Chap13: Shots Fired

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Negan’s POV

I glanced across at her as she sat quietly in the passenger seat, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.I didn’t want to freak her out or nothing, just wanted her to know more about me. I’m sure she didn’t see me as a monster anymore, but just in case she did, I wanted to show her that I am capable of being a good person. Ok, so I cheated on Luce, that was pretty shitty. But I still loved her, more than anything.

My eyes flickered from the road to her again as I catch myself staring. The sunlight hitting the side of her face, making her eyes glisten as she sits deep in thought. I wanted her to say something, or ask me questions or anything. I wanted the usual quirky girl that I liked so much to come out. I wanted to her to speak her mind like she did back at the grave. But she stayed quiet.

“I urm…I got something to tell you, doll.” I clear my throat, trying to sound my usual cocky self, and not a nervous fuckin’ wreck to be talking about my feelings. Her eyes flickered to mine as they softened and the corners of her lips picked up into a soft smile. Those fuckin’ lips and what she does with them…I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Even in times like these, when the atmosphere is heavy and serious, she makes something stir in me, and I can’t help but just want her.

What’s that?” She prompts, scanning my face. Not many people do that, you know? Look me in the eye. I lick my bottom lip to dampen it as it’s gone dry, and tuck my tongue back behind my teeth.

I didn’t fuckin’ want you just because you were Rick’s wife.” I spat out. There, I’d said it. A look of shock washed over her perfect face for a moment, and a blush stained her cheeks. I love making her blush. I love seeing her vulnerable. The very thought makes me smirk.

No?” She stumbled out, finally breaking eye contact with me. I glanced back at the road, and focused on not crashing the damn truck. I don’t think I could look at her whilst I made my confession anyway.

“No, doll. I just fuckin’ wanted you. No matter who you were. I wanted you from the first moment I saw you.” I admit. I hear her clear her throat and my eyes flicker to see her reaction, there’s that smile that she does when she doesn’t want me to know that she’s pleased. It’s adorable and I just want to kiss her. But I have to remember to keep some distance. I can’t have a weakness, I can’t have something that could break me. I was a leader and I had enemies. If anyone ever knew that they had a way to beat me, they’d do just that. And I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to her because of me. She could never know what she did to me, how different it was with her compared to my other wives, because the sadistic part of me liked the control. I was a man in charge of thousands of people, and she needed to be one of them. That’s just the way it had to be. Sure she gave me a run for my money, really tested my patience from time to time, but she feared me. And not in a life fearing kind of way, but in a way that she knew I had the power to hurt her, if I ever wanted to. She didn’t need to know that I didn’t want to. That was the control I lived for.  

You did? Why?” She finally asks. I smirk, finding it cute how hopeful she is that I’ll tell her that deep down, I’m this fuckin’ softie that is in love with her. But I need the control, remember?

Because I just knew you’d be fuckin’ good in the sack, sweetheart. I’ve got a sixth fuckin’ sense about these things.”

Oh.” She whispers, unable to keep the disappointment off her face as she looks back at the road. I chuckle softly to myself. If only she knew.

Normal POV

You were both greeted back to the Sanctuary with a bit of chaos. Simon ran up to your truck as soon as you parked.

“Boss, we’ve got a bit of a situation.” He pants.

I leave you the fuck alone for one fuckin’ hour and there’s a fuckin’ situation?!” Negan growls. You automatically hand him Lucille that was placed next to you and he yanks it from your grasp, jumping down onto his feet heavily. “Stay in the truck.” He hisses at you.
I’m a fighter, I can help.” You offer, intending to ignore his instructions. You could help and you had every intention of doing so.

I said stay in the fuckin’ truck, Grimes, until I know it’s safe.” He snarls back at you. You stay rooted to your seat and just nod at him wide eyed. What had gotten into him? Usually he’d send everyone else in first. Did he not trust you? You cross your arms over your chest and pout, annoyed to be missing out on the action. You wanted to know what the situation was, and why everyone was so worked up about it. You hear shots fired and instantly get out of the truck. Fuck this, Negan could yell at you later. You ran towards the doors, leading to one of the factory rooms as you notice people stood around, Simon is holding up one guy, who’s face is so swollen you wouldn’t even recognise him if you knew him, although you doubt you did. He’s slumped on his knees, no doubt his top half is only off the ground thanks to Simon’s hold. Negan is circling a second man, on his knees in the centre of the crowd. Everyone is gathered there, you can even see the other wives, all stood uncomfortably for the show Negan is putting on.

“Tell me where the fuck the second gun is.” Negan demands. The man in the middle spits blood at Negan’s feet and laughs to himself. He’s a little beaten himself, but not as much as his friend. Negan uses Lucille to tip the man’s head back, pressing her sharp edged tip under his chin. “Two guns have been stolen and only one is fuckin’ found. So tell me where the fuck it is.” Negan shouts. You walk to the front of the crowd, people parting easily to let you through when they realise who you are. When he doesn’t get a response from the guy, Negan starts circling again. His hazel eyes flicker from his prey for a second as he registers you. They soften and a concerned look spreads across his features. He whistles at Dwight, flicking his fingers for him to approach as he whispers something in his ear and Dwight grabs the guy by the neck. Negan’s long strides reach you in seconds.

I told you to wait in the goddamn fuckin’ truck.” He whispers harshly at you.

I heard gun shots. Besides, the other girls are here.” You point out. His hazel eyes don’t budge from you for even a second.

I don’t care about them. It’s not safe here.” You swear you notice a blush on Negan’s cheeks, but you’re becoming too wound up to care.

I’m one of your fighters, I can protect myself.” You spit back in hushed tones, hoping no one around you can hear your conversation.

“That’s not the fuckin’ point. I told you to do something and you didn’t fuckin’ listen to me.”

I’m not your puppy.” You glare.

You are whatever I tell you you are, doll.” A darkness flickers over his hazel eyes. Is he really seducing you right now? In front of all these people, in the middle of an interrogation? Because between your legs has started to heat up and you’re feeling flustered.

Let me slit his throat for you?” You ask, the excitement of the situation building inside you. You wanted blood on your hands. Negan licks his perfect lips and smirks, backing away from you slowly as he returns to his prey.

It’s here!” You hear someone shout to your left. Before you can register the fact you can see a gun pointing straight at you, you feel the warmth of Negan’s body wrap around you, his smell intoxicating as the sound of a gunshot deafens you.

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