Chap 6: The Survival Plan

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Your tears had dried now. You don’t know how long you’ve been in there as you don’t have the rise and fall of light to go by. The hours have blurred into one. It could have been weeks, months even. But you knew in reality it was probably only a couple of days, if that. You were still alive despite not eating very much apart from a plate of soggy sandwiches slid in by whoever was on guard every now and then. You’d mainly sat with your back against the concrete wall as you thought about home and Rick. 

But now you know what you need to do. You need to fake it until you make it. You knew it wouldn’t be enough to just tell Negan you want him. It needs to be believable. But not too believable. Negan was clever and hot on being played, so you had to get it just right. You crawl to where you could see a hair line crack of light around the drop down window in the door and bang on it heavily. You hear the door creak and suddenly the light from outside hits your eyes and you are blinded. You close your eyes for a second, adjusting to the light from behind your lids first.

“What you want, darlin’?” Simon chirps, towering over you with his thumbs hooked into his pockets.

I want to see Negan.” You tell him, wincing up at him as your eyes water, only just start adjusting to the light.

“I’m sure whatever you need him for, I can help,” Simon smirks as he crouches down to your level.

“Why, do you keep his dick in your back pocket?” You raise your eyebrows. He chuckled quietly.

I’m sure mine is better,” he winks.

Do you want to tell Negan that?” You threaten, “Get. Me. Negan.” He sighs and stands back up, grabbing the radio hooked to his trouser belt as he calls to Negan.

“What the actual fuck do you want? I am fucking busy here!” Negan barks back.

Your new piece wants to talk to you.” Simon replies.

“Tell him I need him.” You blush. Simon can’t keep the smirk off his face as he lifts the radio to his mouth.

“She says she needs you.”

Of course she fuckin’ does. You know what? Bring her up, her timing might just be goddamn perfect…oh but fuckin’ clean her up a bit first.” Simon hooks the radio back on his belt and roughly grabs the top of your arm, pulling you to your feet. You haven’t walked in what feels like forever and you feel like Bambi on ice trying to walk alongside him.

He had taken you up to a woman’s room you’d not been in before, you thought it was maybe one of Negan’s wives’ place, but she wasn’t here. Simon told you to shower whilst he got you clothes to change into. You did as you were told, grateful to get cleaned up. When you came out of the shower he handed you a little black dress and some skimpy underwear. You hadn’t worn clothes like that since before everything kicked off, back in your old life. You
knew he wanted you to change right there in front of him but instead you turned around and locked yourself back in the bathroom, ignoring the disappointment riddled on his face.

Now you were stood staring at yourself in the mirror. You had tried to make more of an effort than usual with your hair, and had been allowed to use the make up on the dresser. You’d gone for red lipstick and thick mascara. The little black dress fit you quite nicely, and you were able to borrow tall red heels from whoever’s room you were in. You wished Rick was here to see you. He’d never seen you make an effort like this. You could imagine him staring at you, telling you you looked beautiful before kissing you softly on the forehead. But you couldn’t think about him right now. You needed to push him to the back of your mind and focus on Negan and your plan to get yourself out of this mess. Simon eyes you up and wolf whistles. You ignore him, not bothering to take it as a compliment because you figured he had low standards. Negan was the only one you needed to impress.

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