry's facial expression completely changed.

"He's never done anything like that to any of us before." She gasped.

"Yeah, well he knows words don't cut it with me." You mutter, readjusting your dress. "Plus I don't have anyone else here he can take it out on instead."

"If he's able to do that to you, maybe you aren't quite his favourite." She suggested.

"I'm still alive, and I'm not in a cell somewhere, I think I got off pretty lightly." You retort, "the plan is still going ahead. Do you trust me enough to join me yet?"


You sloshed the cool water around your body, feeling the fresh sting radiate around your wounds as you hissed.

"How much longer?" You whined loudly. Your skin was icy cold, except for your ass, which felt like you were sitting on burning coals.

"At least another two minutes." You heard him say softly, coming into view as he leaned against the bathroom door frame. You scowled at him and hissed again, the water getting right into the open wounds. "Maybe you shouldn't have begged me to hit you harder..." he suggested, a playful smirk on his lips.

"Well at the time, it seemed like a good idea." You rolled your eyes at past you. Of course it wasn't a good idea, it wasn't even like he was only using his hand, he used his belt. Raging anger and intense passion was the only thing that made you think harder and don't stop were at all a good idea. Part of you wondered if enjoying your punishment too much was also a subtle middle finger up to Negan who so desperately wanted you back in your place. Not that he seemed to care by the end of it either. Negan chuckled softly and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Ok, babydoll, that's long enough." He offered a hand and you took it, climbing to your feet as your teeth chattered together uncontrollably. He wrapped the warm soft towel around you gently and you stepped out of the tub. Leading the way back to your room he sat down on the edge of your bed and you carefully climbed over his lap, face down. His large hands made surprisingly gentle work of rubbing soothing lotion into the skin which started to help just a little. "Don't let me do something like this again." He finally spoke up. You lifted your body slightly so you could see his face.

"What?" You asked.

"I don't want to hurt you like this again." He told you, a strange softness to his hazel eyes as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm fine. I asked for this, remember? Quite literally asked for it." You reminded him. He sighed and continued to work the lotion in.

"You need to learn your limits because I don't want this happening again. Promise me, doll." His voice more authoritative.

"Ok, fine, whatever. You were the one that wanted to punish me." You smirked, settling back down over his lap.

"Not like this..." you couldn't help yourself from laughing, it started as a soft giggle but built rather quickly.

"I'm sorry," you spluttered out, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "It's just you literally bash people's skulls in with a baseball bat. And yet this bothers you?" Negan let out a slow chuckle, but doesn't say anything, as his hand continues to massage the damaged skin softly. "Who sees this side of you?" You ask him seriously, now.

"Only you, babydoll, only you."

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