Chap15: I'll handle it

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"I'll be fine." Negan made himself more comfortable in bed as you sat on the edge and pouted, watching him wince slightly as he readjusts his position, proving to you he isn't fine.

"Are you sure?" You check for the tenth time.

"Fuckin' yes, dalrin'." Negan chuckled, "Now go and spend time with the other girls...before they work out what the fuck's going on." He grabs his book off the bedside table and raises his eyebrows at you.

"And what is going on, Negan?" You ask, cocking your head to the side with a smirk.

"You're never going to make me say it," he smirks back, "leave."

"Make you say what?" You tease, knowing you're pushing him to his limits, but it didn't make it any less fun.  

"You're gonna be the fuckin' death of me, doll. Get out before I change my fuckin' mind about all this." You stand up and kiss his forehead, deciding it probably was enough teasing for one day.

"Ok fine, radio me if you need me." You call out to him as you head for the door.

You turn around in the doorway before you leave to see him perch his glasses on the end of his nose and flatten the spine of the book he's now opened.

"By the way, you look super cute in glasses." You tease, a smirk glued to your lips. Negan whips them off his face so quickly you're surprised he doesn't break them.

"You tell ANYONE about my glasses and I'll hurt you." He points one of the arms of the specs in question at you and you giggle softly.

"Yes sir, see you later."

You practically skip down the hallways. Your morning of winding up Negan has left you in a good mood, although you know the main reason for your upbeat attitude is thanks to yesterday's revelations. Negan had saved your life, because he cared for you. And he was being all round, generally different. He was being soft and caring. He was almost being sweet. You were his weakness. And now he was making you a team. You were no longer just another trophy
trophy wife, but someone he respected, who he wanted at his side as a partner, not just a good looking accessory. If you'd have told yourself a year ago, you'd be about to have some weird romantic relationship with the enemy you would've scoffed at yourself. But so much had changed since then. You had changed since then. And maybe to most people it wasn't for the better, but you felt more happy and comfortable than you'd ever had before. And that was thanks to Negan.

You swan through the door to the wives' den, still caught up in your happy little world of all the wonderful things that were happening for you. But the looks on the other girls' faces dampen that pretty quickly. The smile that had been permanently fixed on your lips fades as you look between them.

"He's...fine...he's just resting." You inform them, wondering if that was the problem. You make your way over to the bar, and grab yourself a beer. You pop the cap and take a long swig. The girls are still looking at you, in a way you couldn't quite pinpoint. Are they angry at you? For what? Almost getting shot? For being the reason Negan got shot? You doubt any of them care about Negan enough to be angry about him being out of action for a few days, if anything they're probably relieved.

"Why are you here, Y/N?" Sherry spits out, crossing her arms over her chest. You gulp down the beer in your mouth and slowly lower the bottle.

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