Chap18: I'll handle it

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"What did you expect, Negan? I had to do something!" You retorted loudly, your eyes following him as he paced around your room.

"I fuckin' told you I would fuckin' handle it!" He barked back."I couldn't go back to them empty handed. AGAIN." Negan's hazel eyes narrowed in your direction. It seems the second Amber discovered her Mom could get all the free meds her heart desired, she left Negan without a second thought. Well, Sherry broke the news to him. Amber wasn't the kind of girl to leave him to his face. She was probably cowering in her room right now waiting for him to barge in and demand to know why she left. But he'd seemingly by passed her room and gone straight for yours, knowing you'd be the one behind it, because he knew you so well."What the fuck did you do?" He glared.

"You said you didn't care about losing the other girls." You reminded him.

"I don't fuckin' care she's gone. I fuckin' care that you went behind my back and lied to me when I told you I had this."

"Look, me doing the dirty work is better. I'm slowly earning their trust and you have nothing to do with it so nothing can come back to bite you," you offered. Negan's glare didn't soften, but at least he wasn't doing his silent smirky kind of angry. Because that kind of angry scared the shit out of you.

"Just tell me what the fuck you did!" He tried again.

"No, I'm not going to. And I'm not going to tell you what else I have planned either. You can't have all the control all of the time!"

"Yes I fuckin' can, sweetheart!" He bellowed, storming over and towering above you. "I am in charge here, not you!"

"Well punish me then! Do whatever it is you need to do. I'm not telling you what I did and I'm ot sorry for doing it." You glare back. Negan takes a deep breath for a moment, the silence a little eerie.

"If you were anyone else, your punishment would be death. If anyone finds out I've let you get away with whatever it is you did, they're going to expect me to kill you. You've really fucked this up." Negan explained.

"No one's going to find out, Negan." You sighed. You knew he'd be pissed but you weren't expecting a lovers spat over it. You were expecting stony silent treatment, or his Mr Nice-guy kind of angry. But this made you feel like some old married couple.

"You better fuckin' hope they don't, doll, but there are going to be questions about Amber."

" I'm sorry I'm not including you in it, but I'm just trying to protect you."

"Putting me in a position where I might have to kill you, isn't protecting me. Besides, I don't need fuckin' protecting."

"You're not going to kill me, Negan." You roll your eyes, knowing too well he wouldn't do it. He'd really fallen for you.

"Maybe not," Negan's hand snaked up your body to your throat as it lightly wrapped around it, his hand large enough that it encased your entire neck with ease, "but I'm still going to have to punish you." He drawls, his voice a lot lower and huskier than before.

"I have been a bad girl." You agree, licking your lips and curling to your toes so you gain the slightest bit of extra height. The tingling starts between your legs and works its way up to your stomach, over your breasts and hitches in your throat.

"You don't get to see me for a week." He tells you, letting go of your throat as he steps back.

"WHAT?!" You splutter. "You're banning me from seeing you? For a week?" You laugh, a little thrown off by his ridiculous choice of punishment, wondering if he's being serious.

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