Chap 9: Mine

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You smooth down your coat, pulling the belt tighter as you take a deep breath and check yourself for the hundredth time in the mirror. You glance at the clock that reads ten to nine. This is it.
Hey, Dwight,” you sigh, opening the door as he’s about to knock it which causes him to jump slightly.
Oh, hey. Urm, Negan said you’d have a message for him?” He asks.
Where is he?” You press.
He’s in his room, why?”
“I’ll deliver the message myself.” You inform him, stepping out of your room as you lock the door behind you and start to walk in the direction of Negan’s room. Dwight follows on behind you,
Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” he stumbles out.
Why not? I need to talk to him about something before I give him my message.” You instinctively tighten your coat belt around you as you walk.
“, he’s busy.” Dwight stammers. You ignore him and walk across the compound to the block of rooms Negan’s is in. It’s only a short walk outside, but you’re grateful for the coat, nonetheless.
I’ll be quick.” You smile at Dwight, hoping he’ll take the hint that he’s not going to be able to stop you. Dwight continues to follow you the whole way to Negan’s door. “I’ve got this, Dwight.” You snap frustrated. He opens his mouth to say something, but doesn’t and slinks off down the corridor. You watch him leave until he’s turned the corner and take a deep breath, knocking loudly.
Come in, Dwight.” You hear
Negan call. You open the door anyway, despite him thinking you’re someone else.
It’s me,” you call out as the door swings open and reveals Negan sat on the sofa with Sherry draped over him, “oh, I’m sorry.” You blush. Sherry sets some space between them and pulls on the bottom of her dress as she clears her throat. “I can talk to you tomorrow.” You stutter out. You’d never really seen Negan with his wives before, not properly. Only that once in their den when he kissed each of them. You’d never seen him with any of them privately. You try to swallow down the jealousy, because what a ridiculous thing to feel for a man who has four wives and loves no one. You knew from the first time you slept with him you were just another notch in his bedpost, accompanied by many many other notches no doubt. You weren’t special. So what he broke the rules for you now and then, who’s to say he hasn’t done that before for others? He’d never told you he hadn’t. In fact, he’d made it very clear to you many times you weren’t special. And it was silly of you to ever feel it. Still, you knew who you were dealing with, and what was so wrong with selfish gain?
Is it a yes or a no?” Negan asks you. Your eyes flicker to Sherry who’s still sat there silently. You wonder if she knew. You clear your throat and look back to the intense hazel eyes staring at you.
I wanted to ask you some things first.” You inform him, crossing your arms over your chest. Negan licks his bottom lip and finally takes his burning stare off you as he looks over at Sherry.
Go back to your room, doll. I’ll join you shortly.” His fingers reach under her chin as he lifts her head and kisses her lips. You chew on your bottom lip, suddenly finding his bed covers on the other side of the room very interesting. You don’t bring your attention back to Negan until Sherry is walking past you, out of the room. Negan beckons you closer with his fingers, like he loves to do and you close the door behind you, stepping further into the room. Your mind starts arguing with itself over your answer, like it had done for several hours now. Every time you think you’ve decided, you’ll talk yourself out of it, or change your own mind somehow.
So…I was wondering…” You clear your throat and start playing with your fingers in front of you, “what being your wife actually means…” You blush. Negan clicks his tongue as he smirks, “Sit down, doll.” He refers to the sofa opposite him and you sit down carefully and slowly, feeling a lot more timid around him than you’d grown used to. “My wives have the best fucking life here, you know that right? Hell, probably fucking better than mine. They get everything free, no points, no fucking work. All I ask is that they’re faithful to me and respect me. Which means doing as I fuckin’ ask, making sure I’m satisfied.”

And what does that entail?” You blurt out. Negan chuckles and smirks across at you for a moment before he answers, which only makes you more nervous.

“So…sex and stuff?” You blush. Negan sits forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he gets a little closer to you.
It’s a two way street, darlin’. You keep me happy, I’ll keep you happy. Just like a marriage is meant to be…”
So you say they have to be faithful…but that’s not a two way street, obviously…” You trail off as you notice his eyes narrow. “I just…want to check that say Simon or anyone else doesn’t get a free pass…you know?” You add quickly, hoping to defuse the situation. Negan laughs softly, his teeth grazing his bottom lip for a moment.
I may fuckin’ offer it to him…but him taking me up on that offer would be the last thing he fuckin’ did.” Negan assures you. You nod, understanding and clear your throat.
Anything else I should know about your wives?” You ask, more confidently than before
“I like a certain…standard to be held.” He looks you up and down, like he’s judging if you’ll actually meet that standard. Something you find a little insulting considering the amount of times that standard has made no difference to him when it comes to you already. “But Sherry can talk you through all the dress code shit…”
“Dress code…” You interrupted, “you mean the black dresses?” Negan laughed loudly and kicked back in his chair again.
“I just fucking love those little black dresses…and you already know my underwear preference.” He winks at you and you blush at the memory of earlier as it floods your mind, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You clear your throat, and nod slowly.
What about when I’m fighting?” You ask. “Just to make it clear…I’m just trying to get all the facts before I tell you my decision.” You add, not wanting to lead him on in any way.
That’s all shit we can work out when…sorry if you become my wife.” Negan licks his bottom lip again as he stares at you intensely. You feel put under the spot light, and you decide to spit out your thoughts before you change your mind, “I have a counter offer, four days a week.” You clear your throat again, not happy with how weak your voice sounded. “I want to fight four days a week. I can’t waste my life away in lingerie. You know I love fighting. You know I’m better than almost everyone else. You know I get the job done. I’ll kill whoever you want however you want…” You stop talking as Negan rises to his feet and towers over you. He bends down so his face is close to yours.
Doll, we both know I’ve noticed how excited all that blood makes you. Like I said earlier, you’re all kinds of fucked up, and that’s pretty fuckin’ hot.
Alright…I’ll compromise.” Negan sighs, standing up again. “Three days, final fuckin’ offer.” He sits back where he had been on the sofa opposite you. Something about it all doesn’t sit right with you. You’re talking about it all like a contract, like some business transaction, although you figure it probably is just that to him.
Would there be a wedding?” you ask, your head tilted to one side. Negan laughed so hard, it made you jump.
No, darlin’ I don’t fucking do weddings. You gonna ask for a diamond ring next?” He smirks, amused. You shake your head and bite your lip. Okay, so your marriage to Rick wasn’t exactly a fairy tale and the wedding rings you’d both worn were stolen from some cheap shop
you’d scouted once. But at least it felt real. This didn’t even feel like you’d be married. Maybe that was a good thing. The only real negatives are that you can’t have sex with anyone else, not that you’re doing that anyway. And like Negan said, his wives had it good here. But could you do that to Rick? He may have left you here, he may have betrayed you, but if he found out that you’d become one of Negan’s wives, he’d be devastated. Sure, you hated him for everything he did to you, but did you hate him enough? You take a deep breath and stand up. “I need your answer, doll.” Negan prompts. You bite your bottom lip, take another deep breath and slowly undo your coat, letting it fall to the floor at your feet to reveal the black lingerie set that you’d been ignoring in your wardrobe for a few months now.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask.

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