Chapter 20: I Thought I Lost You

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You tried to speak but all that was coming out was muffled noise. The material in your mouth was so wet that you could feel your lips becoming sore. Sherry huffed at the clear inconvenience of having you tied up and pulled the rag from your mouth.

"What?" She snapped.

"Negan's gonna kill you for this." You finally splutter out, the inner corners of your mouth feeling wonderful now they weren't rubbing against damp rag. You took the opportunity to swallow as much as you could. "He's gonna know something is up because I'm never late for scouts.You better hope that pathetic excuse of a husband of yours negotiates quickly." You glared. You had nothing against Dwight, after all he had nothing to do with your current situation, and seemed to realise just how much of a stupid mistake that was for himself. "You know Negan's gonna really make Dwight pay for that, and he's not even done anything wrong. I wouldn't put it past Negan to kill him and keep you around, because that would be a pretty suitable punishment, don't you think?" Sherry's face dropped, she knew you were right, you knew Negan better than anyone, and that was exactly something he'd do. "Come on, Sherry, I thought you were better than that. You didn't think this through at all. He was never going to let you go in exchange for me. He's gonna find me, and make Dwight pay for what you've done. And if you were to kill me, or even leave a scratch, there would be hell to pay. There's no version of this that you're getting what you want." Sherry opened her mouth to defend her actions but shut it again quickly and shook her head. "If you didn't want to be part of my, much better, plan you just had to tell me." Her eyes flooded with fear.

"What do I do?" She whispered. You chuckled under your breath, knowing that you'd got into her head. Who knows if her plan would've actually worked, hell maybe it would've, Negan cared about you too much to charge in like a bull in a china shop and sure, he'd love dishing out the punishments afterwards, but who's to say they hadn't made a run for it by that point.

"Now you want my help?" You ask. "You're actually asking me to help you, whilst I'm tied up...because of you?"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Please...please. I just...I can't do this anymore. I can't live with Negan I just I can't, okay?!" Sherry started to sob, and you'd never seen anything other than tough girl exterior from her, so it took you back a little. "It kills me seeing Dwight everyday and having to pretend I don't care. I used to have control, but then you showed up and everything changed, I was just another girl that Negan didn't care about. I was just another prize to him. He stopped listening to me, I couldn't protect the others, you did that, you got them off, I never could. How do you do it? How can you think of Rick and it not hurt? How can you leave him behind?" It dawned on you very quickly, that Sherry still believed you were carrying out some big plan to take Negan down. She actually thought you were one of them. You had to play this right. You could get out of this if you were clever, and get Dwight and Sherry off the hook too. Okay, so she spiked you and tied you up, but you could understand that she was desperate. There was a time you would've done the same thing to get back to Rick. You would've done anything.

"Ok, look, Negan doesn't have to find out about this. Let me go, call off this negotiation plan with Dwight and I won't tell Negan anything. We can go back to my plan. You just have to trust me which I know you don't want to do, but I'm trying my best, I'm going as fast as I can to get you out of here for good. Sherry sniffled and wiped her eyes. "We can just pretend nothing even happened." You added.

"Really?" She choked. You shot her your best fake smile, because you couldn't tell her what she did was okay, because it wasn't, it fucking sucked. And you sure as hell didn't trust her at all, now. But you knew to be careful around her and you knew that you had the upper hand.

"Really...well...providing Dwight hasn't said anything already." You add. Sherry's eyes grew wide with horror at the thought. She clasped her hand over her mouth and stood up quickly.

"I have to find him and stop him!" She gasped, already heading out the room.

"Wait! SHERRY! UNTIE ME FIRST!" You yelled after her, but she was gone and clearly not coming back. "SHERRY! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" You kicked the floor with your heel and tugged on the ropes holding your wrists behind your back, that were tied around a pole that stretched all the way to the ceiling. At least you weren't gagged anymore, you supposed. That gave you an idea. You licked your lips and started to scream for help.


Your voice had started cracking and it was getting quieter with every scream. It had only been maybe 30 minutes, but you hadn't given up the screams once yet.

"NEGAN! HEY HELP ME!" Your voice broke and you swallowed hard, which stung. "Fucking Sherry..." You muttered, tugging on your ropes again. But they hadn't budged the last twenty times you'd tried that, and they weren't budging now. You heard a door open down the outside corridor and screamed again."HEY HELP ME! I'M IN HERE!" Eventually, you had company. "Thank god." You whispered in relief. You'd never been happier to see Negan, and that guy made you pretty happy to see him a lot. Lucille dropped to the floor, rolling for a moment before stopping as he dropped to his knees in front of you and kissed your sore lips so hard, his beard irritated the fragile skin.

"Fuckin' hell. I was thinking the worst. I thought someone had fuckin' taken you to get to me, I thought you were fuckin' dead. I've been dying to use Lucille on someone." His hands grabbed your face. "I thought I'd fuckin' lost you, doll." He took a deep breath and you noticed his eyes glass over. He must've genuinely been worried about you. Of course, you knew he would be, but tears were a whole new ball game.

"Well I'm fine. Will you please stop worrying about me and just untie me?" You laughed, trying to lighten the mood. A shit eating grin spread across his perfect lips as he chuckled under his breath.

"Hm...not quite yet, doll." The smirk spreads wider across his salt and pepper framed lips as his tongue comes out to wet the bottom one.

"Oh no? Why what do you have in mind?" you whisper. Negan doesn't say anything at first, just stares at you with his intense hazel eyes. "What?" You blush, his stare only aking your cheeks burn even more.

"You know, when I thought I'd lost you...I realised there was something I hadn't told you yet..." He started.

"What's that then?"

"I love you...God I fuckin' love you."

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